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Well, THAT weekend went well. Now next 6*?

Well, THAT weekend went well. Now next 6*?

Apr 14, 2021, 12:2204/14/21

Well, THAT weekend went well. Now next 6*?

Thank all the gods for 2x Legendary pulls. Got a 2x XP today with days of power, so next 6* is here. Submitting for your opinions, because this one is tough. Notes:

- all of my best crit gear is on Elhain and Huntsman. Little left for others. Speed is 70% good.

- Arena team Khatun, Warmaiden, Elhain and a selection of others, depending on who I'm facing affinity-/skill-wise. Huntsman once he's at 60, and possibly Robar at 50.

- Heart tags are keepers. Crosses are past-champs/future food, but still needed for fusion and tag-team. No tag = current food.

- Not sure about Robar: I know he can hit, but I don't have the DEF gear to make it so. Future 6*?

- Don't worry about ascentions: most of the newbies I got a couple of days ago. Keeps take time in F2P. lol

Thanks for all the input so far. It's been invaluable.


Apr 14, 2021, 13:2604/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 13:28(edited)

Probably a support champion next, I'm inclined to say Rearguard Sergeant. Apo is also a future 6* but he can do much of his job at 50, think RGS would profit more from the boost. Robar is absolutely also a future 6* but since he covers basically the same roles as your existing 6* champions (decrease def and nuking), I wouldn't do him now just yet. 

Edit: Kaiden is also an option, thinking about it - somewhat different kit than RGS, in some ways worse, but the bigger reliability of his decrease attack and his revive are significant advantages too. 

Apr 14, 2021, 13:4304/14/21

Probably a support champion next, I'm inclined to say Rearguard Sergeant. Apo is also a future 6* but he can do much of his job at 50, think RGS would profit more from the boost. Robar is absolutely also a future 6* but since he covers basically the same roles as your existing 6* champions (decrease def and nuking), I wouldn't do him now just yet. 

Edit: Kaiden is also an option, thinking about it - somewhat different kit than RGS, in some ways worse, but the bigger reliability of his decrease attack and his revive are significant advantages too. 

When i went for the x10 i didnt get any of the x10 champs and was gutted but - i pulled kaiden, arminer  as well as coldheart..the rest was food

Initially i thought kaiden & arminer were going to be food too, but he is a lot better than i expected and as you say the revive is helpful.... helped me get past a sticking point on faction wars.

Just a personal POV and L9753 is more knowledgable than me but i would go with kaiden, especially if at a sticking point with ice golem - aoe attack down is nice.

Apr 14, 2021, 13:5204/14/21

When i went for the x10 i didnt get any of the x10 champs and was gutted but - i pulled kaiden, arminer  as well as coldheart..the rest was food

Initially i thought kaiden & arminer were going to be food too, but he is a lot better than i expected and as you say the revive is helpful.... helped me get past a sticking point on faction wars.

Just a personal POV and L9753 is more knowledgable than me but i would go with kaiden, especially if at a sticking point with ice golem - aoe attack down is nice.

Arminer? You mean Armina, I suppose, as Armiger is an uncommon? Armina is excellent, big upgrade over Warmaiden although of course epic books are tougher to get than rare ones. And yeah, Kaiden is good, certainly not food. 

Apr 14, 2021, 14:3204/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 14:34(edited)

You see? That's why I ask. I liked Kaiden when I first pulled him, then got two legendaries that blew him right off my radar. And I've got 5 books for him in storage... or 4 if his A2 rolls right (just jinxed it right there). Again, same problem as Robar: no good defensive gear. Need to farm after this upgrade spree.

That's something to think about. Thanks, guys.

Anyone else? Skadi, you out there? 😋

Apr 14, 2021, 15:1104/14/21

You see? That's why I ask. I liked Kaiden when I first pulled him, then got two legendaries that blew him right off my radar. And I've got 5 books for him in storage... or 4 if his A2 rolls right (just jinxed it right there). Again, same problem as Robar: no good defensive gear. Need to farm after this upgrade spree.

That's something to think about. Thanks, guys.

Anyone else? Skadi, you out there? 😋

Why would you want defensive gear on Robar anyway? He's a nuker/debuffer, damage scaling off attack, so why defensive gear? 

Apr 14, 2021, 15:1604/14/21

Why would you want defensive gear on Robar anyway? He's a nuker/debuffer, damage scaling off attack, so why defensive gear? 

Sigh. I really need to pay attention. It wasn't the defensive gear, it was the lack of crit/attack gear. I knew there was something. My bad; thanks for setting me straight.

BTW, not for now, but what do you all think of Avir? Really good kit for a rare, and easy to ascend. Good ratings, too.

Apr 14, 2021, 15:3304/14/21

Sigh. I really need to pay attention. It wasn't the defensive gear, it was the lack of crit/attack gear. I knew there was something. My bad; thanks for setting me straight.

BTW, not for now, but what do you all think of Avir? Really good kit for a rare, and easy to ascend. Good ratings, too.

Avir isn't as good as he looks at first sight, largely because of the long cooldown on his A3, by far his best skill, even after booking. And because his A2 puts only the weak version of decrease attack, while requiring loads of books to get it to 100 percent. He'd still be useful for dwarf FW I'm sure, but for other content he doesn't look that great.

As for Robar, he's an upgrade over either Warmaiden or Elhain really, so could just take their current gear. Unless you have plenty of lego books lying around, his decrease def won't be as reliable or as frequent as Warmaiden's, but then you have Royal Huntsman for that already, so Robar can be more focused on damage - though you'll still want him to have good accuracy, for the stun on his A1 if nothing else. 

Apr 14, 2021, 16:0604/14/21

Avir isn't as good as he looks at first sight, largely because of the long cooldown on his A3, by far his best skill, even after booking. And because his A2 puts only the weak version of decrease attack, while requiring loads of books to get it to 100 percent. He'd still be useful for dwarf FW I'm sure, but for other content he doesn't look that great.

As for Robar, he's an upgrade over either Warmaiden or Elhain really, so could just take their current gear. Unless you have plenty of lego books lying around, his decrease def won't be as reliable or as frequent as Warmaiden's, but then you have Royal Huntsman for that already, so Robar can be more focused on damage - though you'll still want him to have good accuracy, for the stun on his A1 if nothing else. 

Nope: only 3 lego books currently. I'll stick with WM for now; her decrease defense is at 100% on 3 turns (thanks campaign) with +good accuracy. I've watched some videos on Robar; didn't hear those comparisons before. Thanks! 

Apr 14, 2021, 17:1004/14/21

You see? That's why I ask. I liked Kaiden when I first pulled him, then got two legendaries that blew him right off my radar. And I've got 5 books for him in storage... or 4 if his A2 rolls right (just jinxed it right there). Again, same problem as Robar: no good defensive gear. Need to farm after this upgrade spree.

That's something to think about. Thanks, guys.

Anyone else? Skadi, you out there? 😋

I put kaiden in perception, he needs accuracy anyway and i think stats over sets... and the forge stuff, its really easy to kit people out in 5 star epics / legendaries till you can get better

Apr 14, 2021, 18:0704/14/21

Oh wow, I really like your use of those tags to specify food.  I've been thinking they were useless so far but I could just specify a few tags to fit my situation (something for faction war champs who will be food, something for maybes, something for food like you did, etc).  Good luck with the advice you've gotten from players who know a bit more and thanks for the inspiration!

Apr 14, 2021, 18:1504/14/21

Sigh. I really need to pay attention. It wasn't the defensive gear, it was the lack of crit/attack gear. I knew there was something. My bad; thanks for setting me straight.

BTW, not for now, but what do you all think of Avir? Really good kit for a rare, and easy to ascend. Good ratings, too.

I got Avir really early and I booked him almost immediately.  Then I pulled Aox.  I realize they aren't exactly the same character but they have a decent amount of overlap and my books were pretty much wasted.  From my very brief experience with Avir, I like him if you don't have anyone else who does what he does.  He is a decent all-around utility champ but will obviously be outclassed pretty easily.  He isn't a bad one to get to 50 though if you have the resources and he helps a bit with the clan boss.  Just know that you probably wouldn't use him for more than a few months at most so any resources you put into him are a short-term investment.

Apr 14, 2021, 20:2704/14/21

Maybe Lodric could be an option. Like Rearguard Sergeant he is good at the Clanboss. Atk down on his A1, remove debuff (Stun from CB) and allie protect on his A2 and Shield based on his hp (he is an hp-champ) on his A3.

Apr 14, 2021, 20:4804/14/21

Maybe Lodric could be an option. Like Rearguard Sergeant he is good at the Clanboss. Atk down on his A1, remove debuff (Stun from CB) and allie protect on his A2 and Shield based on his hp (he is an hp-champ) on his A3.

I've still been concentrating on arena: just goes to show. Was wondering what Lodric was good for; wasn't thinking Clanboss at all, just AOE. I've been using Grunch in that role up until now.

I've just decided that a "Build III" tag will denote a CB upgrade when I move that way. Thanks for the input, as always!

Apr 19, 2021, 14:0004/19/21

Oh wow, I really like your use of those tags to specify food.  I've been thinking they were useless so far but I could just specify a few tags to fit my situation (something for faction war champs who will be food, something for maybes, something for food like you did, etc).  Good luck with the advice you've gotten from players who know a bit more and thanks for the inspiration!

No problem. My only regret is that the tags aren't customizable, ie. our own inputs (CB for clan boss, a burger emoji for food, etc.). Anyone a Plarium listening? How about a further tag item or two whose title is customizable by the player? 

Apr 19, 2021, 16:3104/19/21

In  my  opinion,  you are  trying  to  progress  inefficiently.

I  have  created  a  series of  steps  on  how  I  think  the  most  efficient way  is.

Step  1 -  Create  Campaign Farm  which  can  Solo  Brutal  12-3  or  12-6

Step  2  -  Create  Clan  Boss  Team

Step  3  -  Create  Dungeon  Team

Step  4  -  Create  Arena  Team

It  seems  to  me  like  you  have  done  Step  1.

Than  you  jumped  forward to  Step  4.

Clan  Boss  gives  you  rewards  every  day.

Arena  gives  you  rewards  every  week.

It  seems strange to  me  that  you  wouldn't try  to  improve the  area  which  gives you  more  rewards  per  week.

Oh,  Well

If  you  want  to  focus  on  Arena,  I  will  not  stop  you.

The  arena  team  you  should  make  is  probably the  below  team:

Leader  -  High  Khatun  19%  Speed  Aura

1st  move:  High  Khatun  ---->  TM  Fill  +  Inc.  SPD

2nd  move:  SpiritHost ------>  Inc.  ATK

3rd  move:  WarMadien ----->  AOE  DEF  Down

4th  move:  Elhain  --------->  AOE  Nuker

Huntsman  &  Robar  are  both  DEF  Down  Champs.

Huntsman  &  Robar  are  both  Nuking  Champs.

You  can  swap  them  in  for  either  WarMadien or  Elhain.

If  you  want  to  swap  either  of  them  in  for  WarMadien,  you  will  need  to  Book  them.

You  would  want  the  DEF  Down  move  to  have  100%  Chance.

If  you  want  to  swap  either  of  them  in  for  Elhain,  you  will  just  build  them  for  Damage.

It  could  be  a  good  idea  if  you  need  a  Nuker  of  different Affinity.

Depending  on  enemy  team  you  can  change  your  nuker  to  counter  them  better.

Elhain  -  Magic

Hunstman  -  Spirit

Robar  -  Force

Last  2  things  I  want  to  say  are:

1  -  The  Pitiless  One  is  a  stronger  Magic  Nuker.

If  you  wanted  to  upgrade  Elhain  to  a  harder  hitting  Magic  Nuker,  The  Pitiless  One  is  the  hero.

2  -  Don't get  rid of  Shaman

You  said  heroes  with  a  cross  on  them  are  Past  Champions  or  Future  Food.

You  don't want  to  have Shaman  in  the  Future Food  Category.

You  might  need  Shaman  later  on  for  ORC  Faction  Wars.

ORC  Faction  only  have  2  Revive  Heroes

-  Shaman

-  Old  Hermit

You  may  never  pull  the  Old  Hermit  from  a  Shard.

If  you  don't,  you  might  need  Shaman  to  help  you  3  star  Faction  Stages.

Anyway,  It  is  just  some  fruit  for  thought.

Apr 21, 2021, 21:0504/21/21

Hey Player J,

Didn't want a long-winded quote above, so I'll kind of reference your wise words:

My arena team is essentially as you suggested, but with HK, Warmaiden and then 2 nukes: Elhain and Huntsman. I'm currently level 60ing Robar, so I'll hit up Spirithost next. That answers my next newest question. lol

And yes, I got out of Bronze II, finally. But I'm not focused on the weekly Arena awards: it's the Great Hall I care about. Don't need a couple of new artifacts that badly, but cross-game crit rate or accuracy? Yes please!

I've also set up a Clanboss team by properly gearing up some champs (Athel, Warmaiden, Kaiden, Huntsman, Elhain), currently pinging between easy, normal and hard (4 keys/day). Got the ACC, so nice reliable debuffs.

That team is pretty good on dungeons as well, but I really need masteries badly (gems for Elhain's full masteries in about 2 days, farming scrolls all the time). That, and the ascentions, are currently my goal when not in XP boost mode for food farming.

Yeah, I've been a busy boy since I first asked for the above advice. Thanks for clarifying stuff, and sort of reassuring me I'm (kind of) on the right track.

Apr 21, 2021, 21:2704/21/21

Hey Player J,

Didn't want a long-winded quote above, so I'll kind of reference your wise words:

My arena team is essentially as you suggested, but with HK, Warmaiden and then 2 nukes: Elhain and Huntsman. I'm currently level 60ing Robar, so I'll hit up Spirithost next. That answers my next newest question. lol

And yes, I got out of Bronze II, finally. But I'm not focused on the weekly Arena awards: it's the Great Hall I care about. Don't need a couple of new artifacts that badly, but cross-game crit rate or accuracy? Yes please!

I've also set up a Clanboss team by properly gearing up some champs (Athel, Warmaiden, Kaiden, Huntsman, Elhain), currently pinging between easy, normal and hard (4 keys/day). Got the ACC, so nice reliable debuffs.

That team is pretty good on dungeons as well, but I really need masteries badly (gems for Elhain's full masteries in about 2 days, farming scrolls all the time). That, and the ascentions, are currently my goal when not in XP boost mode for food farming.

Yeah, I've been a busy boy since I first asked for the above advice. Thanks for clarifying stuff, and sort of reassuring me I'm (kind of) on the right track.

I think J's advice is generally good, though I suggest the following priority

1. 12.3

2. Dragon20 

3. Arena

4. CB

Obviously you won't be anywhere near Dragon20 after step 1, hopefully closing on 13 though.

The GH bonus really aren't that great until you get higher up, better gear (Dragon & other dungeons) is the most important thing.

I think the CB rewards are crap until you get to at least top Brutal chest. 

#2 helps 3 and 4 more than vice versa imo.