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What am i doing wrong??????

What am i doing wrong??????

Apr 21, 2021, 12:0204/21/21

What am i doing wrong??????

HI! i posted few weeks ago and got nothing yet...

im in the game for 80 days, avarage playing more then 3 hours a day (in some days even 5-6)

i invested somthing like 800$ at this game (for fun, and time save..) beside that i dont think i worth it cause i got to allmost nowhere,

i still struggle a lot with this Silver I mission.

i like missions and play a lot of games, but stuck so mush on this and dont even see the end...

i find that for now the most vauable team is Uugo (attack first with A2 skill for dec def and block buffs), then Ursala with A2 to des Attack debuff and increase Attack Buff and then Galek for nuks with A2, between then, Sentinel places Def and block buffs, or Lugan with block cooldown or black night or somthenig else , i change the 4th champion, depends...

i have for the main play and arena: 

- Doompriest - lvl 60 fully ascend, and with full Masteries 

- Gelek - lvl 60 fully ascend, and with full Masteries and fully booked

- Lugan The Steadfast (legendary) - lvl 603 with 3 stars ascend and full Masteries

- Ursala The Mourner - lvl 60 fully ascend and fully masteries + almost fully booked 

- Uugo lvl 60 fully ascend and fully masteries  + almost fully booked

- Black Night (legendery) lvl 60 4stars ascend and fully masteries  

- Sepulcher Sentinel lvl 40 of 6 rank, 3 stars ascended and fully masteries

and some more lvl 50 \ 40 ...

i use to play allmost every day + run the 30 multi batlle evrey day on something else that i need...

pls i feel so bad on stucking in this mission... need an advise on how to get it pass
guys if you can help me out with this i will really appriciate it! i invest lot
of time (and some cash) on this game with love and fun, but stuck on Arena III
Bronze and it really hard for me..  









Apr 21, 2021, 12:1504/21/21

you need gorgorab full speed  for strart fight ,uugo speed and accuary for debuff and after attack with nuker,  this nuker need full crit damange,atack and speed  

Apr 21, 2021, 12:1804/21/21

look how my opp lokks like...


Apr 21, 2021, 12:2104/21/21
Fernando Jurado Duro

you need gorgorab full speed  for strart fight ,uugo speed and accuary for debuff and after attack with nuker,  this nuker need full crit damange,atack and speed  

iv been try to use gorgorab but almost useless cause most of time im attacking first without him

90% of cases Uugo strickes first and places the debuff very good

maybe ill up grade nuker crit as you said.

another problem is that lot of players have more then 1 reviver, like Scyl and Shaman - its unbeatable for me, and half of the arena have it...

Apr 21, 2021, 12:2304/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 12:25(edited)

Your team is to slow. Maybe your fast Uugo goes first in some battles, but the rest of your team doesn't follow up.

You have the perfect champ to change this: Gorgorab. Speedaura, atk buff and team revive, a fantastic arena champ. He is very sad that he is only lvl 50 and just sits around in your vault, not being used in arena and not even mentioned in your forum post. Replace Ursala with Gorgorab.

Gorgorab, team leader for his speed-aura, has to be really fast: Turnmeter fill and atk buff.

Uugo: Def debuff

Lugan: Block cooldown skills

Galek: Nuke

/edit: Your Galek shouldn't have a life leech set when he is supposed to be your arena nuker. He should have savage and/or cruel sets.

Apr 21, 2021, 12:3304/21/21

change item gorgo you need full speed in this champ and lvl 60 for stats up, galek need more crit damange and crit rate this champ should one shot team with debuff uugo

Apr 21, 2021, 12:4304/21/21

tnx much guys, im now on upgrade your suggestion,

gorg will be rank and lvl 60 and ill change some artifacts

i used Galek to farm in campaign with lifesteal, ill change it

tnx again!

Apr 21, 2021, 13:1304/21/21

WOW, you have some really cruddy gear ,, GARBAGE GEAR ,,,,,

Go spend a Week in Dragon 13 and Farm Some 5 Star ELIT Speed boots for one

Get RID of all that Common and Uncommon Junk 

Myself I SELL everything under 5 star rare ( unless it is Speed Boots )

I never keep common or uncommon at all

and 1/2 the time I will sell 3 star Epic and 3 star lego gear too

P.S> your Speed needs to Be OVER 250 and probably closer to 300 by everything I have read

Apr 21, 2021, 14:4704/21/21

Biggest mistake is dropping $800 in 80 days... You whale too hard.

Arena is basically a mess and you need to know a very specific and narrow tactic to play the classic arena. There's only one specific way, and that is speed nuke.

Basically someone that have a speed aura and that can boost speed of the team mates, and then someone that can do AoE defense down, and then other 2 that can do hard AoE damage.

That's it, put speed above everything else as the main stat that you need to enhance.

Apr 22, 2021, 00:3804/22/21

im kinnda dont get it - if only boots have speed in main state, and in approximatley it comes into 35-45 points,

and lets take all other gear with substate speed too - it will had average of 10 speed points X 5 artifacts its 50 more speed points to the 35-45 boots. it comes to maximum of 100 points,

and lets think about some glyphs, add more 10-20 points

most champs have 100 speed + - base state lvl 60, it all comes in 200-220 speed points, how can i get to minimum of 250 and even 300?!?!??!?!

pls, have no idea.

i'll farm with love wherever it needed to get those points,

dont mean to investe more money, game over :)

due to your suggestion i'v allready upgraded Gorgorab and now working on the artifacts and farming Dragon stage 13....

any more ideas?

Apr 22, 2021, 00:5004/22/21

you need 3 sets speed, and sub stats speed in items, for get 300 speed , example my arbiter she is slow with 316


Apr 22, 2021, 01:0004/22/21

wow that crazy. tnx Fernando,

all of those speed items came from Dragons or Palace of Aravia in nightmare?

Apr 22, 2021, 01:0704/22/21

when you have more lvl and you can drake 20, need farm 1 month alone drake all days, for set vampire (boss clan) and set speed for arena,

an advice :alone use frag in event 2 , you should have best champs with 800 $ 

Apr 22, 2021, 03:0304/22/21

at 80 days in, you won't reach 300 speed.  you're going to struggle to hit 200-220 probably, and the people in the arena you're facing that are 6 months in will outgear you every time unfortunately.

you need all of your fastest speed gear on gorgo like everyone has mentioned.  put gororab as your lead, as you want his speed aura.  the reason you want him in your fastest gear, is because you want him to go first with this skill "Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 15%.".  this is key, he'll boost your other champs ahead of the enemy team hopefully, and then your team will go first and hopefully nuke the enemy if they're fast enough.

the kicker is, most of your matchups will be against faster teams. as i mentioned above, they've just had more time to farm better gear, so that will take time farming dragons (i'm stuck at this point too).  this is where you have to spend the time choosing your opponents wisely.

Apr 22, 2021, 08:0804/22/21

Biggest mistake is dropping $800 in 80 days... You whale too hard.

Arena is basically a mess and you need to know a very specific and narrow tactic to play the classic arena. There's only one specific way, and that is speed nuke.

Basically someone that have a speed aura and that can boost speed of the team mates, and then someone that can do AoE defense down, and then other 2 that can do hard AoE damage.

That's it, put speed above everything else as the main stat that you need to enhance.

With a stacked roster then you can build good go second teams but yeh i agree its so so shallow, farm dragon forever, put in a speed aura lead then go turn meter->debuff->nuke 

People seem to have forgotten this guy is in bronze , and are talking about 300 speed...

The op has a good roster though, although id have expected even better for 800 dollars!... the prices on this game are insane

Apr 22, 2021, 09:5804/22/21

im kinnda dont get it - if only boots have speed in main state, and in approximatley it comes into 35-45 points,

and lets take all other gear with substate speed too - it will had average of 10 speed points X 5 artifacts its 50 more speed points to the 35-45 boots. it comes to maximum of 100 points,

and lets think about some glyphs, add more 10-20 points

most champs have 100 speed + - base state lvl 60, it all comes in 200-220 speed points, how can i get to minimum of 250 and even 300?!?!??!?!

pls, have no idea.

i'll farm with love wherever it needed to get those points,

dont mean to investe more money, game over :)

due to your suggestion i'v allready upgraded Gorgorab and now working on the artifacts and farming Dragon stage 13....

any more ideas?

In addition to what Fernando said above, banners can also spawn with speed substat, so it will be speed boots (from the speed set) + 6 other artifacts (5 from the speed set + 1 banner) with speed substat.  Ideally this speed substat needs to have leveled multiple times when the artifact was upgraded, so you will need epics or legendary artifacts

Welcome to Raid: Shadow Legends, the speedening

Apr 22, 2021, 10:1904/22/21

hi guys tnx again... i see that this journey not even start.. o.O🙀


you know, the 800$ didnt came up at 1 day, 29.9$ for some silve and chicken, then 69.9 for some other, 9.9 for diamonds to make full masteries and soo on... it became 800 total.. huge price for almost nothing..

Apr 22, 2021, 10:5404/22/21

hi guys tnx again... i see that this journey not even start.. o.O🙀


you know, the 800$ didnt came up at 1 day, 29.9$ for some silve and chicken, then 69.9 for some other, 9.9 for diamonds to make full masteries and soo on... it became 800 total.. huge price for almost nothing..

Oh i know it can creep up on people, i know people who have spent far more.

Apr 22, 2021, 11:1004/22/21

WOW, you have some really cruddy gear ,, GARBAGE GEAR ,,,,,

Go spend a Week in Dragon 13 and Farm Some 5 Star ELIT Speed boots for one

Get RID of all that Common and Uncommon Junk 

Myself I SELL everything under 5 star rare ( unless it is Speed Boots )

I never keep common or uncommon at all

and 1/2 the time I will sell 3 star Epic and 3 star lego gear too

P.S> your Speed needs to Be OVER 250 and probably closer to 300 by everything I have read

I agree, anything under rare 4 stars you should sell. Honestly, I would farm the dragon to get some decent gear. The sucky thing about gear is that you'll think that one type of gear will suit the champion pretty well, but then ur wondering why u keep getting clapped (lol that was me totes equipping dwarf dude with lifesteal realizing that freeze gear suits him much more). Your first goal should be getting some epic 4-5 gear.

Apr 22, 2021, 11:1804/22/21

again tnx u guys for the smart advise and all this help,

i must say - i upgraded Gorgorab to lvl 6 ascend and fully masteries and set up some artifacts for him and for Lugan,

the difference is HUGE!!!!! TNX! i feel the big value of this speeding and can take win of some battles i never could take before.

still need to combine with some accuracy for Lugan for his "block  cooldown" debuff 



Apr 22, 2021, 12:2504/22/21

6 starring and fully ascending is really important - firstly because you get a speed boost for 60, and secondly because a banner is a big benefit, its were a lot of accuracy comes from for a lot of people