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CB: Solo'd Easy!

CB: Solo'd Easy!

Sep 19, 2021, 18:2709/19/21

CB: Solo'd Easy!

I'm sure others have as well, but this was fun! Lasted 48 turns.  Main thing I am happy about is my team improving...



Sep 19, 2021, 18:2809/19/21

Question, why is there no death scene for the CB?

Sep 19, 2021, 20:4709/19/21
Vashtah Nerada

Question, why is there no death scene for the CB?

It would affect the damaged caused and may cause you to not reach a reward tier.

Suppose the CB only has 1M health left. Well if you use a key and do 1M damage in the first few turns it'll kill the boss and waste your key so instead the CB stays alive until it manages to kill your whole team so you get to do a lot more damage to it and get a better reward chest even though the boss should be long dead.

Sep 19, 2021, 20:5009/19/21
Teyrn Loghain

It would affect the damaged caused and may cause you to not reach a reward tier.

Suppose the CB only has 1M health left. Well if you use a key and do 1M damage in the first few turns it'll kill the boss and waste your key so instead the CB stays alive until it manages to kill your whole team so you get to do a lot more damage to it and get a better reward chest even though the boss should be long dead.

Makes sense, ty!

Sep 19, 2021, 21:3909/19/21

It  used  to  be  that  the  clan  boss  would  die  and  not  become  infinite,  but  that  was  changed  so  clanmates  don't  have  to  battle  over  who  gets  the  first  keys.

Sep 19, 2021, 23:0809/19/21

With the champs you have, you really should be going for higher difficulty CBs - change clans if necessary. The loot you can get from higher difficulty CBs is way, way better, including sacred and void shards, epic and legendary books. On Easy, you'd have to get lucky just to get an ancient shard every once in a while iirc. 

Sep 20, 2021, 02:5609/20/21

With the champs you have, you really should be going for higher difficulty CBs - change clans if necessary. The loot you can get from higher difficulty CBs is way, way better, including sacred and void shards, epic and legendary books. On Easy, you'd have to get lucky just to get an ancient shard every once in a while iirc. 

I'm leader lol, and we're closing in on completing  brutal. Sometimes it's just fun to try something. I lead a guild in SWGOH, we used to race completing the original Rancor Raid with Commander Luke Skywalker (solo). I usually watch for our clan to complete w/e raid they are on and if time is running out I jump in and finish it so they get 2 chests. We have various power level members. My only rules are play daily, show you are trying. Same rules in my swgoh guild. We have members there that have been there for years.  Sometimes having fun is more important than loot quality. :)

Sep 27, 2021, 06:3409/27/21
Sep 27, 2021, 06:37(edited)

Another crazy run, hit turn 50! 



The raid only needed 2mil to defeat cb..oops lol

Sep 27, 2021, 15:5609/27/21

It's been over a week from your op to this screen shot, you're using the same champs, so I assume it's your main team.

All the potion keeps have opened in the last week but you have not finished ascending you champions yet. Doing so will increase stats and let you equip knecks and banners, further increasing your stats. You should consider spending the next few days taking care of this.

Sep 27, 2021, 16:0709/27/21
Sep 27, 2021, 16:08(edited)

It's been over a week from your op to this screen shot, you're using the same champs, so I assume it's your main team.

All the potion keeps have opened in the last week but you have not finished ascending you champions yet. Doing so will increase stats and let you equip knecks and banners, further increasing your stats. You should consider spending the next few days taking care of this.

Yeah, got busy with other things. Work has gotten busy again, and even stepped down from leading a guild in another game because I don't have enough time. On the bright side, we won our recent CvC! So things are moving along :)