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Need help with making team for UNM Clan Boss

Need help with making team for UNM Clan Boss

Sep 26, 2021, 11:4909/26/21

Need help with making team for UNM Clan Boss

Hi people,

need help with making team for doing UNM Clan Boss with my current rooster, atm im doing 2-3 keys NM and i would like to help my guild with doing my part for UNM.

My NM team: Altan (lead), Skullcrusher, Occult Brawler, Geomancer and Scyl of the Drakes



Fully booked: 

Legendary: Altan, Zavia and Lyssandra

Epic: Golden Reaper, Psylar, Geomancer, Mausoleum Mage, Doompriest, Zargala, Skullcrusher, Dhukk the Pierced, Miscreated Monster, Jareg, Allure, Occult Brawler

Rare: Bellower, Coldheart, Frozen Banshee, Kael, Elhain, Apothecary, Fellhound

Next on my 6* list is Fayne or should i 6* somebody else?

Thank you in advance!

Sep 26, 2021, 20:3609/26/21

Your team overall is not bad at all. The one sore thumb in the team is Scyl, who absolutely does not belong. You also have nobody to remove/block the stun.

I would remove Occult Brawler and Scyl. I would add Sepulcher Sentinel if you can speed tune her to 4:3 for her block stun, and, if not, I'd use Mausoleum Mage.

I'd have your SK be last, so the CA is active on all champs. Between Altan and SS/MM, you can keep DEF up on everyone constantly.

For the other spot, I'd run either Fayne or Frozen Banshee. Which one is a bit tricky to decide - Fayne has fewer poisons, but brings DEF down and Weaken, which your team would be lacking. FB has more poisons, but is reliant on her A3 landing. I'd lean towards Fayne, though.