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Budget unkillable- Ninja and slow champ- advice would be appreciated

Budget unkillable- Ninja and slow champ- advice would be appreciated

Jul 24, 2021, 14:4707/24/21

Budget unkillable- Ninja and slow champ- advice would be appreciated

Hey all

I havent played as much the last few weeks (the euros were on)

But i pulled a maneater last week so i have been planning a budget unkillable...bear with me as i have never done an unk before.

I have fully booked painkeeper and maneater and got their speeds and hp right (painkeeper speed 242 with 44k hp)  and maneater 254 speed with slightly less hp at 40k...both with decent defense.  

The plan was to use versulf as the slow champ, with about 49k hp and keeping defence as low as possible and draco as one of the dps...with maybe frozen banshee as the other dps

However ive since seen deadwood do a budget unkillable with ninja on the team

Wouldnt ninjas a1 screw up the timings as it increases turn meter? is that why deadwoods speeds are different to his website advice?

Finally if i use versulf as the slow champ, will the shield on his a1 screw up the stun targetting? my other option was narma...but she is level one so i would have to level her from scratch... and i may find it hard to keep her defence low due to her higher base defence

I really would love to use ninja and draco as my dps, but i am totally confused now about the speeds needed for that set up?

Thanks and sorry for so many queries, i am new to budget unk.

Jul 24, 2021, 16:0007/24/21
Jul 24, 2021, 16:04(edited)

"Wouldnt ninjas a1 screw up the timings as it increases turn meter? is that why deadwoods speeds are different to his website advice?"

Yes, you need to change the speeds.  Fortunately, you should be able to simply copy the speeds from Deadwood Jedi's video.

"Finally if i use versulf as the slow champ, will the shield on his a1 screw up the stun targetting? my other option was narma...but she is level one so i would have to level her from scratch... and i may find it hard to keep her defence low due to her higher base defence"

I don't think I'd use Versulf as the stun target as his leech also has the chance to mess things up and he doesn't bring anything useful damage wise.  If you're going to use Ninja and Draco, FB or Narma would be fine as the stun target to get posion sensitivity.  Maybe Athel if you have her (A1 only for triple hit giant slayer and weaken).  With Ninja and Athel also applying def down and weaken on A1, you might get close to 100% uptime with them and Draco.

Jul 24, 2021, 16:2707/24/21

Thanks, given that fb is already level 60 and full masteries i think  thats a brill idea

so maneater+painkeeper for unkillable component

draco and ninja - for dps

frozen banshee for stun target (but remove the lifesteal she is currently wearing as i DONT want her to self heal and her defence is way to high anyway)

Sound good?

Thanks again btw i appreciate it

Jul 24, 2021, 20:3007/24/21
Jul 24, 2021, 20:32(edited)

It'll work for now.  You will eventually find a better stun target than FB.  Look for someone with an impacful A1 or passive, since without a stun cleanse, you're only getting 1 turn per cycle.

I'd put FB in retaliation (to get some poisons up) or reflex to CD the poison sensitivity faster.

Jul 24, 2021, 20:4207/24/21

It'll work for now.  You will eventually find a better stun target than FB.  Look for someone with an impacful A1 or passive, since without a stun cleanse, you're only getting 1 turn per cycle.

I'd put FB in retaliation (to get some poisons up) or reflex to CD the poison sensitivity faster.

I have doompriest for cleanse, but i use her in doom tower ...she is essential for it really

So i wouldnt want her speed so slow.

Thanks again.

Jul 24, 2021, 21:0907/24/21

Fb will work but really brings very little as the slow guy.  The plusses are you likely aren't using FB in any other content since u have draco. I would consider retaliation gear. And since all your dps is magic, u will be affinity friendly.  Even with draco I think a 2 key unm will be tough, but 3 will be easy.

Jul 24, 2021, 21:2707/24/21

Fb will work but really brings very little as the slow guy.  The plusses are you likely aren't using FB in any other content since u have draco. I would consider retaliation gear. And since all your dps is magic, u will be affinity friendly.  Even with draco I think a 2 key unm will be tough, but 3 will be easy.

That is exactly the thing- you get it!, my best champs are either used in dungeons or faction wars and making them 115 speed or whatever makes them unusable elsewhere.

Narma and Fb are not used even in faction wars... which means i dont mind crippling them :)

UNM is a 3 key at the moment, but not a reliable 3 key, if it becomes a reliable 3 key then that is an improvement.

Jul 24, 2021, 21:4707/24/21

I actually run the budget unkillable on alt, even though I pulled the 2nd maneater a couple months ago. Too much effort to play it other than run cb. I use narma unbooked as dps with fayne . Brawler as slow guy, except against force use fb lol. Easy 3key as it does 30ish against all affinities, but not close to 2. But unless in retaliation and with retaliation masteries fb won't add much poison because so slow. Works well with narma since 2 putting up sensitivity. Though poison sensitivity is extremely overrated imo, as is banshee. 

Jul 24, 2021, 23:0407/24/21
Trevor Wilson

I have doompriest for cleanse, but i use her in doom tower ...she is essential for it really

So i wouldnt want her speed so slow.

Thanks again.

No worries, you won't need any cleanse - Maneater's unkillable buff also includes a block debuffs, so as long as your comp is working right, your stun target will never actually get stunned. 

But even so, FB is indeed a pretty poor stun target, because she needs to get frequent turns to do her poisoning job - first putting poison sensitivity, then two rounds at least to actually add poisons. Personally I have Aothar or OB, depending on affinity, who can both do decent poison damage even with few turns. 

Or just pick someone else entirely, who has a decent passive or can offer something else (like a good aura, as you don't have any good ones atm). 

Jul 25, 2021, 11:3907/25/21

No worries, you won't need any cleanse - Maneater's unkillable buff also includes a block debuffs, so as long as your comp is working right, your stun target will never actually get stunned. 

But even so, FB is indeed a pretty poor stun target, because she needs to get frequent turns to do her poisoning job - first putting poison sensitivity, then two rounds at least to actually add poisons. Personally I have Aothar or OB, depending on affinity, who can both do decent poison damage even with few turns. 

Or just pick someone else entirely, who has a decent passive or can offer something else (like a good aura, as you don't have any good ones atm). 

I just dont have a pure a1 poisoner, other than zavia who i use in loads of other content

I guess narmas a1 is more impactful as she extends debuffs, and i dont use her at all, but i dont have the books- i am a few short of fully booking ninja.

I have a few champs like rearguard that has a decrease def on their a1 but thats about it.

Ill have another look through my roster though, thanks.

Jul 25, 2021, 11:5207/25/21

When I needed a slow champ, I acutally used Fenshi and he was quite good at it, putting up 7-8M.  3 hit A1 with giant slayer, and a A3 that hit super hard with a debuff bar full of poisons.

Jul 25, 2021, 15:3507/25/21
Trevor Wilson

I just dont have a pure a1 poisoner, other than zavia who i use in loads of other content

I guess narmas a1 is more impactful as she extends debuffs, and i dont use her at all, but i dont have the books- i am a few short of fully booking ninja.

I have a few champs like rearguard that has a decrease def on their a1 but thats about it.

Ill have another look through my roster though, thanks.

It doesn't need to be A1 - Aothar has his poisons on the A2 too. And it doesn't absolutely have to be a poisoner, either. Anyone who can do something decent on not too long a cooldown, while not having FB's problem of being useless whenever her poison sensitivity isn't up, could work. 

Jul 25, 2021, 21:4207/25/21

Thanks for all the help on this, ive changed plans however, ive discovered an unkillable that uses ally attack (hellhades) so im gonna go with fahrakin in the mix, since that means i dont need to 6 star anyone else

Thanks again all, the advice was appreciated.

Jul 26, 2021, 15:4007/26/21
Trevor Wilson

Thanks for all the help on this, ive changed plans however, ive discovered an unkillable that uses ally attack (hellhades) so im gonna go with fahrakin in the mix, since that means i dont need to 6 star anyone else

Thanks again all, the advice was appreciated.

Would geomancer fit your comp?  Curious on the fatman comp as well, I assume fats is one of DPS and slightly different speed needed for pk?

Jul 27, 2021, 08:2707/27/21
Jul 27, 2021, 08:29(edited)

Would geomancer fit your comp?  Curious on the fatman comp as well, I assume fats is one of DPS and slightly different speed needed for pk?

I dont know why it works and may make a mistake on numbers as i am at work but yes fatman is treated like a dps

I think its maneater at 251, painkeeper at 224 and fatman at 174, the dps has to be at 234  and the slow champ at 124

The dps (im just going to use draco) is actually the most challenging to gear, keeping defence decent, speed at 234 and crit damage still good - with 250+ accuracy

The nice bit is if you change the slow champ by 10 speed, it works on nightmare too.

I am still 5 books short for painkeeper (and refuse to use epic books) so will be good to go in a week

Jul 27, 2021, 19:2207/27/21

Quick query on this if possible

I need to get draco to 234 speed

The hell hades optimiser shows me at 234, but in game i show as 233.

Is this some sort of fractional thing with lore of steel? how can i check real speed?

Jul 27, 2021, 19:4407/27/21

You  have  to  multiply  the  base  speed  by  0.12  per  speed  set  or  0.05  for  Perception  or  0.18  for  Swift  Parry.  Then  you  take  your  total  from  those  sets  times  0.15  with  Lore  of  Steel  if  you  have  it,  then  finally  add  that  to  your  base  speed  and  flat  speed  from  gear.

Jul 27, 2021, 19:4607/27/21

You  have  to  multiply  the  base  speed  by  0.12  per  speed  set  or  0.05  for  Perception  or  0.18  for  Swift  Parry.  Then  you  take  your  total  from  those  sets  times  0.15  with  Lore  of  Steel  if  you  have  it,  then  finally  add  that  to  your  base  speed  and  flat  speed  from  gear.


Jul 27, 2021, 23:1207/27/21
Trevor Wilson

Quick query on this if possible

I need to get draco to 234 speed

The hell hades optimiser shows me at 234, but in game i show as 233.

Is this some sort of fractional thing with lore of steel? how can i check real speed?

Even if you are not using this specific comp, you can always check your speeds on the deadwood jedi clan boss calculator (just have to make sure to enter exactly what they are wearing):

Jul 28, 2021, 06:4207/28/21

Even if you are not using this specific comp, you can always check your speeds on the deadwood jedi clan boss calculator (just have to make sure to enter exactly what they are wearing):

Thats the set up i am using yeh, although the speeds there are different to hellhades, thanks again

Jul 28, 2021, 15:0307/28/21

Ran this for the first time today, 39 million on my first attempt, ill take that (there is room to tweak)

Just want to thank everyone who answered my daft questions, quite shocked this worked first time!