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team with speed buff versus team without speed buff

team with speed buff versus team without speed buff

Apr 3, 2021, 00:4304/03/21

team with speed buff versus team without speed buff

in my case in 90% of case i always hit second with team with speed buff .. my speed witout is around 160 . can some1 explain me becouse this is not normal

Apr 3, 2021, 01:2104/03/21

this is happening consistantly because even without a speed buff, the opposing champions are faster. 160 speed is quite low and even if you facter the aura in, all your champions are going to be at under 200 speed since the aura caps out at adding ~30-35 speed. That's simply not enough to be competitive in most levels of arena (i'm assuming this is about arena).

Apr 3, 2021, 12:2404/03/21

It is "normal" now.

With how broken the arena is, you need at least 200 speed to have competitive speed in Bronze.

Honestly, I am starting to think that building a tank team might be a simpler way to climb the lower tiers. Just because the speed requirement is completely unrealistic for new players to achieve.

Apr 3, 2021, 19:5104/03/21

ok and how u do 200 speed?

Apr 3, 2021, 21:1004/03/21

Start with your champion (faster ones will obviously be easier, but any champ can be built for speed). Add three sets of speed gear for about 40 speed on your fastest champions down to 32 on your slowest. Boots get you another 40 speed, or 45 if they have 6 stars. That puts you at 180 speed, give or take, and everything beyond that will come from substats and glyphs.

Apr 3, 2021, 22:0504/03/21

and all you PROs that say ** YOU SHOULD BEAT THOSE TEAMS OF LEGO 60s ** 

that have infused Bronze tier 1 just Dont under stand that any normal person with less then 3 months in will NOT have the Gear to get even close to 200 Speed

Never mind getting the Gear with Speed Sub stats

Bronze Tier 1 and 2 are completely broken for Anyone that can not consistently farm 5 star gear

and you are not just going to farm it in the first month or 2 for a NORMAL F2P PLAYER !!

Let alone Pull the Right heros to go with your starter 

I just got to to a level in Ice Golem and Dragon so I can start pulling 5 star gear ,,,,,

Not to pray to the RNG Gods that i can Pull 5 Star gear with Decent stats 

Spider, well thats a ways away yet , and Firre knight  LOL,, Working on it