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The AI of healing champs

The AI of healing champs

Oct 20, 2021, 08:4910/20/21

The AI of healing champs

The AI of most champs with healing skills is so bad. Please Plarium, do something about that!

Just for example, Dragon 25 running a team with Urogrim. AI-settings for him A3 as first choice, A2 on default. He uses his A3 first (as intended) and allways his A2 as second move - even if all team members are at full health and no debuff is active on my team. He uses his A2 on the teammember with the lowest total health, but the health bar was at 100% allready before he "healed" his companion. After doing that, his healing skill is in a cooldown and can't be used if somebody is injured and would really need it.

Healers should use their healing skills (under default AI) conditional, only if a teammember is not at full hp. Tons of other geames have done that. It's so incredible **** how healers in Raid behave.

Oct 20, 2021, 11:3010/20/21

AI is generally non existant anyway, the champs just use skills on cooldown.

Got one opponent left with an unkillable buff on him? All your champs will absoloutely use their A3/A2 cooldowns on him so that those skills are on cooldown in the next wave.

Got 4 opponents and one has an unkillable?...yes your champs will continually hammer away at the one with an unkillable buff.

Got one ressurector on the opposing wave?- yup, expect your team to ignore them.

I agree on healing, but - i just havent seen any AI at all anyway.

Oct 20, 2021, 11:5810/20/21
Oct 20, 2021, 11:58(edited)

I like it when the AI goes after the Healer ot Rezzer that have almost Doubl the HP

of My Tanker with 1/2 the HP they have

P.S. it is Set up so that your ** UNKILLABLE ** will tank , 

thats why you need a Buff Stripper when you have an Enemy Unkillable