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Doom Tower regular floors hard

Doom Tower regular floors hard

Oct 17, 2021, 21:4910/17/21

Doom Tower regular floors hard

What  champions  would  you  guys  use  for  regular  floors  hard  26  and  up.  I  am  having  problems  getting  past  26.  


Oct 17, 2021, 22:5910/17/21

There's no single team that will beat everything on hard, even in the regular stages you'll need to adjust your team depending on the battle. In some fights, it's almost impossible to win unless you go for a Seer setup, especially when facing the likes of Siphi, but then in other stages you need something tankier with high resistance instead, or AOE CC options like Krisk, Angar, Maulie, Kymar, Hellmut. Sometimes you just have to chip away at them slowly, then Drexthar's usually handy to get the hp burns going, while Maneater could help to keep you alive and block debuffs. Though a general rule is that the higher you go, the higher your accuracy and resistance will need to be - the usual 230 or so that is sufficient for dungeons will no longer be enough in the hard DT. Accuracy or resistance auras, like Drexthar's and Seer's, can help a lot. 

You definitely have enough solid champions to get through it, you just may not have the gear, or it may be spread over too many champs, considering how many less important 60s you have. 

Oct 17, 2021, 23:4210/17/21

Thanks  alot  for  input  😊

Oct 18, 2021, 00:3910/18/21

In the current rotation, I used a single team for all regular floors in hard mode. Lady Kimi, Warlord, Krisk, Psylar and Bad El Kazaar. It is not the fastest team but it is the most consistent and auto friendly for my account. 

The idea behind my team is to have turn meter control and crowd control then damage. From your current roster, you may try 

Ursula(for speed aura and revive) 


Ninja or Fu Shan or Scyl for cc

Krisk and/or Maulie (you can use them together to cycle their provoke skill by playing on which skill will they prioritize first)

Damage dealer, this can be anyone, it can be Ninja if you have him build as a damage dealer with enough accuracy to be also your cc champion. 

Honestly, with your current roster I don't see any reason why you should have problems with the regular floors. It could be your gears that needs to be improve. 

Oct 18, 2021, 14:1910/18/21
Oct 18, 2021, 14:19(edited)

I am actually using the same team for regular floors to be honest (hard, finished 40 today) that may change though as it gets harder and i have a long way to go as i finished normal first..

I am using tormin (cc) , scyl (cc, heal, revive) , dhukk (drop attack, cc), royal guard (damage), brogni (unremovable shields and resist aura).

Your roster is better than mine really, i would expect krisk, scyl, ninja, psylar, visix would do the job.