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Tag Team Arena: it bothers me ...

Tag Team Arena: it bothers me ...

Oct 3, 2021, 08:5810/03/21

Tag Team Arena: it bothers me ...

Now that I got Arbiter I can finaly concentrate on arena. Got to Gold 4 and I'm staying there for now. Tried the same in Tag Team Arena and my 3 fairly equal teams who can keep me in Classic Arena in Gold 4 can't get me into silver in Tag team. How does that fit into the game concept?

Oct 3, 2021, 09:1910/03/21

The classic arena tiers have infinite space for players. Tag team arena tiers have limited numbers, exept of Bronze I. Tag team arena is probably the most difficult part of the game.

Oct 3, 2021, 09:2410/03/21

also, regular arena is a more active playing ground for late game players with a lot of strong, well-built champions. Arena 3vs3 is a big pass for many of those, who eventually fall to Gold I, Silver IV...hence the difficulty too

Oct 3, 2021, 16:3310/03/21

So you're saying it will probably stay this way? I might just leave it in bronze 1 then

Oct 3, 2021, 17:0810/03/21

So you're saying it will probably stay this way? I might just leave it in bronze 1 then

What we're saying is you should adjust your expectations - a player who just managed to get into gold IV in regular arena, with the current level of difficulty there, belongs in bronze 2 or 3 in TTA. Being in bronze 4 would already be an achievement for them. Silver is for veteran players (the ones that actually make an effort - many of us just can't be bothered and lounge in bronze IV) while gold is only for veteran whales really. 

Oct 3, 2021, 19:5610/03/21

What we're saying is you should adjust your expectations - a player who just managed to get into gold IV in regular arena, with the current level of difficulty there, belongs in bronze 2 or 3 in TTA. Being in bronze 4 would already be an achievement for them. Silver is for veteran players (the ones that actually make an effort - many of us just can't be bothered and lounge in bronze IV) while gold is only for veteran whales really. 

This is good advice.

I am just now making the charge into silver. Want to start pulling those accesories. It started getting serious as soon as I moved out of Bronze 4.

Oct 3, 2021, 20:5010/03/21

ok thanks for replies

Oct 4, 2021, 09:2310/04/21

it won't get better - the missions (the extra missions after Arbiter) require progression through the tag arena Tiers - not retrospective either) - the issue that will soon happen if it hasn't already is the actual progression, -- to reach Gold 1 you have to consider the cap on the tiers above - gold 4 capped at 1250, gold 3 1875, gold 2 2500 which totals 5625 - gold 4 has a 3125 cap so the grand total is 8750, so essentially because of the way 'progression' is calculated, unlike the classic arena you have no actual target to aim for, also at reset the tier is reset at mid level so again ulnlike classic you don't go to the bottom of the tier, this really means thw whales are always safe in their tier and a very small minority will drop out and a very small minority will move up - but in total there are only that 8750 spaces in the gold tiers, so if you're not a huge whale then good luck getting out of silver, I've played for two years, I have good champs, I've got to S3 but after a week there I've been demoted to S2 - and I already know I won't get to S4 so I don't know what % of the player base 8750 is but I do know it's going to stop the remaining players progressing missions 

Oct 4, 2021, 09:3110/04/21
Oct 4, 2021, 09:32(edited)

Agree with what others have said, i have spent time in silver, but i let myself drop into B4 today, it is much harder due to the limited spaces.

I dont see an issue other than the decent rewards are strictly gated, but i use the bars for energy and a blue os no big deal. Oh it will mess up mission progress too.

Oct 4, 2021, 15:5610/04/21

also, regular arena is a more active playing ground for late game players with a lot of strong, well-built champions. Arena 3vs3 is a big pass for many of those, who eventually fall to Gold I, Silver IV...hence the difficulty too

Actually, the real problem is that the numbers of players in 3vs3 is immensely restricted in the higher echelons. So it is naturally way harder to advance than in classic arena

Oct 4, 2021, 16:1310/04/21

Actually, the real problem is that the numbers of players in 3vs3 is immensely restricted in the higher echelons. So it is naturally way harder to advance than in classic arena

And it will only get harder each week.  Teams in gold (and s4) get more stacked.  All just added kimi, and ramantu will start filling high gold very soon (if not already?).