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Tayrel or Deacon?

Tayrel or Deacon?

May 15, 2021, 20:0305/15/21

Tayrel or Deacon?

Hi all, new player here.

So I'm about 3 weeks in and got lucky during the last 10x shard pull. I got both Deacon Armstrong AND Tayrel! Add a Skytouched Shaman in there and I couldn't be happier.

I'm getting ready to rank up my next 6-star (with Kael as my first) and I'm facing a tough decision. I have DEF debuff from a ton of sources, Deacon, Tayrel, Warmaiden (almost fully booked), Dagger, etc... but for my position in the early game I'm not sure what I really need first. I got all excited and spent my epic books on Deacon because he's been a game-changer for my arena team, but now I'm wondering if Tayrel is the "smarter" choice because he shines in so many areas of the game. Plus I'm worried that booking him out will be a problem.

I know Tayrel is an OG god-tier epic, but I haven't been able to find anything on him recently compared to all the new additions, and I find him kinda boring compared to Deacon's possibilities. 

So what do you experienced folks think? 6-star an almost booked Deacon, or go with an un-booked Tayrel and build him up? And will there ever be a reason to have them both on the same team with their overlapping abilities?

May 15, 2021, 20:3205/15/21

6 star Deacon first.  I would build Tayrel later.  They are both useful due to weak/strong affinity.  Plus you'll get use out of both in tag arena.

May 15, 2021, 20:4705/15/21

Your first choice, Kael, was great, he can farm the campaign with 3 food champs and produce more lvl 60 champs fast.

If Tayrel is your 2nd and Deacon your 3rd lvl 60 or the other way round doesn't really matter. Deacon is great in arena, as he combines turnmeter boost with def debuff, Tayrel is great at Clanboss, as he combines atk and def debuff. Both have a usefull all battle aura, both can work in all dungeons. 

May 15, 2021, 22:3205/15/21

Yeah, Kael has been invaluable - just the difference in farming food for this champ over the first is dramatic.

I hadn't even considered tag arena too. It sounds like they'll both 6 star eventually but for now I think I'll go with Deacon since I already have the books invested in him and as a bonus any classic arena wins I can chalk up will help my great hall.

Thanks so much for the help!

May 16, 2021, 02:1805/16/21

it depends on your priorities

Arena? Deacon, no contest

Clanboss? lean Tayrel 

 you can use them both at Clanboss, but Tayrell is invaluable for his attack down on his A1

Dungeons? lean Tayrel

I do have tayrel and early to midgame I have been using him alongside another dedicated aoe def down champ (didnt have the books for him at the time and his longer cooldown compared to others makes him not the best aoe def down choice) you can run both, Tayrel and deacon, in same team

you cant really go wrong either way, personally I think Deacon is pure support and does well enough for the time being at 50. Tayrel kinda needs lvl 60 to perform. but both choices will serve you well

May 17, 2021, 06:3805/17/21

Good to hear they can both work on the same team, I'd missed the point about Tayrel's longer cd and that actually makes a difference for me. 

I just 6-starred deacon for the help in arena, and got the last book to drop his cooldowns. Now I'll grind up some food for Tayrel. I have some other options, but it seems like the two of these guys in tandem will give my teams what they're missing - especially early game.

Thanks a ton for everyone's time and input, it really helped. :)

May 17, 2021, 07:4405/17/21

I pulled Tayrel early, he was a massive help in Dungeons, Clan Boss and Arena. You'll be happy 6*'ing this fella.