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New Geomancer Build for Clan Boss?

New Geomancer Build for Clan Boss?

Oct 6, 2021, 12:0710/06/21

New Geomancer Build for Clan Boss?

I'm doing less damage now, so let's pretend nothing is going to change becuase it's probably not. I can no longer 3 Key Ultra-nightmare.

How, then, do we retool his masteries?

Do we look at Warmaster or Helmsmasher. I'm leaning toward Helmsmasher (Ignore 25% def). 

The second question is how to keep him alive. Currently my team consists of:

Siphi, Geomancer, Valkyrie, Occult Brawler, & Tayrell.

I have Sepulcher waiting in the background for when I get her fully booked up. She should be able to replace both Siphi & Tayrell (put her in leadership Aura role) and then slip in Godseeker with her buff extender and healing. Not sure if that will fully solve the healing problem. I'll probably have to slip him into Life Steal or Regen gear.

Oct 6, 2021, 12:1310/06/21

So, it looks like they are changing him a little.

This is what we are going to fix in Geomancer with the server restart:

- his Passive will proc now with 30% chance (as in Giantslayer mastery) instead of 60% (as in Warmaster mastery)

- his Passive will proc on every hit instead of once per turn (now it will work similarly to the Giantslayer mastery)

- damage will be reduced to 3% of target MAX HP instead of 4%

So we are making the switch from a Warmaster-like effect to a Giantslayer-like effect.

Oct 6, 2021, 12:4410/06/21

So, it looks like they are changing him a little.

This is what we are going to fix in Geomancer with the server restart:

- his Passive will proc now with 30% chance (as in Giantslayer mastery) instead of 60% (as in Warmaster mastery)

- his Passive will proc on every hit instead of once per turn (now it will work similarly to the Giantslayer mastery)

- damage will be reduced to 3% of target MAX HP instead of 4%

So we are making the switch from a Warmaster-like effect to a Giantslayer-like effect.

Well that's good news!  A built in Giantslayer will actually be a slight buff (for unkillable anyway) since we can now select Warmaster and do a little more damage on his A1 and A2.  There might still be a problem of not healing from life drinker/lifesteal though.

Oct 6, 2021, 13:1210/06/21

That's good to hear, let test it and hope that will work.

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 6, 2021, 13:4710/06/21

Hi! Initially, we put Warmaster mechanics to the Passive skill before we saw that more players preferred this Mastery. However, after more detailed research and extensive feedback collection, we've decided to change the Geomancer's Passive skill to resemble Giant Slayer.

However, we're still open to your feedback, so please conduct some new tests and let us know what you come up with.

Oct 6, 2021, 14:4710/06/21

Hi! Initially, we put Warmaster mechanics to the Passive skill before we saw that more players preferred this Mastery. However, after more detailed research and extensive feedback collection, we've decided to change the Geomancer's Passive skill to resemble Giant Slayer.

However, we're still open to your feedback, so please conduct some new tests and let us know what you come up with.

Thank you. I'll let you know the results.

Oct 6, 2021, 14:5810/06/21

Damage is actually a buff (significant) now, based on my sample size of 1 UNM run on my alt.  So if you only use in unkillable CB comp Geo is better.  If you rely on the healing through procs then the changes are probably a net negative for you.

Oct 6, 2021, 15:3410/06/21

Hi! Initially, we put Warmaster mechanics to the Passive skill before we saw that more players preferred this Mastery. However, after more detailed research and extensive feedback collection, we've decided to change the Geomancer's Passive skill to resemble Giant Slayer.

However, we're still open to your feedback, so please conduct some new tests and let us know what you come up with.

If people were taking Warmaster then they were clearly misinformed because Giant Slayer was by far the preferred option prior to the rework.

Oct 6, 2021, 15:5010/06/21

Update: I've hit the clan boss 3 times today. 1x on NM and 2x on UNM ( All hits on Void aff).

Siphi, Valkyrie, Tayrell, Occult Brawler, Geomancer

I redid Geo's masteries and took the def tree and have him Warmaster.

Nightmare (after update)

I actually did more damage. I was averaging about 48m and just now did 54m. RnG could account for some but not all the extra. I'll go more experimenting with affinity tomorrow. Conclusion: I can still 1 key Nightmore which I'm happy about.

Ultra Nightmare (1 hit before update, 1 hit after update (void aff).

Prior to the change in Geo, I could 3 key Ultra with about 24m per hit. Sometimes I've had as low as 22m and as high as 29m but was always able to 3 key him for the past month.

However, before this mornings update I hit him and did only 22m (also old masteries). I hit him again after the update and still did 22m (new masteries). I'll need to hit him a few more times but if 22m is all I do, I'll not be able to 3 key him any more and that will mean thechange shorted him on damage potential. It could be I will reward him and get the damage back.

I will probably update him with LS gear and see if that helps. 

All-in-all, still not happy with the change but I can live with it.