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Fusion events

Fusion events

Oct 8, 2021, 12:3810/08/21

Fusion events

If you've been around a while you'll remember the original fusion format - get rares, fuse them into epics - fuse a legendary, simple really - these new fusions where you get fragments are in my mind just there for them to make money, need some fragments in a summon event, buy shards, need some silver to upgrade artifacts to get shards buy some, they've gradually 'refined' it so fusions are good for whales but few others.  Oh and the 'rewards' have gone down also, used to be sacreds and voids for a lot of points, now it's ancients for stupid amount of points

Oct 8, 2021, 14:1310/08/21

Agree on some of this.  But at least every other is just fragments (these events are great).  And this is better than having to level 16 rares to 40 and then 4 epics to 50, at least imo.   My primary dislike is not being able to get the epics and the legendary in this format.

Oct 8, 2021, 14:2110/08/21

This one feels like a whale event to me

Technically if i skipped previous events i may have been able to do it as an FTP.

But in reality we have events constantly bombarding us to try and drain our shards, so gating the epics behind both a champ chase and a summon rush (at 3k points) is effectively a pay wall.

Oct 8, 2021, 14:5310/08/21

Agree totally the points required is the pay wall

Oct 8, 2021, 15:2510/08/21

4 sacreds and 1000 green is easily doable for f2p, unless really bad rng on CB.

Oct 8, 2021, 15:5910/08/21
Trevor Wilson

This one feels like a whale event to me

Technically if i skipped previous events i may have been able to do it as an FTP.

But in reality we have events constantly bombarding us to try and drain our shards, so gating the epics behind both a champ chase and a summon rush (at 3k points) is effectively a pay wall.

Actually the one epic adva ncing many early ftp accounts is doable for ftp. Especially with the right timed release of the new promo code.

On my secondary account:

I have collecteed so far all Dhur shards and will maange to get the ones from the curent dungeon divers as well. Only with what i got from dailies and clanshop. I am  not really that good for arena, so I am not sure I will maange the arena takedown, I wil lstil lbe able t oget the ones from SPider.mI can only do spider 10, so I will have to either invest exxtra energy bought with gems if no extra energy is in the enxt clanshop rotation. I saved all my gems (5k so far) for mino runs, but I am happy to spend them to get a champ advancing me in several areas.

My primary account is a hot mess as it was a gift account,that was completely underplayed. I hav einherited a great account - Aox, Valkyrie, Skull Lord, etc. But so many essential cham[pions were unleveleld, that I am too busy for the next 3 months to level and gear what I have curently. It also doesn't help, that I can 4key Nightmare, amassing more shards to potentkially pull more good stuff....That account wil lalso be able to do fusions completely ftp.  Not that many fusions are worth the ressource investment.