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Solo Scarab King With Vrask?

Solo Scarab King With Vrask?

Oct 16, 2021, 22:2410/16/21

Solo Scarab King With Vrask?

 I heard it was possible to solo the Scarab King with Vrask so I threw my level 60 Vrask in relentless gear onto the team. He lasted 8 or 9 minutes so it seems like there's something there but he wasn't able to do meaningful damage. Anybody here successfully use Vrask on this boss? What gear did you use? Also I have no masteries on Vrask yet if that's important.

 I did manage to pull Metalshaper from a lucky mystery shard so if I level him I can beat the stage but I'd rather not divert resources away from my clan boss team right now.

Oct 16, 2021, 23:3110/16/21

Are you sure you heard Vrask? I solo it with Vergis, that works, but not sure about Vrask... anyway, obviously you'd need a Destroy set and sufficient HP, def and speed. Warmaster will help speed things up considerably. In Vrask's case, obviously 100 percent crit rate too, and perhaps disable the A2 so you'll always get the TM boost? 

Oct 17, 2021, 00:2510/17/21

 Yeah, definitely Vrask. A few people have mentioned it in different places. I think I'll probably end up going with Metalshaper so I don't have to re-gear Vrask who's doing tons of work in other areas right now. I'll be fusing Broadmaw and Rhazin soon so he'll go in the faction wars team, too.

Oct 17, 2021, 13:2010/17/21

Vrask has no shields in his skillset, so on every attack he does the Sacarb King will do a counterattack. You probably need a Bloodshield ring to get shields. As the shield-check is done after your attack, the Sacarb will never do counterattacks to champs using these artifacts.

Oct 17, 2021, 18:4010/17/21

Vrask has no shields in his skillset, so on every attack he does the Sacarb King will do a counterattack. You probably need a Bloodshield ring to get shields. As the shield-check is done after your attack, the Sacarb will never do counterattacks to champs using these artifacts.

A big +1 for Vrask in Bloodshield. A huge part of my strategy to beat him. Bloodshield, destroy gear and immortal to round it out. Good luck!

Oct 17, 2021, 22:4610/17/21

I  solo  him  with  my  warlord 

Oct 17, 2021, 23:1410/17/21

 Hadn't thought of bloodshield, thanks for that. :-)

 Vrask in general is doing great work for me. He's under 50k hp right now but he's enabling me to push further into every area of the game, the only place I don't use him is arena. My orcs faction has been super weak because there aren't many good rare orcs so I got a lot of satisfaction from watching Vrask solo the first faction wars boss yesterday. I know others have him at 80k+ hp, can't wait to get the gear and try that out. 

 Too bad about the cannibalism. I'm like "No Vrask! Bad! That's why you have to wear a muzzle!" lol

 I like to pretend he isn't actually cannibalistic. Instead somebody once asked him what he likes to eat and he said pork but everybody thought he said orc and it just kind of stuck. You'll notice one of the other champions in his faction is Pigsticker, they often hunt boars together and enjoy a bbq afterward. :-)

Nov 1, 2021, 08:0911/01/21

 I got Vrask over 50k hp with level 4 masteries and 2 revenge set accessories so on a whim I threw him against the Normal 30 Scarab King again, it took 25 minutes but he did in fact solo that boss! No shields and he's in relentless rather than destroy gear but yeah, he got the job done. :-) My Vrask is staying in the relentless gear for now because he does so well in many other areas while wearing it but I suspect that if he was in destroy gear he could beat the Scarab King much more quickly and would most likely be viable at higher levels too. The fight took a long time but it wasn't even close, the Scarab King just couldn't do meaningful damage to Vrask. It was funny when all the provokes kept landing on him and only made him stronger since spamming his A1 is his best move! lol

Nov 1, 2021, 09:0211/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 09:02(edited)

Very nice, well done!  Yes, there's a couple of good champs that can solo scarab.  Vrask, Vogoth, Vergis..... I think it has something to do with a name starting with V

Nov 1, 2021, 10:0011/01/21

lol Seems legit. :-)

Nov 1, 2021, 10:5311/01/21

Urogrim can do it to, at least with a Bloodshield Ring. 

Nov 1, 2021, 10:5811/01/21

Urogrim can do it to, at least with a Bloodshield Ring. 

No he can't.  He doesn't start with a V

Nov 1, 2021, 11:0211/01/21

No he can't.  He doesn't start with a V

Yes, he can! I mentioned him to show the fallacy of the V-theory. 😛

But when I think about it, our alphabet derives from the old latin alphabet wich used the same letter for todays "U" and "V". He would have been written Vrogrim in old Rome, so maybe the V-theory is still right. 

Nov 1, 2021, 11:1211/01/21

Yes, he can! I mentioned him to show the fallacy of the V-theory. 😛

But when I think about it, our alphabet derives from the old latin alphabet wich used the same letter for todays "U" and "V". He would have been written Vrogrim in old Rome, so maybe the V-theory is still right. 

Quick save.  You started to sound suspiciously like one of those crazy anti-V people, at which point we'd have a problem! 

To be fair, Urogrim can solo quite a lot of things.  I think he is due for another nerf Plarium!