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My template Arena team to counter speed nukers

My template Arena team to counter speed nukers

May 7, 2021, 16:0505/07/21

My template Arena team to counter speed nukers

Hey all,

Had some success with this team, so figured I'd share it, in the hopes that others may benefit.

Note that this team is far less accessible than the cookie-cutter speed nuke teams. Unlike the speed nukers, this team requires a fair number of mid-to-late game pieces. There may be farmable champs that can be substituted, though I think it's unlikely, as each champ in the team (with the exception of the lead) has specific and unique abilities.

Team lead - Rhazin (or someone else with a team resist aura). This is the centerpiece of the team, and is absolutely critical. The extra resist is 100% necessary to be able to get your resists high enough without sacrificing other important stats. I'm using Rhazin on my CB team, so I can't gear him specifically for arena, but if I were to, I would likely have him in a Freeze or Stun set. Turn order isn't that important, but probably you'll want him first so that his A3 gives the rest of your team time to act.

Miscreated Monster in Shield set. Another very important piece, MM brings several important tools to your team. The stun on A1 and AOE stun on A2 are nice, but the main reason to have him is his A3 to activate his passive.

Iron Brago in Freeze set. Brago is going to open with his A3, and hopefully land a few provokes, which should pair nicely with the Freeze set. But the main reason he's on the team is because his aura will give the rest of your team a bit more survivability.

Underpriest Brogni in HP (or equivalent) set. Brogni is the closer for the team. He's going to start with his A3. The ATK buff is unfortunately mostly wasted, as the reset of the team is DEF or HP, but the main reason for him on the team is that the A3 blocks debuff. The passive is icing on the cake.

As mentioned earlier, the critical part of the team is getting the resists high enough to stop most of the debuffs. For context, my Rhazin has about 250 resist with the aura active, while my MM has about 350. Rhaz occasionally resists debuffs, while MM resists most. That leads me to believe that you'll want at least 300 resist on most of your team. Accuracy is important for your team as well, though less so than the resist. As such, I recommend most of the team to use a resist chest and banner - although if you can make up the resist through substats, you could consider running an acc banner instead. The rest of the items should be to match your champs needs - HP% gloves/boots for Brogni and MM, DEF% gloves/boots, or CR/CD gloves and DEF% boots for Brago and Rhaz. 

May 7, 2021, 16:3605/07/21

Zelotah is a good epic substitue if you do not have Rhazin yet.  Doesn't need books and is better to build high resist than acc as the sleep debuff isn't that great.

May 7, 2021, 17:5305/07/21

Yup, Zelotah was the recommendation I gave to one of my clanmates, as he didn't have Rhazin yet. Not as good, though, as the TM control on Rhaz is very useful.

May 7, 2021, 17:5905/07/21

I ran Zelotah MM Skullcrusher and Jarl/Gorgorab to G4 back in the

My G4 team now is an updated version:

Warlord MM/Ignatius Skullcrusher Duchess

May 7, 2021, 18:0305/07/21

Solid team, although I don't love Skullcrusher in there - guess you don't have Martyr or Valk, eh? I'd almost argue that Arbiter would be a better fit, in pure defensive gear, just to get Duchess back if she happens to die.

May 7, 2021, 20:0005/07/21

I'd probably put Seeker over Miscreated Monster (if you have him). That passive is so good for go-second tanky teams. Other epics you'd also usually see with this comp are Vogoth and Sandlashed. 

May 7, 2021, 20:2805/07/21

I'd probably put Seeker over Miscreated Monster (if you have him). That passive is so good for go-second tanky teams. Other epics you'd also usually see with this comp are Vogoth and Sandlashed. 

Indeed, Seeker seems better than MM in this combo. You could put the shield set on Brogni instead, he has the exact same base HP as MM.

May 8, 2021, 00:4005/08/21

I'm using MM for two main reasons - firstly, and mainly, he's level 60, and Seeker is level 1. The other reason is because of the fear after he places his A3.

But I could see Seeker working here as well.

May 8, 2021, 03:2505/08/21

If you are not faster than enemy:

1) Tormin with Luck.

2) Cardinal with very very high resist, defend + shield. (avoid enemies with block revive) 

Although this girl stats is good but she still got beaten often. 


May 8, 2021, 03:2805/08/21

Of course Tormin is the dream, but alas, not available to most of us. The template I used involves three champs that were "free" - IE through fusions or events, and a fourth that is an epic, but was available on multiple occasions through events.

Cardinal has an interesting kit, but at the end of the day, she's not very reliable. She's too easy to just wipe out before she can pull off her signature revive.

May 8, 2021, 03:2905/08/21

added info: 1 champ alone can't kill her (Cardinal) but 3+ can. as long as she's alive and allie are not blocked revive, she will win the battle. 

May 8, 2021, 03:5305/08/21

If you happen to have both Cardinal & Seer (both epic void 😉) , this is a very good team to defeat very strong buffs team (once you see 20-30 blue buffs on screen), first let Seer is killed, then revive her and boom. 

May 12, 2021, 18:5105/12/21

My  Resistance Team:


I  used  the  above  defense  on  previous Arena  reset.

I  got  below  wins  from  the  team.


One  thing  I  want  to  mention about  Rhazin  is:

-  Rhazin  A2  does  Godlike  Damage 

-  Rhazin  A3  does  Strong  Damage

For  the  above reasons,  I  run  Rhazin  as  a  Damage  Dealer  in  my  team  composition.

He  can  lay down some  big  nukes.

I  have  had  Rhazin  1  shot  arena  teams  in  this  go  2nd  team.

May 16, 2021, 06:4305/16/21


