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Quick check on void pulls

Quick check on void pulls

Apr 2, 2021, 22:1304/02/21

Quick check on void pulls

8 shards gone, what's the verdict?

  • Madame Serris - Good, obviously. My excitement is a bit blunted by the fact that it's my 2nd, who I love so much that I'm willing to forgive her ridiculous outfit, but her sister will probably have to sit in my vault for a while. Maybe in the future I can specialize them for different areas, or as a spare for tag teams.
  • Golden Reaper - Seems okay. Not sure what use I'll have for her outside of FW though. Already got Seeker, Apothecary and High Khatun for turn meter and Serris for debuffing. Chance to reduce allied cooldown is interesting, but seems a bit too random to be of use. Pretty expensive to book unless you settle for the reduced cooldown on A3, in which case you might get lucky and only need 1.
  • Scrapper - Might be useful on bosses with his max HP destroy? Scarab king use maybe, between that and the shield. Already had one as well. Expensive to book though, but at least it's only rare books required.
  • Panthera - Maybe some use on a boss in FW for the heal reduction. Don't know otherwise.
  • Bulwark - Potentially indefinite HP burn on bosses. Might be fun to combo with Serris for her debuffs and Frozen Banshee for her poison on dungeon bosses since they all do AoE damage. Don't know what else to use him for though, or if he's worth giving up a spot on the team for. I've never really felt that I've had trouble keeping the buffs going anyway. Pretty expensive to book, but he looks like he can do his job regardless.
  • Ragemonger - Seems pretty weak in general.
  • Daywalker - No idea. Maybe some kind of suicide AoE nuker in the arena going full attack stat with a stun set or something, but that seems pretty unreliable.
  • Arbalester - Had one and doesn't seem particularly useful unless I want another Broadmaw fusion. Easy enough to replace if need be.

So who do I use for food and who do I keep? My immediate instict would be to toss Panthera, Ragemonger and Arbalester, probably Daywalker as well. I'm on the fence about Bulwark, Scrapper I'm more optimistic about. Madame Serris and Golden Reaper I'll keep, though they'll get to sit and stew for quite a while.

Apr 2, 2021, 22:2804/02/21

Golden Reaper is solid - bigger TM boost than HK/Apo, plus an AOE decrease attack. But indeed, most people won't really need her outside FW by the time they get her and needing epic books rather than rares on apo is painful, unless you get lucky indeed. 

I built Panthera to 50 because my skinwalkers FW team sucks. She definitely looks cool but can't say I'm super impressed so far by her results, though she's also not terrible. The A1 should really reduce TM a little bit more - like maybe 5 percent per hit instead of just 3? She should work alright on FK too, but most people probably have better options. 

Bulwark is commonly used on CB, mostly because of his passive, but you may not need him anymore at this point indeed. 

Apr 2, 2021, 22:5504/02/21

Yeah, my Skinwalker FW team is nothing to write home about either, mostly just whatever leftovers I had (Snorting Thug, Flesh-Tearer, Yaga the Insatiable, Fleshmonger, Graybeard) to ensure I can use up the keys. I've already got Apothecary, Athel and Coldheart though, and also a Coffin Smasher if need be, so I doubt Panthera would be of much additional use on the Fire Knight or anywhere where healing reduction is needed except maybe FW. I might keep her and toss out one of the aforementioned fillers, but she'd pretty much just be a placeholder too.

Apr 2, 2021, 23:0304/02/21
Apr 2, 2021, 23:14(edited)

Panthera , If you pull her low to Mid game like i did , She is a God Send

3 Hit A 1 for Fire knight , damage is mediocre 

but Teamed with Tallia  and 2 Athels and Gogorab

all in Life Steal , Im pullin down  Fire Knight 11 

and as a F2P player that Seems Pretty good to me 

and yes ,, FW too  

Apr 2, 2021, 23:5304/02/21
Apr 2, 2021, 23:57(edited)

Serris is a great pull! i would love her, shame its a dupe.

I Pulled 5, got utter trash, 

2 x ripperfist

1 x dilgol (ok but got 1)

1 x Arbalester

1 x marshall

I wish i had kept them for the fusion event.

Apr 3, 2021, 03:2504/03/21

Pulled 18 - I think it was a Succesful Summon Session

1. Angar - My First Void Leggo Pull - I'm happy about it

2. Golden Reaper - I'm excited to put her on my Arena Offense Team

3. Peydma - I think she might help me in Demon Spawn Faction

4. Suwai Firstborn - Saving for Future Fusion

5. Scapper - Saving for Future Fusion

6. Drowned Bloatwraith - Food

7. Ripper Fist - Food

8. Steadfast Marshal - Food

9. Ragemonger - Food

10-11. Amarantine Skeleton - Food

12. Harrier - Food

13-14. Eviscerator - Food

15. Veteran - Food

16. Doomscreech - Saving for Future Fusion

17-18. Renegade - Already have one built - Food