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Oct 15, 2021, 14:5410/15/21


First of all, thank you for the gifts. I realize you do not have to give us anything for the down-time. That said, the extra multi-battle attempts would be more useful if they were actually 4x 50 attempts instead of 200 attempts.

Oct 17, 2021, 13:3210/17/21

100% agree. Calling it 4x50 is a lie!  You have to collect all 200 at one time and have less then 24 hours to use them in addition to 45 (depending on clan level) or they are wasted.

Oct 17, 2021, 17:1910/17/21

100% agree. Calling it 4x50 is a lie!  You have to collect all 200 at one time and have less then 24 hours to use them in addition to 45 (depending on clan level) or they are wasted.

These carry over, they don't expire. 

As you can see below, I still have some left. 


Oct 17, 2021, 22:1510/17/21

im fairly certain when they first came out they expired im positive that happened to me on one of the first packs i bought cheap months ago 

but have had recently where they carry over was weird i dont recall seeing that it had changed, would be good to see them split like they did clan boss keys etc instead of forcing us to use all at once 

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 18, 2021, 13:2610/18/21

Hi! Thanks for the feedback! I'll forward to the devs your suggestion to split multi-battles on different packages next time!

Oct 18, 2021, 14:0010/18/21

Good luck with that suggestion

IMO this is why they do it in a batch of 200, if you got four 50's over 4 days you'd get your 30 daily and use one 50  which totals  80,  over four days totals 320 multi battles, this way they make sure you only get the 200 as you don't get your dailies until you've used them, its even more than the 320 if your clan gets the 40/50 daily multi battles  360 and 400 battles

Oct 18, 2021, 14:4510/18/21

What would have been better would have been to give keys, which cannot be obtained, for the doom tower and the war factions.
Because the late and prolonged maintenance prevented us from doing them. 

Oct 19, 2021, 00:0210/19/21

These carry over, they don't expire. 

As you can see below, I still have some left. 


They only carry over if the total amount is less than what you would get in a day.  If you are f2p player - then you will lose anything under 40 (if I remember right) or 100 if you have a gold pass.

Oct 19, 2021, 00:0910/19/21

They only carry over if the total amount is less than what you would get in a day.  If you are f2p player - then you will lose anything under 40 (if I remember right) or 100 if you have a gold pass.

If your total is over your normal amount then yeah you lose your 40 or 115. But the extras won't go anywhere. 

Oct 19, 2021, 18:0810/19/21

If your total is over your normal amount then yeah you lose your 40 or 115. But the extras won't go anywhere. 

Which is why the compensation is crap - as I mentioned in the other thread.  You aren't actually GETTING the compensation that is given, even though Plarium is tricking you to believing you are.

Oct 19, 2021, 18:2010/19/21

Which is why the compensation is crap - as I mentioned in the other thread.  You aren't actually GETTING the compensation that is given, even though Plarium is tricking you to believing you are.


I think your name is certainly accurate.  Compensation was more than adequate.  Game was down for a couple of hours.... It impacted CvC a bit for us as our clan is primary USA and our opps were Russian.  But they may have still won anyways.  None of the fusion events were ending for another 24+ hours, so minimal impact there if any.  At best you missed out on finishing some daily missions, a CB run and a couple Faction runs that were closing.  More likely the outage had no impact other than taking a couple hour break from Raid.  

I'd love to hear how the compensation was less than the impact of the outage, and what you deserved.  Preparing myself to be further amused.

Oct 19, 2021, 19:0910/19/21


I think your name is certainly accurate.  Compensation was more than adequate.  Game was down for a couple of hours.... It impacted CvC a bit for us as our clan is primary USA and our opps were Russian.  But they may have still won anyways.  None of the fusion events were ending for another 24+ hours, so minimal impact there if any.  At best you missed out on finishing some daily missions, a CB run and a couple Faction runs that were closing.  More likely the outage had no impact other than taking a couple hour break from Raid.  

I'd love to hear how the compensation was less than the impact of the outage, and what you deserved.  Preparing myself to be further amused.

You are trolling.  I said compensation was crap, I never said it was adequate or inadequate to the downtime, nor did I imply I , or anyone else deserved more or less.

If I give you $100, but it's really only $20, YOU are shouting for joy that you got $100 ( but not really) and trying to shame the person for pointing out you really only got $20.   Go back to your mom's basement.

Oct 19, 2021, 20:0810/19/21
Oct 19, 2021, 20:12(edited)

You are trolling.  I said compensation was crap, I never said it was adequate or inadequate to the downtime, nor did I imply I , or anyone else deserved more or less.

If I give you $100, but it's really only $20, YOU are shouting for joy that you got $100 ( but not really) and trying to shame the person for pointing out you really only got $20.   Go back to your mom's basement.

Chill out. Debate is fine, but no more personally attacking other users of the forum here.

Also, just saying the compensation is crap, well, it implies pretty strongly that you felt entitled to a different level of compensation. If not, you wouldn't think it was crap. It would have been okay, acceptable, passable, or any other middling descriptor.

Oct 20, 2021, 01:1010/20/21

They only carry over if the total amount is less than what you would get in a day.  If you are f2p player - then you will lose anything under 40 (if I remember right) or 100 if you have a gold pass.

I think I remember the first time being careful to save exactly 50, and they did carry over.  But any other number seem to vanish. I may test again.

Oct 20, 2021, 13:3410/20/21

Chill out. Debate is fine, but no more personally attacking other users of the forum here.

Also, just saying the compensation is crap, well, it implies pretty strongly that you felt entitled to a different level of compensation. If not, you wouldn't think it was crap. It would have been okay, acceptable, passable, or any other middling descriptor.

I don't care for any compensation from Plarium - makes no difference to my game play.  Again, since you are missing the point - If I give you 10,000 dollars - you are happy.  Until you find out it's in Cambodian dollars which equates to $2.5 USD.   Oh, and that 4000 dollars you get per day? Well, you don't get it unless you spend the 10,000 given to you first, and to spend the 10,000 you have to walk 10 miles and can only spend 2000, if you want to spend more it will cost you 30,000.

And it's no cost to Plarium.

So yeah, it's crap - any way you look at it..but feel free to drink the Plarium Kool-Aid.  Personally, I'd rather Plarium actually have better release processes and managers..but hey..we both know that's not going to happen.

Oct 20, 2021, 15:3310/20/21

I don't care for any compensation from Plarium - makes no difference to my game play.  Again, since you are missing the point - If I give you 10,000 dollars - you are happy.  Until you find out it's in Cambodian dollars which equates to $2.5 USD.   Oh, and that 4000 dollars you get per day? Well, you don't get it unless you spend the 10,000 given to you first, and to spend the 10,000 you have to walk 10 miles and can only spend 2000, if you want to spend more it will cost you 30,000.

And it's no cost to Plarium.

So yeah, it's crap - any way you look at it..but feel free to drink the Plarium Kool-Aid.  Personally, I'd rather Plarium actually have better release processes and managers..but hey..we both know that's not going to happen.

I'm more of a Capri Sun girl. Mountain Cooler is the best.

Oct 20, 2021, 16:0310/20/21

I think someone needs to look up the definition of compensation :)

- Your friendly forum troll :)