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This is the solution for incomplete fragments champions

This is the solution for incomplete fragments champions

Oct 9, 2021, 01:2410/09/21

This is the solution for incomplete fragments champions


Oct 9, 2021, 06:3610/09/21

This will never happen :))

Plarium have alternative solution : only 9,99 USD/5 demitha's fragments 

or even better ( for them) ... 2-3 ancient shards at only 29,99USD/piece  . 100 USD and u might get as bonus 3 garbage epics ( there is a vaste pool of garbage epics to chose ) from those 3 ancients shards

Oct 20, 2021, 18:1410/20/21

This will never happen :))

Plarium have alternative solution : only 9,99 USD/5 demitha's fragments 

or even better ( for them) ... 2-3 ancient shards at only 29,99USD/piece  . 100 USD and u might get as bonus 3 garbage epics ( there is a vaste pool of garbage epics to chose ) from those 3 ancients shards

you are not helping

Oct 20, 2021, 20:1310/20/21

I'm excited by this, but also not. I need too many frags for certain champs. 

lol, I have all the new champs.  I need a throwback fusion for the ones I missed because I was a n00b -- Rotos & Tormin please :)  The only ones I skipped were Elegaius and Pix, pulled both to guard my vault.

Oct 20, 2021, 21:5410/20/21

lol, I have all the new champs.  I need a throwback fusion for the ones I missed because I was a n00b -- Rotos & Tormin please :)  The only ones I skipped were Elegaius and Pix, pulled both to guard my vault.

Always good to have Vault Guardians. Don't want any of the dupes to get away. :D

Oct 20, 2021, 21:5710/20/21

lol, I have all the new champs.  I need a throwback fusion for the ones I missed because I was a n00b -- Rotos & Tormin please :)  The only ones I skipped were Elegaius and Pix, pulled both to guard my vault.

Agreed. Same for me, for Kreela and Cybele. And of course I'd love another Rotos or a Tormin.

Oct 21, 2021, 13:5210/21/21

LOL,, Any Frags I have I got by Accident , except the 3 in the Bazaar , Im buying those

though, still not sure why I want those 2 Epics yet LOL ..

Other then that I think I might have 15 here and 5 there and 10 on another ,,,

No use trying for them if Im Consistently placeing 30 to 20 in events and Tourneys

Top 20 People have 4000 to 9000 points ,,, I got 657 LOL

Oct 21, 2021, 18:1410/21/21

LOL,, Any Frags I have I got by Accident , except the 3 in the Bazaar , Im buying those

though, still not sure why I want those 2 Epics yet LOL ..

Other then that I think I might have 15 here and 5 there and 10 on another ,,,

No use trying for them if Im Consistently placeing 30 to 20 in events and Tourneys

Top 20 People have 4000 to 9000 points ,,, I got 657 LOL

You never need to win tournaments to complete them. I can count on one hand the number of times I've collected extra fragments from winning tournaments, and despite that, I've completed just about all of the fusion/fragment events. And I'm FTP.

Oct 22, 2021, 11:3810/22/21
Oct 22, 2021, 11:45(edited)

You never need to win tournaments to complete them. I can count on one hand the number of times I've collected extra fragments from winning tournaments, and despite that, I've completed just about all of the fusion/fragment events. And I'm FTP.

well, myself , like so many other went a little sideways and built way too many faction war champs , I have Faction war teams for lvl 13/14 and have beat a couple of the 2nd Bosses too

 So lotsa Time a nd resourses ** wasted ** building 50s for every Faction ...

So NOW, I have to dig myself out of a deep Dark hole for CB cant even 4 key hard yet 

and DT well ,,, (( cant kill 2nd Boss Spider on Normal Dont have the Cleaners )) 

OH well have to Build 1 or 2 , and BOMMEL that was a Complete waste of an entire month of DT for me ,, 

 So I am Lucky if I even get 5 Frags out of an Event/Tourney at all , I dont even try

I dont even really Look at them to tell the truth , So, I dont stress my self at all over the Frags for a Fusion ,,, Tell you the Truth , I have 30 days Past VISIX and I have not yet done the three Fusions for the easy IN GAME FUSIONS ROFL !! 

 ADD , ADHD ,,  but , I play the game , and OH LOOK   ** SQUIRREL ** 

case in point 



Oct 22, 2021, 12:5510/22/21

I just looked at the dragon tournament, I would say Plarium is more than generous on this one. 15 fragments for 3 different champs, only 1000 pts for the last.  Can I complain that this is too easy :)