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Classic Arena : so we just have to git gud, right ?

Classic Arena : so we just have to git gud, right ?

Mar 31, 2021, 09:3903/31/21

Classic Arena : so we just have to git gud, right ?


"Everything is fine with the arena"

"Your teams isn't setup properly"

"You're not trying hard enough".

That's all we hear from people who are "in the know". But honestly, you don't have to know a lot to realize that the system that allows the situation I've screenshot just now is broken. There is no way this player can have the same rating as my 1 month old team of 60's. No way. Or he's just spamming A1 on the least favorable affinities for each of his/her champs repeatedly. That would be the only expalanation. Or you know, having those legos equipped with 3* Common flat HP artefacts. Other than that ?

Well, losing as much rating in defense (where anyone can pick their fight) against your auto team 24h a day) than in offense (where you make a conscious decision to invest your rating on 10-30 tokens a day) is absolutely absurd, non-sensical and borderline sadistic. That could be a good starting point...

Mar 31, 2021, 09:4203/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 09:42(edited)

From those 3 legendaries only Robar is good in arena, and he has zero synergy with the rest of that team.

My 1 month old team would wipe that team in 10-15 seconds on auto.


At a full 1 month in you should have access to High Khatun, which alone puts you above my alt. Just try to understand the mechanics before you just look at a team comp and deem it broken.

Edit : I also love how you feel so compelled to make a new thread when there's already 50 threads in the first 3 pages of these forums discussing the same issue. 

OracleCommunity Manager
Mar 31, 2021, 09:5603/31/21

I encourage you to continue an existing discussion instead of creating a new one if the matter that you would like to discuss is already covered there. That would facilitate the process of collecting your feedback.

Of course, you are free to create new threads, but it makes the discussion of the subject less focused.

Thanks for expressing your opinion about the Arena, we appreciate that and keep tracking the performance there.

Mar 31, 2021, 10:1203/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 10:13(edited)

@Oracle, yes will do, thanks.

@AirMaxxxx, maybe you didn't read, which I understand since your activity suggests leaning heavily in the "everything is fine, l2p" side of things. To clarify, the point really wasn't to say that the screenshot team was broken. If it was broken, if would be in Gold 4 on auto or whatever.

But I undestand yours, and it's true that not knowing the champions (how can anyone know all of them without being able to play them, or geek the F* out of theorycrafting, I don't know) doesn't help me knowing what's what, regarding team compositions.

What I know, though, is that this guy fields a full fledged 60 with 3 ascended legendaries, and there's little to no chance that this is a normal match for the second tier of the arena. It does not belong here. And if he did, any active and decently brained player would be in upper tiers. 

Edit : I especially like how you're 2 years into the game but still pretend to speak from experience of the current 1 month user.

Mar 31, 2021, 10:1503/31/21

@Oracle, yes will do, thanks.

@AirMaxxxx, maybe you didn't read, which I understand since your activity suggests leaning heavily in the "everything is fine, l2p" side of things. To clarify, the point really wasn't to say that the screenshot team was broken. If it was broken, if would be in Gold 4 on auto or whatever.

But I undestand yours, and it's true that not knowing the champions (how can anyone know all of them without being able to play them, or geek the F* out of theorycrafting, I don't know) doesn't help me knowing what's what, regarding team compositions.

What I know, though, is that this guy fields a full fledged 60 with 3 ascended legendaries, and there's little to no chance that this is a normal match for the second tier of the arena. It does not belong here. And if he did, any active and decently brained player would be in upper tiers. 

Edit : I especially like how you're 2 years into the game but still pretend to speak from experience of the current 1 month user.

Again, you're looking at it wrong.

You look at champs but champs are only a small portion of what makes an arena team, well, an arena team! 

WAYYY more important is gear, team composition and synergy and understanding who you can beat and who you can't.

You look at the legendaries fully ascended thinking it's not a normal match, but I assure you it is, since those legendaries are a joke. If he had HK + Warmaiden + Kael instead of those 3 legendaries it would be a much, much more deadlier arena team. 

Mar 31, 2021, 11:4403/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 13:12(edited)

I think the "one month old team" is from a second account he recently started. The picture is from Bronze IV, I don't think AirMaxxx is in Bronze IV with his main account.

As a f2p player that reached gold recently I can share my experience with others, that are willing to hear.

  1. Basically it is just about "git gud". It took me several month to reach gold. If you want to reach gold as f2p, don't think it's a matter of days. Nothing in this game is a matter of days. There are daily log-in rewards until day 270. The game wants you to play at least 270 days. What do you think? 10 days in Bronze, 10 days in Silver and 250 days in Gold? Lol!
  2. When I started the game I got Sniper, Crusader and Warpriest from my first 3 shards. I'm not sure about that, but I think every player get's them at the start. I levelled them and my starter champ Athel to lvl 40 - and coulnd't get anywhere in arena. I was stuck in Bronze 1. What I did was bringing my starterchamp to lvl 60 first. But Athel lvl 60 and the 3 mentioned lvl 40 still had a hard time in Bronze 1. I tried with some other champs, made Bloodbraid and Ursine Icecrusher lvl 50 - and still failed. Bloodbraid and Ursine Icecrusher aren't good champs. I tried them, because I wanted to go out of Bronze 1 and thought for some reasons I can't understand anymore today, they would help me.
  3. At this point I did the best thing in my Raid Career. I did not waste time and resources in levelling up trash any further. I stopped levelling Bloodbraid and Icecrusher, I did not level up Warpriest, Crusader and Sniper. Instead I watched some videos on Youtube what arena teams are good and learned about the famous combo High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Starterchamp. Instead of High Khatun I choose Apothecary, wich I allready pulled, because with his healing he could work in other places of the game, like dungeons, better than High Khatun. But if you don't have the rare Elf Apothecary, High Khatun will do fine in your Arena Team. I went to campaign and farmed Warmaiden and Spirithost.
  4. I levelled up the named champs, Apothecary to lvl 60, Warmaiden to lvl 50, Spirithost to lvl 40. That was good enough to go to Silver. They are what I call the "standard arena team", a speed nuking combo. Most players in Bronze use teams that are much weaker than that standard team. They don't have any strategy, they just put in any 4 champs. You can beat them with the standard speed nuking combo.
  5. Choose your opponents! I did not pick my fights blind, if the opponent had a Hegemon or a Mountain King (very rare in Bronze, but some players really had that champs. In Bronze! I don't know why. They could and should be much higher with such champs), so, if the opponent had a Hegemon - I didn't take that fight. Don't waste your resources in fights that you can not win! Be patient, click the refresh button 15 minutes later. Don't fight against Hegemon, Mountain King or Krisk in Bronze. Very easy to do so, there are still tons of other fights. As attacker you choose. If your opponent comes along with Shaman and Warpriest, earn your free medal.
  6. Do not replace HK, Spirithost, Starterchamp or Warmaiden with other champs - unless they can do the same job better [or unless you really know what you are doing and you have the champs and artifacts to make another tactic work. You don't need my help if you can build such other teams] HK's job is speedbuffing, Spirtihost's job is atk buff, Warmaiden's job is def debuff, Starterchamp's job is AoE nuke. Gorgorab is better than Spirithost, because he gives Atk buff and spd buff at the same time and as a bonus he can revive your team. Do not put him into your team because he can revive. That's just a bonus. Put him in your team because he can give a spd buff in addition to the atk buff. Stag Knight and Dhukk the pierced are better than Warmaiden, because they can give an AoE def debuff and at the same time atk debuff. Spider (the Dark Elf, not the dungeon boss) is better than Warmaiden because he can give Def debuff and Weaken at the same time. You'll see a champion that is better than the standard champ (HK, Warmaiden, Spirithost, Starterchamp) if you pull it. Make sure the new champ does the same job the old champ does - and somehting more in addition. Never make a team weaker than the 4 standard champs. 
  7. Improve your gear! Use only good gear. Try to use 5* and 6* gear. 4* only if the substats are really good, like 3 or 4-times roll on speed. If you can't find a fitting artifact in your set, ignore the set bonus. Choose stats over set-bonus in general. The set-bonus is rather low. Don't use a bad item just because it would give a 15% atk bonus as a set. 
  8. Know that things don't get easier! You complain about bronze, but if you where never in silver, you don't know how hard that is. The arena tier where I was stuck the longest time was Silver III. I was there from last December until a few days ago. When I improved my team enough to beat Silver III, I did Silver IV in less than a day.


I posted this picture in another thread about arena allready. But if there are 1000 threads complaining about arena, I'm allowed to answer a 1000 times.

That's my actual arena team. It's still the same tactic the "standard team" uses, just improved. Apothecary: speedbuff. Deacon Armstron replaces Warmaiden, he gives an AoE def debuff. But at the same time he has a speedaura and a speedbuff with extra turn. Ghostborn replaces Spirithost. He gives an atk buff. But at the same time he makes a hard hitting attack, so he is better than Spirithost. He also gives a def debuff, but that is redundant to Deacon Armstrong. Sinesha replaces the starterchamp. She just hits harder. 

Of course, to make exactly that team, you need some luck to pull the right champs. But I mentioned some other champs that would fit at no. 6 above. That are champs I do not have. My team is not the only way to improve the basic team. 

You could be in gold with (just take them as examples): HK, Seeker, Stag Knight, Starterchamp. 

HK, Gorgorab, Armina, Starterchamp.

HK, Sprithost, Warmaiden, Skullcrown.

There are so many ways to reach gold, even as f2p. But you will not get into gold as a free gift. Level up your champs to lvl 60 and level up your gear! Git gud!

Mar 31, 2021, 15:4403/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 15:51(edited)

Thanks for your time putting this together. It echoes advice I've gathered elsewhere over the past few weeks, and that I have yet to be able to try (28th day, HK being 2 days away). 

If it sounded like "I want to be gold in 10 days lol", then allow me to rephrase my concern : having 144k power teams that float in Bronze 2 for no reason is a sign of a bad design. It *should not* be possible. Not when the game progression itself FORCES YOU to get so Silver 1. It's either the former, OR the latter. Not both.

Now I hear what you (and the rest of the helpful forum members who offer to help) say, and there are ways to get over that.... *IF* you pull the correct champs. Now that's concerning too, because in a game with hundreds of champs, (and most of them being useless in arena) we're still FORCED to reach silver 1 as an early game objective, and it depends on pulling the right 3 champs out of hundreds ^^. This is the only part where there's a problem. The only one.

After that, people not interested in gearing up properly or having an effective synergy won't reach further anyway, no matter how "good" the champs are, like AirMaxxxx said earlier (pardon me if I'm overreaching with this).

But either remove the ability for powerful teams to be present in low ranks (hint : defense rating win/loss balance)

Or remove the silver 1 requirement from early game so we can continue to progress and improve and gather... out of the weird arena mix

Account level 48 started 28 days ago (no HK)

6*x60 : Kael, Zargala, Fahrakin

5*x50 : Warmaiden, Warpriest, Armiger, Old Ermit Jogg, Balthus, Luria, Frozen Banshee, Spirithost

4*x40 : Diabolist, Executionneer, Lodric Falconheart, Alaric the Hooded

Mar 31, 2021, 15:5403/31/21

You are not forced to reach silver 1... ignore the missions, they are not going anywhere.  This is new player number 1, plarium wants you to get frustarted and spend $$$.  Be patient.  Just because the other missions are easy, level up your core heroes and consildate good gear on them.  Farm 12.3 and progress in dragon.  Ignore missions and FW, they aren't going anywhere.  The one-time rewards are not that great....  The missions are not slowing down player progress, the players approach to the game is...

Mar 31, 2021, 16:0203/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 16:14(edited)

You need the good champs to reach gold. If your goal is to reach silver, you can do that with HK, Starterchamp, Warmaiden and Spirithost. The latter 2 can be farmed in campaign (Act 4 and Act 9), Starterchamp is obviously free and HK is free as log-in reward.

I don't say everything is fine in arena. I didn't like Bronze 1, fighting with my lvl 40 champs vs. lvl 60. And I don't like the fact that matchmaking is based on player power. I didn't know that and built faction war teams that increased my player power far beyond my real arena power. Maybe that is the reason why I couldn't beat Silver III for such a long time.

But even with that problems in arena you can reach Silver if you work on your team. The team I mentioned (and I did not invent that team, I learned about it on youtube) is such a good way to go to silver because it's free. 1 Starterchamp, 1 login-reward, 2x campaigne-loot. Everybody can make this team!

/edit: And as you edited your champs in your post, you have probably even better options allready. 

Mar 31, 2021, 16:3503/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 16:37(edited)

Well this is all good news, thanks all for your input. I really thought the missions were the core "lead" to help you progress in certain areas based on appropriate expectations. Maybe that's what we new players get wrong. It's hard not to, given that it's the lifeline we follow from our very first minutes ingame to help with ressources and all. 

As for arena, I've been involved in too many games already where pvp ladders/ranked/warfare/CvC/PvP/PvPvE/etc was unbearably broken that it isn't even surprising anymore. The correlation with the mission requirements (and challenges etc) was.

Message well received in any case. Thanks for taking the time o7

Mar 31, 2021, 16:3903/31/21

Well this is all good news, thanks all for your input. I really thought the missions were the core "lead" to help you progress in certain areas based on appropriate expectations. Maybe that's what we new players get wrong. It's hard not to, given that it's the lifeline we follow from our very first minutes ingame to help with ressources and all. 

As for arena, I've been involved in too many games already where pvp ladders/ranked/warfare/CvC/PvP/PvPvE/etc was unbearably broken that it isn't even surprising anymore. The correlation with the mission requirements (and challenges etc) was.

Message well received in any case. Thanks for taking the time o7

Yes, you are on a good path with focus on core champs.  HK will fit in nicely with your 3 60s for arena.  Hit the dragon, and may speed gear with good substats drop for you! The faster you get HK the better :) And proper speed tuning, checkout deadwoodjedi