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An Open Letter to Plarium

An Open Letter to Plarium

Apr 12, 2021, 14:2304/12/21

An Open Letter to Plarium

I posted this on Facebook a few days back and the response was overwhelming support. I don't post hardly at all but this is how I feel about the game and was overjoyed to see I was not alone... 

An open letter to Plarium.

As one of the 397 Level 100 players you touted on your video let me first off Thank You for providing a game in which I have had much enjoyment. That being said let me tell you why I am contemplating leaving the game. 

As it currently stands the game has lost most of its  luster for me. I enjoyed the grind to 100.  I do not enjoy however the total dismissive attitude you are giving your player base. Your total lack in addressing some of the games critical issues (Top 4, Dupe Legendaries, Books, Silver and Time). You have not taken the players seriously. You create content that is not condusive to gaining and maintaining players… (Something is seriously wrong if you have 76 milliion downloads and only 397 Level 100 players after 2 years and less than 400,000 at level 60). Whomever is in charge of maintaining players seriously needs to look for a different job). 

I’ve been playing computer games since they first started (I’m 63). I’m also a retired computer programmer so I can speak from experience when I say solving these issues are not a programming problem.  It’s a desire to change problem.  If you don’t change, you won’t evolve. The mentality that focuses on the few instead of the many is doomed for eventual failure.  

The game is superb in it’s graphics and great in developing new champions (for the most part… there have been some real duds though), but is soundly lacking in it’s capacity to want to develop characters (the book issue).  With so many champions and so little opportunity to get books without paying through the nose to get them you lose players. If players could develop their characters you would retain players. If you want players to spend money GIVE THEM A REASON TO. Books is not that reason. I believe that players would spend MORE on obtaining shards, IF they had a way of maximizing the champions SO THEY CAN PLAY THEM. There is no real justification to limit the usability of champions. People will spend more IF they can GET AND USE them, not just get them.

A few suggestion to seriously consider are .... New champions should never need more than 10 books for ANY rarity), Fix the dupe problem ( no matter how you phrase it …. IT IS NOT DIFFICULT TO DO… stop insulting our intelligence by saying it is). Allow us to auto run things we have already accomplished (mission runs, doom tower runs, faction runs, dungeons), Auto upgrade artifacts instead of having to install 3rd pary programs to speed it up). It’s poor design and serves no usefull purpose other than create another reason pepole leave the game, as they don’t have TIME TO PLAY, due to unneeded time sinks.  Fix the silver issue (multiple ways of doing this… increase silver rewards for missions, increase silver for selling mission artifacts, remove cost for changing gear). 

Would I recommend new players play the game… at this time, I would not. The amount of time required to play, the lack of addressing the problems in the game, content being created that is not condusive to getting and maintaining new players. Will I continue to play the game…. Yes, for a bit longer… but it’s not looking good unless things change….


Apr 12, 2021, 15:2504/12/21

Amazing words. I wholeheartedly agree.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 12, 2021, 15:2804/12/21

Dear outersider! That's quite feedback! We genuinely thank you for all the time that you've devoted to the game!  I especially appreciate such a comprehensive and thoughtful letter! Wow, you've made it as far as 100 Level, which is an impressive achievement by all means! I hope you've enjoyed that journey! 

You're right in saying that changing a particular aspect of the game is not blocked primarily by considerations of technical/programming complexity. Rather, it's a matter of game balance, in-game economy, and gameplay consistency. We try to be cautious and to test every facet of the game before changing it. That's why it often takes considerable time.

We are sorry to hear that you experienced a dismissive attitude. Unfortunately, we receive a large number of comments from players on all major platforms, and at times it gets challenging (if possible) to address them all. Nevertheless, we try at least to consider as much feedback as it is possible.

Thank you for the feedback about Books, duplicates, silver and suggestions to change the time-related aspects of the game. We keep transfering those and similar ideas to the game designers constantly, and I will communicate your comments as well, especially acknowledging the sheer amount of experience you have in the game 

Apr 13, 2021, 21:5604/13/21

I think the open letter is very well written, using some nice keywords. 

I am just astonished by the reaction. Essentially the most important points mentioned have been around for more than a year. How much longer will it take to test solutions to these problems? Problems, which have been solved in many other games and which can be solved within 3 minutes?

Silver problem? Make a mine like the gem mine. 

Book problem? Increase the chances to drop from CB chests by 5 %. Reduce the number of books needed by merging some of the boni you get for a book. Instead of 2 times 5% damage bonus, make it a 10% bonus

Time? Autocomplete battles. Most other games have them...

Dupe system? There are tons of suggestions on your discord how to solve this problem...tons of other games use some kind of solution to this. 

Mercy Counter? The numbers are already in the system so it should be the work of perhaps 2 hours to show the counter in a little corner close the the relevant shard.

Please, if you say, you are constantly transferring the comments and suggestions to the game designers, it makes me feel just more like outersider. With that I mean that you are not taking me or any other player serious. After more than a year without solving any of those problems and being told on numerous occasions that you are investigating in the solutions, you either way have a very bad game designer team (apart from the graphics department) or you are not listening to the players concerns. Both options are not really promising. 

Apr 14, 2021, 06:0704/14/21

the reaction is "thanks for that, we will do a cursory reply to make it look like we heard and cared but in reality we actually don't" 

Apr 14, 2021, 06:2404/14/21

My two cents: Recently I have noticed that the game has started freezing up. I hope Plarium looks into it. I am sure that if players are not able to play the game and if it keeps freezing up players will have no option but to move on to other games.

Apr 14, 2021, 10:0404/14/21

I get this error message.


and one more error msg


anyone know what it means? i have uninstalled and reinstalled, but that did not resolve the problem

Apr 14, 2021, 10:3904/14/21

the reaction is "thanks for that, we will do a cursory reply to make it look like we heard and cared but in reality we actually don't" 

While people continue to throw money at them, why would they care?

The clan vs clan is essentially whale wars - no doubt it will be a success for revenue and that is what matters.

Other quality of life options- yes i know plarium want rng on upgrades, but do we really need to sit there for ten minutes on every single piece of gear we upgrade watching the item fail to upgrade and silver slowly disappearing? Have a 'complete' button and take an rng amount of silver if rng is absoloutely needed because 'rng is fun'

Running dragon 999999 times for events,  is x2 really the quickest speed why no quicker speed than x2? most just download mouse clickers or run overnight, but it shouldnt be needed.

Running brutal 12-3 or 12-6 a million times to upgrade a champ, would it really hurt to auto complete these once the player has 3 starred them?

Apr 14, 2021, 10:4304/14/21

I get this error message.


and one more error msg


anyone know what it means? i have uninstalled and reinstalled, but that did not resolve the problem

Its a javascript error, not sure why it is happening sorry, do you log in with your fb normally?

Apr 14, 2021, 15:1604/14/21

Well said sir.  I doubt Plarium will ever change or evolve into a company that engages with its player-base, listens to feedback, or works to improve low-spender conditions.  They continue to demonstrate that they are a "gambling" platform company first, and a Mobile ARPG game second.

Apr 14, 2021, 16:3004/14/21

While people continue to throw money at them, why would they care?

The clan vs clan is essentially whale wars - no doubt it will be a success for revenue and that is what matters.

Other quality of life options- yes i know plarium want rng on upgrades, but do we really need to sit there for ten minutes on every single piece of gear we upgrade watching the item fail to upgrade and silver slowly disappearing? Have a 'complete' button and take an rng amount of silver if rng is absoloutely needed because 'rng is fun'

Running dragon 999999 times for events,  is x2 really the quickest speed why no quicker speed than x2? most just download mouse clickers or run overnight, but it shouldnt be needed.

Running brutal 12-3 or 12-6 a million times to upgrade a champ, would it really hurt to auto complete these once the player has 3 starred them?

whale wars...haha love it :)

Apr 14, 2021, 19:0804/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 19:08(edited)

whale wars...haha love it :)

It is the only way to describe it in its current form

Currently they award massive points for using up books and chickens, hardly any for doing stages and even have missions to 'spend gems'. They might as well have a 'use credit card' option on the objectives and save the intermediatory stuff.

It may get tweaked/changed but its basically designed in current form to drain whales, and to get clan members in the top clans to put peer pressure on each other to spend more cash.

Apr 14, 2021, 19:1204/14/21

An actual clan vs clan war would be a 15v15 or 30v30 (decided by the clan leader) arena matchup where everyone gets one attack.  Tie-breaker could be total time in attacks or something.  This is not a clan vs clan competition at all.  

Apr 14, 2021, 19:1704/14/21

This fusion is a joke.  I might be able to do it but there is zero room to miss even one event which is rough.  I was excited.  Brogni seemed doable for me if I had planned ahead so this is going to be my first fusion and then they came out with this.  I know we always use the "whale" metaphor, but Plarium really is run by people who don't have any business sense.  If they had a 5 year plan or even a 2 year plan, they would focus on the low spenders and f2p folks to build up a large player base.  You get more whales that way than you do if you focus just on the whales.  To be blunt about it, the way you increase the population of whales in nature is to make the environment better for the plankton they eat and not by making the environment better for the whales.  This sort of game is no different.  If they were run competently, they would focus on the plankton (f2p and low spenders) in order to have a more sustainable whale population.  Unfortunately, they seem to have a 3 month plan at most which works fine if you are trying to short-sell a product but isn't sustainable and thus makes less money over time.

Apr 14, 2021, 19:2804/14/21

An actual clan vs clan war would be a 15v15 or 30v30 (decided by the clan leader) arena matchup where everyone gets one attack.  Tie-breaker could be total time in attacks or something.  This is not a clan vs clan competition at all.  

Its a spending tournament, but i guess just pick up the milestones and play as normal.

Apr 14, 2021, 19:4204/14/21

Their business strategy makes perfect sense if you just look at it from the right perspective. Milk it for all it's worth then let it die once making new content for it becomes more trouble than it's worth. But perhaps you'd be interested in this brand new game, Assault: Dark Mythology instead?

Apr 14, 2021, 20:0704/14/21

Well obviously they are in it to make money, its a business but you have to balance that with keeping people playing and WANTING to spend. Its like on a simple level they would make a lot more money by actually selling packs cheaper, if they were half the price people would probably buy them twice as much. 

They should probably get some kind of person to understand the pyschology of people.

Apr 14, 2021, 20:4404/14/21

Well obviously they are in it to make money, its a business but you have to balance that with keeping people playing and WANTING to spend. Its like on a simple level they would make a lot more money by actually selling packs cheaper, if they were half the price people would probably buy them twice as much. 

They should probably get some kind of person to understand the pyschology of people.

If the packs where half the price and people buy them twice as much, wouldn't that be the exact same outcome? 😼

Apr 14, 2021, 21:2304/14/21

Well obviously they are in it to make money, its a business but you have to balance that with keeping people playing and WANTING to spend. Its like on a simple level they would make a lot more money by actually selling packs cheaper, if they were half the price people would probably buy them twice as much. 

They should probably get some kind of person to understand the pyschology of people.

I dare guarantee you that they do. The gambling industry has turned psychological manipulation into an art form, and Plarium is very much part of that industry. They are literally owned by a casino. I have every confidence that they've calculated very carefully how to extract the most money out of people for minimum effort, because that's what every business does. Taking your money is literally the reason they exist, through any legal means they can find and any illegal means they can get away with, and the ones that aren't good at it don't last. The only thing you can do as a consumer is to either not consume it or, since that's not realistic in all instances, make them work as much as possible for it. Sure, Plarium could cut their prices and sell more for less, but why should they if enough people are willing to pay their current prices? Personally, if I were to spend as much as Plarium is asking me to on games, I'd spend it on far better games than this one.

Apr 14, 2021, 21:5804/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 22:00(edited)

If the packs where half the price and people buy them twice as much, wouldn't that be the exact same outcome? 😼

thats the point, lol people are stupid. They see the good deal and buy more, then end up actually spending more. High prices might put people off in the first place.

They would get the same people who already buy, but might pick up more than dont now because it looks like such a good deal

Apr 14, 2021, 22:1204/14/21

If the packs where half the price and people buy them twice as much, wouldn't that be the exact same outcome? 😼

It would be the same monetary outcome...but if you consider the benefit of the players not feeling robbed or disgusted by the high amount of money for packages right now, don't you think, these players will stay longer and spend more?

Imagine a whale buying 1 package for 50 dollar....and 10 low spender not buying it

now the prices are only half of it

the whale would probably buy 2 packages of 25 dollar many of the low spenders would buy one now? Even 1 would increase their profits (and they do not have any costs at generating blue shards or whatever)