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Nuke Team setup and speed

Nuke Team setup and speed

Sep 23, 2021, 07:2309/23/21

Nuke Team setup and speed

Just wondered what teams you use and what speeds, I have Arbiter who I used for a while as I followed the crowd however I pulled Lyssandra out of the vault, got her speed to 322, and now use her in this team

Prince Kymar - Lead - speed 209- Aura, arena speed 30%

Lyssandra - speed 322 - A3 30% ally increase speed, enemy turn meter decrease 30%

Madame Serris - speed 219 - A3 removes buffs, 50% decrease attack, 60% decrease defence

Kreela Witch-Arm - Speed 214 - A3 50% increase attack, 30% increase crit rate then attacks all enemies

So they go in this order

Lyssandra A3

Serris A3

Kreela A3

Kymar A3 - resets all cooldowns so if there are any left my team should be able to go again only this time I usually have the option of Serris A2 AOE and Kreela A2 which attacks one enemy then does an ally attack

Sep 23, 2021, 07:2909/23/21
Sep 23, 2021, 07:33(edited)

Looks a strong team to me.

My team varies depending on the opponent, if i see a speed nuke team with one turn meter champ i will run 

arbiter, seeker, draco, zavia (double turn meter speed nuke)

If i see a defensive based team i will use two nukers instead (speed nuke with single turn meter)

If i see a skullcrown or leorious i will use either brogni to tank the hit, or a buff blocker or a shield set champ such as mountain king (speed nuke plus brogni / mountain king)

It would be a lot easier if i had a serris, but i dont.

In defence i have tormin in the mix to put off opponent buffing.

Speeds off the top of my head

arbiter - 330

draco - 232

seeker - 301

brogni - 236

zavia -217

fushan (second nuke) - 218

Tormin - 225

Mountain king - 180

Sep 23, 2021, 08:1409/23/21

Some good options there, Tormin is one I avoid as his freeze is too good 

Sep 23, 2021, 08:5009/23/21

You pulled Lyssandra 'out of the vault'? Why was she ever in the vault to begin with? :P 

Anyway, sounds like a good team except I'm not too convinced on Kreela as nuker - since none of your other champs has big damage, her ally attack doesn't do all that much and you're mainly using her for the A3 nuke, right? There are definitely better nukers - and if your roster is so good that you had Lyss in the vault, you probably have a bunch of them. 

Sep 23, 2021, 10:2909/23/21

I've got two actually :)  I was using Arbiter, Serris (got 2) Genbo Skullcrown, and Kreelas nuke hits real hard, but the way the team is setup means I usually get two turns before the opposition and after the first turn if not all the enemy is down usually only one or two are left so her A2 + ally take them out - her DM on A3 is 4.45 and she does the attack and CR up then attacks, that DM is better than Genbo and Skullcrown 

Sep 23, 2021, 11:4009/23/21
Sep 23, 2021, 11:42(edited)

I'm confused, are we talking about classic arena? Kind of pointless lol

eta: I use genbo in classic because even bots have swift parry.  classic is like 12.3 brutal, you want a fast farmer. 

Now, trying to optimally configure 3 tag teams is the real question

Sep 23, 2021, 11:5009/23/21

This is my classic at the moment, also one of my tag teams, other tag team is the arbiter/genbo as mentioned, third tag is Lyssandra, Ma' ashalled, Valk, Kymer, in S2 I'm usually ok to win 2/3 but thats getting harder as whales fill up the tiers

Sep 23, 2021, 12:0809/23/21

This is my classic at the moment, also one of my tag teams, other tag team is the arbiter/genbo as mentioned, third tag is Lyssandra, Ma' ashalled, Valk, Kymer, in S2 I'm usually ok to win 2/3 but thats getting harder as whales fill up the tiers

Do you take your defence out until saturday?

I am in S1, but i think the only way i would climb higher is if i left my defence in all week.

Sep 23, 2021, 12:2809/23/21

I leave my defence in, the main difference between attack and defence teams is that I keep the fast Lyssandra/Kreela, Arbiter/Genbo and my third Defence is very high Res/Hp  Roshcard in a shield with 80k HP, Gorograb with high resist/HP, Mountain King and Martyr, just to try to deter to many attacks as it isn't a team that will often win but it can take a long time to kill

Sep 23, 2021, 13:3609/23/21

I leave my defence in, the main difference between attack and defence teams is that I keep the fast Lyssandra/Kreela, Arbiter/Genbo and my third Defence is very high Res/Hp  Roshcard in a shield with 80k HP, Gorograb with high resist/HP, Mountain King and Martyr, just to try to deter to many attacks as it isn't a team that will often win but it can take a long time to kill

I  agree.  A scary looking defense is often better than a good defense lol.  Most refreshes in S4/G1 I only have 1 or maybe 2 I know I can win 2 of 3.  Sometimes none. 

To move up I recommend only using weak defense a few days at most, and build as much a cushion as possible. When going for S4 or G1, I left defense in all week.  Come Sunday night you will lose, it is inevitable. Even the teams I beat on offense are way better than me.  I only win because as attacker I have every advantage (other than inferior champs and lesser gear lol).  The only thing good about the higher ups is there is so few teams you will get the same teams all weekend, so you can remember which ones you can and cannot beat.  When I see the #1 player in group every other refresh I know I am pretty safe for promotion.  

If you don't use a good go 2nd team for attacking a speed nuke team you are missing out on the easiest gimmie wins.  These are prevalent in S2/S3 becomiing more scarce in S4/G1 as people realize they are easily countered.

I only run 1 true"speed" team on offense and my Arbiter is <350 still, 1 go second team (sub 200 speed for all but one at 220), 3rd team varies based on matchup

Sep 23, 2021, 14:0009/23/21

My classic team is a speed team (both offense and defense)


It is also my first Tag team...this is complemented by

Arbiter-Hellmut-Lydia-Seer as 2nd team and a 3rd team which varies greatly due to enemy. A combination I like to use is

Lyssandra-Lillitu-Warlord-Candy...but this team is very often changed

Sep 23, 2021, 14:0209/23/21

Thats a team I would avoid, Hegemon going first is a pain and Tormins freeze likewise, enough teams to beat without taking that one on lol

Sep 23, 2021, 14:0409/23/21


I've been running this comp for I think a little over a month as my main speed double nuke.

Arbiter I've been slacking on upgrading gear but sitting @320 speed atm, whith this team gives me close to 100% winrate vs any non arbiter team.

My Uugo is @235 speed in a swift perry set adding to the obnoxiousness of the team, but I need to glyph out his gear to decrease any likeyhood of cut ins.

I have some other champs to sub in like elder skarg for harder cc, stagknight for shield set, dark elhain for tormins, ect.

I'm pretty happy with my main comp and how far I've progressed since the addition of bots, even though they are slowly disappearing.

Sep 23, 2021, 14:3109/23/21

Thats a team I would avoid, Hegemon going first is a pain and Tormins freeze likewise, enough teams to beat without taking that one on lol

Thanks, that is the idea behind it....Hege going first for Blocking skills/damage/additional effects from the set...Arbiter going second to speed up/increase attack...than Tormin and Trunda to nuke. Faster enemy champs are normally booster champs who can freeze their own team because of Tormins passive. 

I do not get attacked in classic very often..;)

Sep 23, 2021, 14:3409/23/21

My classic team is a speed team (both offense and defense)


It is also my first Tag team...this is complemented by

Arbiter-Hellmut-Lydia-Seer as 2nd team and a 3rd team which varies greatly due to enemy. A combination I like to use is

Lyssandra-Lillitu-Warlord-Candy...but this team is very often changed

jeebus, who don't u have :) What tier r u in, so I know to avoid you.

Sep 23, 2021, 18:2209/23/21

There is a lot of teams there i would just avoid as too much hassle. I could probably come up with teams that have a better than even chance against them... but why bother with so many easy fights in classic?

As for defence ive tried all combos in classic, a double turn speed nuke, a tanky go second ..and a #too annoying to bother with' defense

My experience is i still lose 2/3 in defence since people will only hit you if they have a good plan to beat you.

Tag team- is there any benefit to climbing to s2/s3? 

Sep 23, 2021, 18:3009/23/21
Trevor Wilson

There is a lot of teams there i would just avoid as too much hassle. I could probably come up with teams that have a better than even chance against them... but why bother with so many easy fights in classic?

As for defence ive tried all combos in classic, a double turn speed nuke, a tanky go second ..and a #too annoying to bother with' defense

My experience is i still lose 2/3 in defence since people will only hit you if they have a good plan to beat you.

Tag team- is there any benefit to climbing to s2/s3? 

  1. Progress Missions
  2. It is relatively easy to maintain s2/s3, and every week promotion becomes more difficult imo
  3. More CvC points 
  4. Slight increase in bars
  5. Pride :)

So only 2 worthwile reasons