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150 Gems to edit a mastery tree = Insanity.

150 Gems to edit a mastery tree = Insanity.

Sep 26, 2021, 04:2809/26/21

150 Gems to edit a mastery tree = Insanity.

I  understand  the  need to  balance  the  game and  activities but  150  to  edit  a  skill  tree mastery?  We  make  mistakes or  learn as  we  progress  through perosnal  experiences and  activities .  We  sometimes need  to  change a  character or  realize they  were better  suited in  different  trees ...... 150  gems  to  change  it  is legit  insanity .  

Newer  players  especially .  Can't be  expected to  have  or  know everything.  Learning  is  done  through  experience and  playtime.  You  shouldn't  punish  people  for  trying or  setting up  new builds .  

I  mean make  it  cost something  but  150  gems ?  That's a  lot  for newer  and started players.  I  under stand  everything  is  balance and  cost weighed  but  150  to  edit  a  tree?!

Sep 26, 2021, 06:5409/26/21

I think the current system is fine.

Every champion gets an initial free mastery reset, which means that you can play around with masteries abit, and then reset it to settle on the one you want.  When you are starting out, you usually won't reset your masteries at all while you are figuring out the game.

Also, 150 gems isn't much in the grand scheme of things.  My main FTP account is currently sitting at over 9000 gems.  My second FTP account (which is at 60 days) had almost 2500 gems before I used them for energy during the last fragment event, and now it's down to 900.  This is after I've already spent 1500 upgrading the gem mine.  

You get a lot of gems in the game through daily play that by the time you reach the point where you want to actively start playing around with masteries it shouldn't be an issue.

Sep 26, 2021, 07:0609/26/21

I think the current system is fine.

Every champion gets an initial free mastery reset, which means that you can play around with masteries abit, and then reset it to settle on the one you want.  When you are starting out, you usually won't reset your masteries at all while you are figuring out the game.

Also, 150 gems isn't much in the grand scheme of things.  My main FTP account is currently sitting at over 9000 gems.  My second FTP account (which is at 60 days) had almost 2500 gems before I used them for energy during the last fragment event, and now it's down to 900.  This is after I've already spent 1500 upgrading the gem mine.  

You get a lot of gems in the game through daily play that by the time you reach the point where you want to actively start playing around with masteries it shouldn't be an issue.

Actually you are not getting enough gems and energy.

the gems you get for free with level 3 mine are about 40 a day. about 1200 a months.

That buys you about enough energy to get full masteries for 2 characters.

Assuming you get one champ a month worthy of 6 starring, that uses up about 600 gems. Now you "amass" 600 gems a month, that is by no means much.

You absolutely cannot play around with masteries at all. Because once you have progressed, you might want to reset for specialised duties. That' when you are supposed to use the free reset as aftp player.

Sep 26, 2021, 07:1509/26/21

Actually you are not getting enough gems and energy.

the gems you get for free with level 3 mine are about 40 a day. about 1200 a months.

That buys you about enough energy to get full masteries for 2 characters.

Assuming you get one champ a month worthy of 6 starring, that uses up about 600 gems. Now you "amass" 600 gems a month, that is by no means much.

You absolutely cannot play around with masteries at all. Because once you have progressed, you might want to reset for specialised duties. That' when you are supposed to use the free reset as aftp player.

You get much more gems from additional sources, it's not just the mine. Daily quests and lower milestone tiers of events give gems as reward.

And why do you want to "play around with masteries"? I don't think the reset option is made for "playing around", but to correct mistakes you make once in a while.

Sep 26, 2021, 08:3109/26/21
Sep 26, 2021, 08:33(edited)

Actually you are not getting enough gems and energy.

the gems you get for free with level 3 mine are about 40 a day. about 1200 a months.

That buys you about enough energy to get full masteries for 2 characters.

Assuming you get one champ a month worthy of 6 starring, that uses up about 600 gems. Now you "amass" 600 gems a month, that is by no means much.

You absolutely cannot play around with masteries at all. Because once you have progressed, you might want to reset for specialised duties. That' when you are supposed to use the free reset as aftp player.

I'm not 100% sure what point you are trying to make, so a couple of things:

  • The gems you get from the mine is 15 per day, not 40.  Despite that, you do also get 20 a day from daily/advanced quests, plus the 100 a month from the monthly quests, so it would come to about 1200 a month in the grand scheme of things if you also throw in arena chests and CB.  This is excluding missions, campaign quests, faction wars, events and tournaments.  I think you can get about 4000 to 5000 odd gems in the 60 days alone without too much difficulty
  • When you reset masteries for someone, you get all of the scrolls back.  Not sure if you are saying that you need to use the 1200 gems per month on energy to get them again but you do not.  Once all scrolls have been earned for the champion then you can re-allocate them as often as you want, for the low cost of 150 gems
  • Assuming you run your energy down to 0 on a regular basis, you get about 30,000 energy per month free.  This includes the energy automatically refilling to your cap, plus all of the free energy you get from quests and the shop.  This is not including any energy gained from gems, tournaments (e.g. 150 energy from arena, 300 from tag team arena), clan shop (100 gold = 100 energy), etc.  Taking into account those, the amount of energy per month would be around 40,000 or such, without spending a single gem.  This is more than enough to get max scrolls for a large number of champions.  If you do indeed have 1 champion a month worthy of 6 star, and you are struggling to get scrolls for them, then you have bigger problems
  • How many mastery changes are you looking to do before you settle on a set for your champions?  Are you looking to change masteries daily or something?  If so, then that definately isn't what's on the table here.  Once you go through the mastery tree once or twice you should have a good idea on what ones will work for the builds you are aiming for.  This is especially true if you are playing around with multiple champions and multiple setups.  I really think some people just need to stop and plan for a bit sometimes
Sep 26, 2021, 11:5409/26/21

Total number of gems daily ftp is around 40 20 from mine, 10 from daily and 10 from advanced. It will be a while until you get max chest NM.

Yoou need ab0ut 150 runs on Mino 15 for maxing masteries . That's 1650 energy.

6starring one epic champion requires 4 5stars and 1 4star. thats another about 6000 energy (assuming 1x free chickens rom advanced quests and 2x free chickens from clanwars) .

 Now we have about 20k energy left for the month. 

Let's be optimistic and say 100 runs per equipment slot to get the right equipment. Thats about 18k energy gone.

That leaves you with 2k energy 1200 gems. 2k energy and 1200 gems (30 refills) are not enough to complete a fusion. Even with incidental free energy and gems.

Sep 26, 2021, 13:0709/26/21

Total number of gems daily ftp is around 40 20 from mine, 10 from daily and 10 from advanced. It will be a while until you get max chest NM.

Yoou need ab0ut 150 runs on Mino 15 for maxing masteries . That's 1650 energy.

6starring one epic champion requires 4 5stars and 1 4star. thats another about 6000 energy (assuming 1x free chickens rom advanced quests and 2x free chickens from clanwars) .

 Now we have about 20k energy left for the month. 

Let's be optimistic and say 100 runs per equipment slot to get the right equipment. Thats about 18k energy gone.

That leaves you with 2k energy 1200 gems. 2k energy and 1200 gems (30 refills) are not enough to complete a fusion. Even with incidental free energy and gems.

Interesting calculation, but it has nothing to do with the cost of resetting a mastery tree. Like RoseRoyal said, the option to reset the masterie tree is not for daily use. If you made a mistake once, you can correct it for free (per champ!). If you made a mistake twice, you can correct it for 150 gems. That's a fair price.

Sep 26, 2021, 23:4309/26/21

I think the current system is fine.

Every champion gets an initial free mastery reset, which means that you can play around with masteries abit, and then reset it to settle on the one you want.  When you are starting out, you usually won't reset your masteries at all while you are figuring out the game.

Also, 150 gems isn't much in the grand scheme of things.  My main FTP account is currently sitting at over 9000 gems.  My second FTP account (which is at 60 days) had almost 2500 gems before I used them for energy during the last fragment event, and now it's down to 900.  This is after I've already spent 1500 upgrading the gem mine.  

You get a lot of gems in the game through daily play that by the time you reach the point where you want to actively start playing around with masteries it shouldn't be an issue.

I  have  spent  about  40-45  on  the  game  and  been  playing about  a  month  now.  How  is  it  you  have (free  to  play)  9g  in  gems?  

I  have  fully  unlocked the  gem  mine  and  one fully  mastered character.  The  energy  cost  and  gems  are  legit insane  for this  game .  

I  made  a  mistake  after  trying a  new  set up and  realized it  wasn't free  to  reset  the  tree .  150  gems  for  a  mastery  reset  is  bent.

Sep 26, 2021, 23:4809/26/21

Actually you are not getting enough gems and energy.

the gems you get for free with level 3 mine are about 40 a day. about 1200 a months.

That buys you about enough energy to get full masteries for 2 characters.

Assuming you get one champ a month worthy of 6 starring, that uses up about 600 gems. Now you "amass" 600 gems a month, that is by no means much.

You absolutely cannot play around with masteries at all. Because once you have progressed, you might want to reset for specialised duties. That' when you are supposed to use the free reset as aftp player.

This  ^^^  as an  RPG game with set  up  and  countless ways  to  equip  and  set  armour  sets  and  characters I was genuinely shocked  they  were  so  tight  on  the  ability to  reset  the  mastery  trees .  

I  Reset  it  for  free  and  realized I had  made  a  massive  mistake  in  going  for the  red  column.  I  tried  to  reset  it  again  and  it  came up  with 150  gems  to  reset  it.  

Kind  of  sad More  than  anything.  After  sinking  around 40-45  dollars  into  a  game  (in  a  month)  don't feel  that  is a  solid game worth  carrying  on  dropping  dollars  on.  

That's  the  cost  of a  dlc  or  new  game  entirely.  I  mean  free  to  play  150  gems? Even  a  fully  uocled  gem  mine  isn't that  hardcore .   

Sep 26, 2021, 23:5609/26/21

You'll find if you stick around, that 150 gems really isn't much. Yeah it is punishing early on if you mess up your masteries, but at the same time, early on they don't matter nearly as much either. Just leave them as-is, and focus on other things. You can always come back and reset them later when you can better afford it.

Sep 27, 2021, 07:4409/27/21

I  have  spent  about  40-45  on  the  game  and  been  playing about  a  month  now.  How  is  it  you  have (free  to  play)  9g  in  gems?  

I  have  fully  unlocked the  gem  mine  and  one fully  mastered character.  The  energy  cost  and  gems  are  legit insane  for this  game .  

I  made  a  mistake  after  trying a  new  set up and  realized it  wasn't free  to  reset  the  tree .  150  gems  for  a  mastery  reset  is  bent.

If you only have 45 gems after a month of play, then you must be using them quite a lot.  How much time do you spend per day in Raid?  Are you using gems constantly?  If so, what for?  I assume energy refills.

Using gems for full energy purchases is a mistake early on, because a full energy pot only gives you as much energy as your current maximum, and you gain max energy each level.  It tops out at 130 max energy, whcih is around the level 60 mark.

This game is a marathon, not a sprint.  You won't achieve everything you want in the first couple of months of play, especially as FTP.  You need to use your resources wisely, and this means running your energy down to 0 as often as you can and then leaving the game for energy to naturally refill. 

Sep 29, 2021, 03:4209/29/21

If you only have 45 gems after a month of play, then you must be using them quite a lot.  How much time do you spend per day in Raid?  Are you using gems constantly?  If so, what for?  I assume energy refills.

Using gems for full energy purchases is a mistake early on, because a full energy pot only gives you as much energy as your current maximum, and you gain max energy each level.  It tops out at 130 max energy, whcih is around the level 60 mark.

This game is a marathon, not a sprint.  You won't achieve everything you want in the first couple of months of play, especially as FTP.  You need to use your resources wisely, and this means running your energy down to 0 as often as you can and then leaving the game for energy to naturally refill. 

I  got  hit  with  Corona a  second time and  have  had nothing but misery  and  time.  I  unlocked the  gem  mine  and  play every  day for at  least 2-5  hours.  Energy  is  also a  huge  pain  in the  a$$  and  feel  that  rank fifty should increase the  total energy  capacity way  more .  WAY  more  at  around  400-500  energy.

100  energy  for  each  ten  ranks you  climb .  120  energy  for  rank fifty  always leaves  you  starved as  well.  

In  terms of  gems I often am  forced  to  use  them  buying energy  just  to  grind and  play  in  general ,