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Beginner Arena

Beginner Arena

Apr 13, 2021, 22:4404/13/21

Beginner Arena

Yet again ANOTHER game company that screws new players over in Arena by putting them up against opponents they stand no chance winning against. 

This flies in the face of the quests to win arena matches that you can't ever do because you are out matched and out gunned.

You need to fix your algorythm so that it is more fair in teams of levels of toons and gear score because not being able to win in over an hour because of your stupid algorythm is going to make me not play and that will be money lost to you.

Apr 14, 2021, 04:4004/14/21

What you should suggest is to have all "bot" teams in your match list in bronze up to silver 4 in arena so you can have false sense of progression in the game. 

Apr 14, 2021, 05:4804/14/21

What you should suggest is to have all "bot" teams in your match list in bronze up to silver 4 in arena so you can have false sense of progression in the game. 

Well, if all of the missions after for example reaching Silver 1 in the Arbiter mission are already done...these missions are either way placed wrongly or the arena itself is not a measurement of overall game progression.

Apr 14, 2021, 06:0504/14/21

and you think classic is bad, bronze tag team is even worse :P


Apr 14, 2021, 06:4504/14/21

and you think classic is bad, bronze tag team is even worse :P


The teams might be even stronger in TAG team....but not playing tag team will not stop you in your progress...

Not being able to win in Classic ( for whatever reasons) will put a dead end to your progress in all aspects of the game

Apr 14, 2021, 07:0504/14/21

It might not stop my progress but it makes me not want to do advanced quests each day :p

Apr 14, 2021, 07:1004/14/21

The teams might be even stronger in TAG team....but not playing tag team will not stop you in your progress...

Not being able to win in Classic ( for whatever reasons) will put a dead end to your progress in all aspects of the game

You don't need arena to build dungeon 20 teams

Apr 14, 2021, 07:1304/14/21

You don't need arena to build dungeon 20 teams

Yeah it will, because it would be harder to make a level 20 dungeon team when you can't build the extra bonuses from the great hall and the arena bonus itself

Apr 14, 2021, 07:1504/14/21

I mean I cleared all 20 and my gh is mostly level 2-5

Apr 14, 2021, 07:1804/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 07:25(edited)

I mean I cleared all 20 and my gh is mostly level 2-5

My point EXACTLY! Being able to build to lvl 5 great hall means you have broken silver rank, which also grant you higher arena rank bonus.

And being in silver, you're able to build your lvl 1-3 great hall FASTER than those in Bronze, and have the access to build lvl 4-6, which are unavailable to anyone in Bronze.

Apr 14, 2021, 07:2504/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 07:26(edited)

But I think i would have managed without.  Just need gear on point,  the main issue is arbiter mission for most it seems 

Apr 14, 2021, 07:2904/14/21

But I think i would have managed without.  Just need gear on point,  the main issue is arbiter mission for most it seems 

Ooooh you think you can manage without the arena rank bonus and great hall bonus?

Why don't you de-rank yourself to Bronze 4 and see how much damage you're sacrificing, and how much squishier your hero would be. And that's just the arena bonus.

Apr 14, 2021, 07:3204/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 07:33(edited)

Believe it or not I was there once? :p I've only been playing 7 months  

Apr 14, 2021, 07:4504/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 08:08(edited)

Matchmaking based on power removes the idea of progression.

In just about any rpg game, you get more powerful and as a result the content you are working on becomes more easy, then you move onto harder content (in this case higher tiers)

But because of 1) the matchmaking system and 2) the fact that raid has far more inactive or semi inactive players than active ones, and rarely keeps new players for longer than a couple of weeks

We have a situation where as you get power and collect champs for other areas of the game, you get harder matches in the same content...destroying the feeling of progression

Add in the deflationary points system where people lose all their excess points each reset and you have a system where people can grind their hearts out for weeks, but actually go backwards in progress. 

I have seen the matches high power players are getting in bronze, and some are harder than the matches i get in gold, its insane. 

Apr 14, 2021, 07:5304/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 08:03(edited)

Believe it or not I was there once? :p I've only been playing 7 months  

I'm not arguing that, I believe that you have gone through bronze and I believe that you deserved to be in silver or maybe even higher.

My argument is, without those bonuses, it's harder to build a Dungeon 20 team. Hence arena is an integral part of building any team on any other part of the game.

Thus, being unable to rise in arena puts a (pay) wall in progression on any other part of the game.

Also I want to add, that the early game from 1 year to 6 months a go, is a huge difference than the early game that is today.

I still remember back then people complained about breaching Silver 1 in the mission. Now people are complaining about Bronze 3, which means from where you are 7 months ago to new player today, there's a huge difficulty hike in arena which, with the reason I stated above, hinder progress in all other part of the game.

Apr 14, 2021, 16:3104/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 16:31(edited)

I'm not denying its more difficult to make a 20 team, im just saying its not impossible. Even more so when i see videos of f2p people clearing all 21 faction wars with 3 50s in the team 

Apr 15, 2021, 00:0204/15/21

I'm not denying its more difficult to make a 20 team, im just saying its not impossible. Even more so when i see videos of f2p people clearing all 21 faction wars with 3 50s in the team 

Your example did not disaprove anything I said, F2P clearing FW, sure... But then how long have they played? How high is thier Great Hall? How big is their arena rank bonus? And then the question, how long does someone that has started playing today, can replicate that?


Apr 15, 2021, 00:0504/15/21
Apr 15, 2021, 00:06(edited)

its all hyptheticals and things i cant answer. There are for sure issues with the arena, but there are also issues with people thinking they should just be able to breeze through without trying. Lets be fair this game isnt f2p friendly, and i see no way in which it will be in the future. Its not good business sense

The point about the f2p person clearing things, is people don't play their account properly. They spread what little resource they have too thin. They don't focus on a select group of champs or they don't gear them properly. Even if that gear is lesser the wrong gear will kill any champ. Lots of the problems are also a lack of knowledge and its easier to rage than to learn

Apr 15, 2021, 15:1504/15/21

its all hyptheticals and things i cant answer. There are for sure issues with the arena, but there are also issues with people thinking they should just be able to breeze through without trying. Lets be fair this game isnt f2p friendly, and i see no way in which it will be in the future. Its not good business sense

The point about the f2p person clearing things, is people don't play their account properly. They spread what little resource they have too thin. They don't focus on a select group of champs or they don't gear them properly. Even if that gear is lesser the wrong gear will kill any champ. Lots of the problems are also a lack of knowledge and its easier to rage than to learn

 1: There is a huge difference between being a breeze through without trying and wanting a fair game. 

I have (still do) play Summoners War and you can tell how it is made to cater (and help) people who spend lots of money on the game. I also do not believe in EVER giving ANY game company thousands of dollars for a stupid game that is well just stupid and shows how lazy they are. 

All I want is the ability to compete vs teams that I at least have some chance of winning against. Problem is when I go to Arena all I see are teams with 2+ epic toons and all of them 4 star maxxed. 

It would not be hard to have an algorythm that placed similair geared/ranked players together until that point came where there were few left and you had no choice but to gear/level more.

2: F2P also doesn't mean people waste resources or do not know how to play correctly. That is such a broad stereotype that is so wrong. 

I restarted near 15 times so I could understand how the game worked and what was needed to do that best I could. (remember I have played Summoners War since its release 7 years ago)

After the 15th start I had a plan and I knew what to do and I still can't compete quests because of a stupid idiotic broken system that basically FORCES you to waste resources to advance. 

Apr 15, 2021, 22:2404/15/21

The issues regarding Plarium removing "inactive" teams, is what they consider inactive isn't what people playing arena consider inactive. All someone has to do is log on, Now what they should actually do is base their actual arena activity on if that team is removed. 

The issue being that these teams never actually get demoted, they gain enough points just through defense and people vainly trying to beat them that they don't drop go anywhere so you struggle to face them time after time. They should probably be higher but they are not being played

Apr 15, 2021, 22:2804/15/21

 1: There is a huge difference between being a breeze through without trying and wanting a fair game. 

I have (still do) play Summoners War and you can tell how it is made to cater (and help) people who spend lots of money on the game. I also do not believe in EVER giving ANY game company thousands of dollars for a stupid game that is well just stupid and shows how lazy they are. 

All I want is the ability to compete vs teams that I at least have some chance of winning against. Problem is when I go to Arena all I see are teams with 2+ epic toons and all of them 4 star maxxed. 

It would not be hard to have an algorythm that placed similair geared/ranked players together until that point came where there were few left and you had no choice but to gear/level more.

2: F2P also doesn't mean people waste resources or do not know how to play correctly. That is such a broad stereotype that is so wrong. 

I restarted near 15 times so I could understand how the game worked and what was needed to do that best I could. (remember I have played Summoners War since its release 7 years ago)

After the 15th start I had a plan and I knew what to do and I still can't compete quests because of a stupid idiotic broken system that basically FORCES you to waste resources to advance. 

Also regardless of if you think its a stereotype or not, it is true. I was in fact one of those people when i first started playing i levelled the wrong things put the wrong gear on, wasted legendary tomes on epic champions etc etc...Depending on the amount of money u are willing to spend in this those silly mistakes can really hurt your account.

I'm not saying every single person has no clue but a lot of people are probably unaware of ways to maximise their game. Only after i started reading up and watching experienced players of this game did i start to gain an understanding of how better to get past certain aspects of the game. Yes i have spent money but im by no means a whale