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CONTESTS rules of publication and holding

CONTESTS rules of publication and holding

Oct 11, 2021, 18:4010/11/21

CONTESTS rules of publication and holding

Good time of day.

Holding contests and similar actions has been implemented outrageously! The publication is selective, as well as vague deadlines. Therefore, I suggest that the organizers approach the issue of organizing contests more seriously, and not through a stump deck.

1) Publication - having many publishing platforms, you publish contests on only a few of them, deliberately limiting the audience, that is, deliberately conducting a discriminatory policy against players. Perhaps this is a fundamental order from above, or sloppiness on the ground.

2) Disorganization - "muddy" formulations of both the terms of the competition and the dates of the competition. Often, there are no exact formulations of the terms of the contests, excluding or allowing certain moments / nuances. The dates are also very vague, sometimes it looks like - after a little rain on Thursday. Meanwhile, the players who still decide to participate in the event are wasting their time and effort. And then they wait for the results of the contests for weeks... But they are not competing for real things, but for pictures on the monitor screen, which often do not give any advantages in the project. With such an attitude to the players, the desire to participate, many who have gone through this, will decrease.

3) Judging - there have already been cases when works were accepted for evaluation outside the deadlines, not to mention non-compliance with the criteria of the competition itself. Of course, the players who tried to meet both the conditions and the timing of such actions were, to put it mildly, sad to observe such facts, especially when awarding saboteurs. If you award such works, then at least mark it, for example, "works out of competition" or "editorial sympathy", and of course awards of lesser value than the main winners.

4) The general attitude - yes, I admit that the contests are "hung up" on one underworker, and the attitude to this process, that of the management, that of the person responsible for the contests, is for a "tick". But comprehensively, contests are part of the relationship between the gaming community and the igrodel company.

As a result:

1) One-time publication on all platforms! (forum, social networks, discord, etc.)

2) Clear conditions of holding, with clear, and preferably NOT ambiguous, formulations.

3) Specific dates of the event.

4) At least relatively honest judging.

5) One-time publication of the results on all platforms! (forum, social networks, discord, etc.)

If other players agree with this opinion, support it with comments. 

Oct 11, 2021, 19:4010/11/21

I see you posted this exact same thread, in Russian, on the Russian forums as well. Did you run it through Google Translate then post it here?

Also, what is the issue with the contests? They are fun ways to win Profile Pics. I see on the Russian forums that you dislike Facebook, but some contests are platform or offer specific. You can't go to one coffeeshop and expect to use a coupon or rewards card from a different coffee shop.

Oct 11, 2021, 19:4310/11/21

Closed. I'm sure folks can post in the original thread if they wish, as this is the 4th one today.

Oct 12, 2021, 01:0510/12/21
Oct 12, 2021, 01:07(edited)

Hi, not gonna apologize but thank you for harassing our mods. This thread will remained closed and if you continue to post these multiple times a day on both/each of the forums you will be banned.

The topic is locked. You cannot post comments.