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Rebalance system required - Customer Focus

Rebalance system required - Customer Focus

Oct 3, 2021, 13:5210/03/21

Rebalance system required - Customer Focus

Hello Team,

regarding latest upsie with the rebalance... 

I would like to verify few things before I continue playing or even spend money in this game.

I agree that balances are necessary to keep the game fresh and playable. However, there are few things, which are fishy and I would like to get 

feedback from whoever is responsible for those decisions.

In order to fully understand what is the problem, let me tell you my story. Story, or rather a timeline of events, which affected me and perhaps many other players. 

I think I've spent around 450$ in the period with 10x Krisk(+ - a week around). 

In that period, I was rly happy and satisfied for pulling Urogrim, so I've spent another 250$+- when double lego event arrived (altough I didn't need it).

And here comes the problem... I, as many other players don't mind to spend when I/we enjoy the game. 

However, with your latest actions I'm quite hestitating to even play this game because once again, you show us "customer last".

There is no doubt that the issue was caused because of your lack of planning (or it was on purpose in order to drain players pockets, but let's givey you the benefit of doubt).

You released the champ even though you have test servers and all time on the world to test before release. 

Yet, Uro was released even after several Youtubers (on test servers) tested him and they pointed out he might be OP for his rarity.

Yet again, no warning or any mention from your side that any nerf might be happening anytime soon.

Instead of any action towards customers, what you did is that you let him in game for a decent time. 

Within that period there was also 2x void and 10x for Krisk events, so people invested a lot of resources and money in order to get those two (I was one of them).

Therefore, who can guarantee that you won't do anything similar, anytime you want to?

1. Do you plan to compensate players for your mistake ? If not, why ?

2. Do you plan to add some system, which will compensate players after you rebalance (Like other games, eg. hearthstone) ? If not, why ?

3. If you focus on balancing rarity of champions then why don't you focus champiopns, which are extremely useless for longer period of time than was Urogrim?

There is many on both sides (boost and nerf), but let me use one, great example. Septimus is a legendary champion who is outperformed by Armiger (uncommon) after you introduced dungeons 20+. Where and when will be balance ?

4. Also, there is much more new champions than rebalance of older ones. Why is that, if you focus balance ?

5. Please, explain why should we trust you and continue playing ? 

I'm trully concern as your customer.

Thank you in advance


Oct 3, 2021, 17:0410/03/21

The Plarium CMs posted an update that talks about the rebalances here:

Hellhades did talk about it, and got on the test server to run Urogrim through the same content he was soloing. HH says he can still solo everything, solos Dragon 25, and is "one of the best Epics you can pull." 

I'm sorry you spent resources on him. I know one of the goals they've told us is that they intend on speeding up the rebalancing schedule for champs.

Oct 3, 2021, 17:0410/03/21

I've no idea what you're talking about with Armiger and Septimus - if your Armiger outperforms your Septimus, the gear on the latter must be pretty terrible. 

But as to your other questions, the short answer is: get used to it. They do some rebalances every once in a while, yes, though mostly just for legendaries and it's not and never will be the top priority, because they can make more money from new champions. Hard nerfs like this are very rare, I'd argue they should probaby happen more rather than less, but when a champion seems too good to be true like Urogrim was, you should know that there is some risk of a nerf, with no compensation because they're afraid of the precedent that would set. 

Oct 3, 2021, 17:2410/03/21
Oct 3, 2021, 17:25(edited)

"with no compensation because they're afraid of the precedent that would set"

Actually, a possibility of "resetting" a nerfed champ to base stats, with a compensation of books/chikens - would be not that bad. For players and for Plarium too.

Oct 4, 2021, 13:0610/04/21

The new champs are better than the legacy champs for oned reason only - everyone will want them so a lot will spend on shards to get them, players who have been playing the game a long time will have originals - what do Plarium benefit by buffing them up to the same level as the new ones? - answer is nothing, and if any change in the game does not make money for them don't expect it to happen - even though they pay lipservice by occasional buffs - Pyxanel for example, buffed and still totally useless

Oct 4, 2021, 13:2310/04/21

I've no idea what you're talking about with Armiger and Septimus - if your Armiger outperforms your Septimus, the gear on the latter must be pretty terrible. 

But as to your other questions, the short answer is: get used to it. They do some rebalances every once in a while, yes, though mostly just for legendaries and it's not and never will be the top priority, because they can make more money from new champions. Hard nerfs like this are very rare, I'd argue they should probaby happen more rather than less, but when a champion seems too good to be true like Urogrim was, you should know that there is some risk of a nerf, with no compensation because they're afraid of the precedent that would set. 

I think you are giving plarium a bit of a free pass here.

People told plarium the champ was overtuned before it was released, that was the point at which it should be nerfed. They rake in such a massive amount of money that they should playtest things properly. Other champs have been nerfed before release and no-one got upset.

They dont have to refund anything, the TOS make that clear. However other publisher such as blizzard  -have a system where you can recover wasted resources when doing a hard nerf. It is real money people are spending and plarium items are ridiculously expensive.

Oct 4, 2021, 16:3110/04/21
Trevor Wilson

I think you are giving plarium a bit of a free pass here.

People told plarium the champ was overtuned before it was released, that was the point at which it should be nerfed. They rake in such a massive amount of money that they should playtest things properly. Other champs have been nerfed before release and no-one got upset.

They dont have to refund anything, the TOS make that clear. However other publisher such as blizzard  -have a system where you can recover wasted resources when doing a hard nerf. It is real money people are spending and plarium items are ridiculously expensive.

There's a big difference between giving them a free pass or being used to their shady business practices and realizing they're not going to change. ;) I said 'get used to it', not that there wasn't anything wrong with it. 

Among real video game manufacturers, nobody would dare treat their players remotely as badly, but this is the gacha market, fleecing players for as much money as possible with morally dubious, barely legal practices is pretty standard. And even among gacha game companies, Plarium stands out for rarely if ever awarding compensation for the things they screw up - other companies may be just as predatory with their prices and marketing approach, but will at least provide compensation on a regular basis. 

Oct 4, 2021, 18:5410/04/21

There's a big difference between giving them a free pass or being used to their shady business practices and realizing they're not going to change. ;) I said 'get used to it', not that there wasn't anything wrong with it. 

Among real video game manufacturers, nobody would dare treat their players remotely as badly, but this is the gacha market, fleecing players for as much money as possible with morally dubious, barely legal practices is pretty standard. And even among gacha game companies, Plarium stands out for rarely if ever awarding compensation for the things they screw up - other companies may be just as predatory with their prices and marketing approach, but will at least provide compensation on a regular basis. 

I cant argue with any of that :)