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New Clan Boss Team

New Clan Boss Team

Aug 19, 2021, 22:3408/19/21

New Clan Boss Team

Hi everyone! Just got this built this last night and I'm pretty happy with it! Just wanted to share.. Full auto start on UNM/NM/Brutal. Anyone have any thoughts on using Warcaster instead of a Tower to block the occasional stun on Anax?


And here it is a month+ later with Fayne and everyone fully booked and Kreela in relentless:


Aug 19, 2021, 22:3608/19/21

How  long  did  it  take  you  to  build  this  team?  

Aug 19, 2021, 22:3808/19/21

How  long  did  it  take  you  to  build  this  team?  

Like just to equip and speed tune it after I had all the silver saved and everyone ranked? Or do you mean like how long was I working at leveling, masteries, etc..?

Aug 19, 2021, 22:4108/19/21
Aug 19, 2021, 22:43(edited)

Like just to equip and speed tune it after I had all the silver saved and everyone ranked? Or do you mean like how long was I working at leveling, masteries, etc..?

Oh,  sorry.  I  just  meant  to  equip  and  speed  tune,  but  if  you  want  to  go  in  depth  that  would  be  great.  You're  f2p  right?  Might  be  good  for  other f2p players  to  know  what to expect.

Aug 19, 2021, 22:4608/19/21

what are speeds of all?

Aug 20, 2021, 04:0608/20/21

what are speeds of all?

Heya Trips!

Fast Tower 267

Seeker 254

Anax 248

Slow Tower 247

Kreela 223


Aug 23, 2021, 05:5908/23/21

Oh,  sorry.  I  just  meant  to  equip  and  speed  tune,  but  if  you  want  to  go  in  depth  that  would  be  great.  You're  f2p  right?  Might  be  good  for  other f2p players  to  know  what to expect.

Equipping and speed tuning took an evening and about 25 million silver. 

I had the suggested speeds from DeadwoodJedi's site and then used the calculator to play with speeds until I got it working on Ultra, Nightmare, Brutal and Hard. The gear optimizer from Hellhades made hitting those speeds a lot easier, although I had to go in and upgrade a number of pieces from 8 to 12 , and a few rare banners to 8 to try and hit speed numbers. I got most everything that wasn't at 16 to 16, and have been upgrading a piece a day or so since from 12 to 16.

As far as how long it took to build the team? It was a long time.

So I have been doing unkillable for a while, but it was the standard 1:1 speed Two Towers comp. That comp was both of my Towers, Frozen Banshee, Anax and Doompriest. I had tried getting my Skullcrusher in there, but it didn't increase my damage too much at all, and without Doompriest, it was very hard to get a clean run where Tower wasn't taking a stun during the setup. So I was stuck at about 35mil damage on NM per key and less on UNM.

Once I settled on trying the Bateater comp with my Roshcards, I had to get Seeker leveled, booked and masteried and Kreela leveled, booked and masteried. To be honest, I'm nowhere near done booking Kreela. I thought about trying Warcaster to cleanse a sporadic stun here and there, and started working on him, but put him to the side. I ranked up my champs slowly but surely, all the while collecting silver. 

I used that silver to rank up a bunch of gear to 8 and 12 to try and see what would hit the new team speeds that would be required without sacrificing too much damage from the team. Basically 3 champs at about 250, one at about 265 and one at 220. And all of these champs would need high crit rate, high crit damage, and Anax was going to need accuracy on top of that. So it took a lot of sorting through gear, leveling things to see how it would roll, then selling what didn't roll well. I didn't plan on manually equipping everything, but I wanted to give the optimizer a good selection of Perception, Cruel, Speed and Accuracy pieces to choose from. Since I've been hitting CB religiously, I also had a lot of Cruel gear to look though.

I tried to run the optimizer about two weeks ago, hoping I had leveled enough gear. But I couldn't get everyone to the speeds and gearing they needed to be, so I ran spider20 with my 40 autos every night, selling everything. I used that silver to rank up a bunch more gear in the hopes I would get enough speed to make it work. And this time, I was able to. Knowing this, all I had left to do was get Seeker's masteries done, and instead of farming it, I had just enough gems to buy them. Maybe I should have farmed them, but I was excited to get done.

TLDR: Speed tuning and equipping took an evening and a ton of silver. Building my team took a little over 2 months from when I decided to do it.

Any other questions, Harbby?

Aug 23, 2021, 06:0308/23/21

Equipping and speed tuning took an evening and about 25 million silver. 

I had the suggested speeds from DeadwoodJedi's site and then used the calculator to play with speeds until I got it working on Ultra, Nightmare, Brutal and Hard. The gear optimizer from Hellhades made hitting those speeds a lot easier, although I had to go in and upgrade a number of pieces from 8 to 12 , and a few rare banners to 8 to try and hit speed numbers. I got most everything that wasn't at 16 to 16, and have been upgrading a piece a day or so since from 12 to 16.

As far as how long it took to build the team? It was a long time.

So I have been doing unkillable for a while, but it was the standard 1:1 speed Two Towers comp. That comp was both of my Towers, Frozen Banshee, Anax and Doompriest. I had tried getting my Skullcrusher in there, but it didn't increase my damage too much at all, and without Doompriest, it was very hard to get a clean run where Tower wasn't taking a stun during the setup. So I was stuck at about 35mil damage on NM per key and less on UNM.

Once I settled on trying the Bateater comp with my Roshcards, I had to get Seeker leveled, booked and masteried and Kreela leveled, booked and masteried. To be honest, I'm nowhere near done booking Kreela. I thought about trying Warcaster to cleanse a sporadic stun here and there, and started working on him, but put him to the side. I ranked up my champs slowly but surely, all the while collecting silver. 

I used that silver to rank up a bunch of gear to 8 and 12 to try and see what would hit the new team speeds that would be required without sacrificing too much damage from the team. Basically 3 champs at about 250, one at about 265 and one at 220. And all of these champs would need high crit rate, high crit damage, and Anax was going to need accuracy on top of that. So it took a lot of sorting through gear, leveling things to see how it would roll, then selling what didn't roll well. I didn't plan on manually equipping everything, but I wanted to give the optimizer a good selection of Perception, Cruel, Speed and Accuracy pieces to choose from. Since I've been hitting CB religiously, I also had a lot of Cruel gear to look though.

I tried to run the optimizer about two weeks ago, hoping I had leveled enough gear. But I couldn't get everyone to the speeds and gearing they needed to be, so I ran spider20 with my 40 autos every night, selling everything. I used that silver to rank up a bunch more gear in the hopes I would get enough speed to make it work. And this time, I was able to. Knowing this, all I had left to do was get Seeker's masteries done, and instead of farming it, I had just enough gems to buy them. Maybe I should have farmed them, but I was excited to get done.

TLDR: Speed tuning and equipping took an evening and a ton of silver. Building my team took a little over 2 months from when I decided to do it.

Any other questions, Harbby?

Damn, TWO  MONTHS?  Impressive  stamina.  I  could  never  do  that,  guess  I'll  just keep  whaling  lol.  

No  more  questions,  thank  you.  

Aug 27, 2021, 19:0408/27/21

Here's where I'm at right now with the team with the equipment upgraded and running Fayne who I got during the 2x. 9 mil away from 1 key. Anyone else have any experience with Toxic gear, and did you see a big improvement?


Aug 27, 2021, 19:0708/27/21

Do you really need *two* Towers with Seeker to make the team unkillable? Feels like you should be able to drop one of them in favour of someone with more useful abilities - maybe something like FB or Anax?

Aug 27, 2021, 19:1008/27/21

Do you really need *two* Towers with Seeker to make the team unkillable? Feels like you should be able to drop one of them in favour of someone with more useful abilities - maybe something like FB or Anax?

Yes, you do. This basically the Bateater team speedwise.

Aug 28, 2021, 02:0608/28/21

Here's where I'm at right now with the team with the equipment upgraded and running Fayne who I got during the 2x. 9 mil away from 1 key. Anyone else have any experience with Toxic gear, and did you see a big improvement?


Holy  crap

Aug 28, 2021, 02:1108/28/21

Holy  crap


Aug 28, 2021, 02:1708/28/21


Do  you  know  anyone  who  can  tweak  my  team?

Aug 28, 2021, 02:2208/28/21

Do  you  know  anyone  who  can  tweak  my  team?

I do. She's okay I guess. Quinn-somethingorother. You like the 10+ mil damage increase since I posted this? :D

Aug 28, 2021, 02:2608/28/21

I do. She's okay I guess. Quinn-somethingorother. You like the 10+ mil damage increase since I posted this? :D

I  think I  need  to  ask  her  to  look  at  my  team  soon.  And  wow,  I  am...  maybr  I  should  ask  you  to  look  over  my  team.  

Aug 28, 2021, 02:3108/28/21

I  think I  need  to  ask  her  to  look  at  my  team  soon.  And  wow,  I  am...  maybr  I  should  ask  you  to  look  over  my  team.  

I guess. sighhhhhhhh

Not happy with 52mil UNM anymore? lol

Aug 28, 2021, 02:3208/28/21

I guess. sighhhhhhhh

Not happy with 52mil UNM anymore? lol

I  need  more  :(

Aug 28, 2021, 02:3508/28/21

I  need  more  :(

Do you have Seeker?

Aug 28, 2021, 02:3808/28/21

Do you have Seeker?

Yes  ma'am.

Aug 28, 2021, 02:3908/28/21

Yes  ma'am.

Well. Promising news.