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Clan boss stun target

Clan boss stun target

Apr 4, 2021, 12:1404/04/21

Clan boss stun target

Right, does anyone actually have any actual evidence as to how he targets this. Because i have tried literally everything. He refuses to target (my skullcrusher) even though it has by far the lowest health to attempt to make that target him. The boss seems to randomly swap what he is stunning all throughout the fight. At once point he even stunned my deacon when he had counterattack on (i was under the impression this never happened). Ive come to the conclusion i have no idea what makes him do it. Currently he is stunning the person with the most healh/def in my team and it seems to make no difference if they are in leader position or not.   Anyone can share what insight they have on this id love to hear your theories 

(void affin so don't take into account certain weakness for stun targets)

Apr 4, 2021, 19:4404/04/21

Priority target is weak affin, followed by low hp, followed by leader. The exact threshold at which point it chooses the low hp instead of leader I'm not sure - my guess is something around when CB can determine it might kill the target.

Apr 4, 2021, 20:2304/04/21

Keep in mind that the low HP criterium is as a percentage of total HP, not the lowest HP in absolute numbers. And of course, this is at the time of the stun, not at the start, so it's not about giving your SC the lowest max HP at the start, it's about ensuring that he has the lowest percentage of his HP left by the time of the stun.  

In my unkillable team, the classic Maneater/Painkeeper one, the stun target (Aothar) actually has the highest HP of everyone on the team, with Painkeeper second highest, but Aothar has massively lower defense than everyone else. As a result, the CB does far more damage on him - then when Painkeeper uses her AOE heal, since that is based on her own HP, it will restore a bigger percentage of the others' HP than of Aothar's (since the others all have lower max HP than PK, while Aothar has higher), leaving Aothar with the lowest percentage HP at the time of the stun, hence he gets targeted. It's pretty reliable, except when the CB crits on Maneater while not critting on Aothar during the AOE hits, which may leave Maneater with a lower percentage of his health and then the run goes south fast. 

Apr 4, 2021, 20:5004/04/21
Apr 4, 2021, 20:53(edited)

thanks for the replies guys, from what u are saying though if they are all on 100% hp and its stunning the person with highest health/def. seems weird! Its not an unkillable team and i cant really control who will be lowest at the time of the stun as i heal through leech. Its a tough one because at one point it was the right stun target then i changed something and it swapped and i havent been able to get it back since!