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Urogrim - Promote isntead of nerf

Urogrim - Promote isntead of nerf

Sep 29, 2021, 20:0609/29/21

Urogrim - Promote isntead of nerf

Hey Plarium,

I'm kind of sad, since i read that you are going to nerf Urogrim. And that for multiple reasons.

First of all and most important: He is just great fun as he is right now. It's simply a pleasure watching him work and beating the scales out of the dragon. If you are realy going to nerf him the way you announced, he well be nothing more than yet another vaultlord. 

Secondly, and i'm sure you that, you are upsetting your players. People spend time, effort, resources  and often even money to get a champ, build it and max it out. When you nerf a champ like this, you do lower the value of what people indirectly bought and worked for. If someone bought voidshards to get Urogrim, he will definitly think twice before buying shards next time. In the long you're destroying the trust of your customers.

Yes, i admit: Urogrim is very strong. But it's not like he's tearing apart  the pvp balance or something like that. Maybe he is too strong for an Epic and here is my suggestion how to deal with it:

Instead of upsetting everyone with that big Urogrim nerf, how about trying something new and unique in the raid history: Promote Urogrim to a legendary! Wait, i know what you're thinking: "Where's the money in that!?". Fair point, so therefor he loses all his books and all owners will have to rebook him with legendary tomes...and im sure your marketing department will just have the right offer. I think that would be a Win-Win Situation and i realy hope you guys will consider something else than just an anoying nerf. 

Best Regards

Sep 29, 2021, 20:0709/29/21

Honestly - this is the best suggestion I've seen so far. Thumbs up.

Sep 29, 2021, 20:2909/29/21

I'd be down with that, if anything this kills two birds with one stone.

Pulling from a void shard, apart from some key epics and legendaries, isn't that much superb compared to something you can get from a ancient shard.

Honestly, it is nearly identical. 

Sep 29, 2021, 21:5309/29/21

I understand the anger, but please try to use the pinned post for this discussion. It will be far easier for us to give this feedback to the Community Managers if it's all in one place. I have sent the link for said post to them twice already just in case.

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