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Apr 5, 2021, 04:1704/05/21


The Final Day of Doom Tower: 4th Doom Tower Reset Approaching


We are currently Top 386 in Global. 

Congradulations to the Top 8 Players of my Clan for Normal Mode!


Congradulations to the Top 8 Players of my Clan for Hard Mode!


Apr 5, 2021, 09:5104/05/21

I wonder how much money you spend combined into this game. A few hundred buck per month per person? Or are we talking about more then thousand the man? :)

Apr 5, 2021, 11:0104/05/21

Clan is a ** Pod ** of Killer Whales !! 

GRATZ BTW !! You paid for it

Apr 5, 2021, 14:3704/05/21

They  worked  for  it.  You  just  complain.  Go  play  some  other  game  with  no  skill  involved.  All  of  your  posts:  oh,  i  just  wish  i  could  get  this  champion,  this  game  is  so  stupid  because  i  cant  get  this  champion.  Grow  up.

Apr 5, 2021, 16:3604/05/21

They  worked  for  it.  You  just  complain.  Go  play  some  other  game  with  no  skill  involved.  All  of  your  posts:  oh,  i  just  wish  i  could  get  this  champion,  this  game  is  so  stupid  because  i  cant  get  this  champion.  Grow  up.

Sorry to inform you, but spending money is not a skill.

Apr 5, 2021, 22:0804/05/21

Sorry to inform you, but spending money is not a skill.

You are wrong to believe me & my team have no skill.

You are wrong to believe me & my team haven't worked for it.

I have posted Doom Tower Threads since the release of Doom Tower.

Every Doom Tower post I create talks about the strategy I use in order to beat the Doom Tower.

The thread we are talking on today is the 4th Edition of the Doom Tower.

The thread we are talking on today is the only thread I haven't gone over my strategies.

The reason why is because the game didn't make any changes to the 4th Edition of the Doom Tower.

All the Bosses + Floors remained the same.

For the above reason, I didn't have to change any of my teams or strategies.

I used the same teams + same strategy I was previously using in other Doom Tower Editions.

Apr 5, 2021, 22:1804/05/21
Apr 5, 2021, 22:24(edited)

They  worked  for  it.  You  just  complain.  Go  play  some  other  game  with  no  skill  involved.  All  of  your  posts:  oh,  i  just  wish  i  could  get  this  champion,  this  game  is  so  stupid  because  i  cant  get  this  champion.  Grow  up.

DUH !!  You shuld larn Engrish ....

P.S. A Statement of Fact is not a Complaint ,,,

I did not use one Word of Complaint ,,

But I seen a Complainer Complaining about , basically, nothing 

Good Job 

P.P.S.  a Lot of the Top Players and Cashers have Formed New Clans together ....

I.E. the ** WHALES ** have gotten together and Formed clans to take advantage of the New Clan Tourney , I dont Blame them one Bit at all ,,,,

Now they are killing it ,, Hence , Killer Whales ,,,,

and a Clan of Killer Whales is a Pod ,,, HENCE , the Statement of Fact

Clan is a ** POD ** of Killer Whales 

P.P.P.S. Whales Pay to Play ,,, Hence the ** You paid For it ** Line 

So not one Complaint in that post at all

I do seriously want to thank them for ** CASHING ** so i can play for Free ,, 


Apr 6, 2021, 00:0604/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 00:07(edited)

DUH !!  You shuld larn Engrish ....

P.S. A Statement of Fact is not a Complaint ,,,

I did not use one Word of Complaint ,,

But I seen a Complainer Complaining about , basically, nothing 

Good Job 

P.P.S.  a Lot of the Top Players and Cashers have Formed New Clans together ....

I.E. the ** WHALES ** have gotten together and Formed clans to take advantage of the New Clan Tourney , I dont Blame them one Bit at all ,,,,

Now they are killing it ,, Hence , Killer Whales ,,,,

and a Clan of Killer Whales is a Pod ,,, HENCE , the Statement of Fact

Clan is a ** POD ** of Killer Whales 

P.P.P.S. Whales Pay to Play ,,, Hence the ** You paid For it ** Line 

So not one Complaint in that post at all

I do seriously want to thank them for ** CASHING ** so i can play for Free ,, 


I created the team when I was level 20.

Most of the players in my team joined at level 10.

We played together for over 2 years.

I have losted a lot of good friends over a 2 year time frame.

- A few of my members left because they thought my team wasn't good enough 

Other teams promised them better.

- A few of my members left because they got upset with the game.

They said the game didnt make them happy any more.

- A few of my members left because they lost loved ones due to Covid.

Logging in to Play Raid doesn't seem significant when you have lost your mother or brother to Covid.

Don't you see?

The Clan is filled with People.

They are not Whales or Bots.

They are Human Beings trying to survive each day with all the struggles around them.

Who gives you the right to judge these people whom you have never met?

Their was a time when my team struggled to beat Easy Mode Clan.

We tried with all our might, but Easy Mode Clan Boss was to tough.

And now we kill UNM & NM Mode Clan Boss Daily.

I loved my team when we were ranked 10k+.

I love my team even now at rank 386.

The rank number means nothing to me.

They are wonderful people.

I am blessed to have had the privilege of knowing them all.

If Doom Tower Reset came and my team was unable to beat any Stage, I would still be proud of them.

I want you to know this so you can re-evaluate the source you used when you stated your supposed "Facts".