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My new arena line up - finally climbing up?

My new arena line up - finally climbing up?

Mar 29, 2021, 11:5303/29/21

My new arena line up - finally climbing up?

Hello Fellas! 🙂

It is this time again, I have a few questions concerning my arena-team. (It really seems like this is the most discussed topic among the community.) It nearly hurts me to be the next one asking for help on this concern, but I don't want to make any more mistakes.

To make it short: I am stuck in bronze IV and I am not able to climb up anymore. 

HOWEVER: I got quite lucky on the last summon-rush. So, I want to create a new arena line up and I would love to hear your thoughts on it, I think I need a little help to progress. 

My current line-up is a typical speednuke

1. Khatun (221 Speed, 1391 Attack, 83 Acc)  

2. Warmaiden (193 Speed, 3429 Attack, 91 Acc) 

3. Kael (180 Speed, 3658 Attack) 

4. Septimus (153 Speed, 4233 Attack) 

So, that is how I fight at the moment. I would like to maintain the general structure for future Teams. (As I said, I am stuck in Bronze IV. Maintaining it is no problem, but I don't make it up to silver.)

Now my thoughts for possible changings: (If you want to take a closer look, I will post a picture of my relevant champs in the comments! 😉) 

1. The speed booster – this is the hardest one I believe. I have three valid options: Khatun, Fu-Shan and Duchess Lilitu. Khatun is the best speed booster of them all with her A2 ability. Fu-Shan comes second place with his stronger aura but no dedicated ability. On the other hand, he is the strongest attacker of these champs. The Duchess however is the weakest speed booster of this three, but with her A2 she is a
very impressive supporter. 

I am not sure which one I should take, but at the moment, I tend to choose the Duchess. 

2. The DEF-Decreaser: This is another hard one. If I choose Fu-Chan for 1, the second hero could maybe
fulfil another task… Besides that: Arminia is the only realistic alternative I have for Warmaiden, so I could go with her.  

But: Another thing I am considering is taking Alika or Basher to the second place. Even though a Def-decreasing champ is VERY recommended most of the time, their A3/A2 (increasing the cooldown of all enemy skills by one (or two) turn(s)) could be even more valuable. (Which one to chose out of the two is another story…) 

3. This one is easy – stick with Kael

4. For the second damage-dealer I want to go with Basileus Roanas. He is a capable attacker, he is a red hero (bonus-damage against all the blue attackers) and his A3 as a first hit weapon is VERY useful (it would also synergize with Arminia if I took her) and his A2 should be absurdly powerful against single targets.
I could use quite a lot of other attackers (sticking with Septimus, a second Kael, Dark Elhain and Dark Athel, Ultimate Galek, Galek or Elhain) but I think this one is the best. 

I excluded some other popular Arena fighters (Sinesha, Hordin, Doompriest, Apothecary
etc.) but in the end, I would go for: 

1. Duchess Lilitu 

2. Alika/Basher 

3. Kael 

4. Basileus 

Please let me know what you think of this and if you would change something. Your help is VERY appreciated, be sure of that! 😊 Thank you so much If you made it until here and take a look at my other champs, if you would recommend something different. 😊 (Like a Duchess-Scyl of the Drakes-Sinesha-Lordly Legionary Def-Team :D )

Mar 29, 2021, 11:5303/29/21


Mar 29, 2021, 12:3503/29/21

If you go without speed buff, your team will not win the speedrace. Even if your fastest champ goes first, the opoonent will interrupt. Without speed buff in your team, his fastest champ will probably take the second turn. I think your team you want to build get's a lot of problems from this.

Mar 29, 2021, 13:2103/29/21

If you go without speed buff, your team will not win the speedrace. Even if your fastest champ goes first, the opoonent will interrupt. Without speed buff in your team, his fastest champ will probably take the second turn. I think your team you want to build get's a lot of problems from this.


All he has to do is speed tune his team using the deadwood jedi speed calculator to ensure all his champions go before the enemy (no cut in). 

@OP - Your team looks fine, for now. Look to replace Kael with Fu Shan and Septimus with Dutchess. 

Mar 29, 2021, 13:4503/29/21

Septimus with Dutchess @AirMaxxx? They serve very different purposes. Septimus is an attacker, the Dutchess is not.

Mar 29, 2021, 14:1903/29/21

Septimus with Dutchess @AirMaxxx? They serve very different purposes. Septimus is an attacker, the Dutchess is not.

Yup, warmaiden + fushan damage should be enough to wipe any team, dutchess is there as a clutch for those times he gets outsped by the enemy team and fails to go first.

Mar 29, 2021, 14:4003/29/21


All he has to do is speed tune his team using the deadwood jedi speed calculator to ensure all his champions go before the enemy (no cut in). 

@OP - Your team looks fine, for now. Look to replace Kael with Fu Shan and Septimus with Dutchess. 

Did you read about his actual team? The actual speedleader, High Khatun, has (only) 221 speed, the slowest champ has 153 speed. Do you really think the thread opener can form a team that gos first without a speedbuffer? Because he has some 4-roll legendary speed-artifacts he just doesn't want to use now on his HK?

Mar 29, 2021, 14:4203/29/21

Did you read about his actual team? The actual speedleader, High Khatun, has (only) 221 speed, the slowest champ has 153 speed. Do you really think the thread opener can form a team that gos first without a speedbuffer? Because he has some 4-roll legendary speed-artifacts he just doesn't want to use now on his HK?

High Khatun is indeed what you would call a "speed buffer", as she boosts TM, for low 221 speed he only needs about 180 speed to ensure the rest of his team goes immediately after HK. 

Speed buff itself doesn't help much until you reach very high speeds 300+ 

Mar 29, 2021, 14:4903/29/21

High Khatun is indeed what you would call a "speed buffer", as she boosts TM, for low 221 speed he only needs about 180 speed to ensure the rest of his team goes immediately after HK. 

Speed buff itself doesn't help much until you reach very high speeds 300+ 

But without that High Khatun, what he wants to do, what I say he shouldn't do and where you say I would be wrong, his whole team would need much more than 200 speed to go without somebody cutting in. 

As we don't know all artifacts the thread-op has, we can't say for sure if that's a realistic approach. But we can guess from the speed stats his actual champs have.

Mar 29, 2021, 15:0503/29/21

Duchess is so good that she's basically a lock, but as others above have said, you still need a turn meter/speed boost. HK could do that or Golden Reaper, who actually has a slightly stronger turn meter buff (no speed aura but that's ok, Duchess can cover that). Basher can be useful, but not instead of a decrease def - his job would be making sure you survive even if your speed nuke fails, but that's also Duchess' job, so probably you don't have room for Basher in addition to Duchess. Fu-Shan is an upgrade over Kael (even unbooked) and Armina could be an upgrade over Warmaiden, but she requires a good number of epic books and has a different affinity. 


Mar 29, 2021, 15:1203/29/21

But without that High Khatun, what he wants to do, what I say he shouldn't do and where you say I would be wrong, his whole team would need much more than 200 speed to go without somebody cutting in. 

As we don't know all artifacts the thread-op has, we can't say for sure if that's a realistic approach. But we can guess from the speed stats his actual champs have.

Sorry I must've misread.

Yes High Khatun is absolutely essential. Everything that I said I meant with him using HK lead in my mind. 

Mar 29, 2021, 16:3303/29/21
Mar 29, 2021, 16:35(edited)

Okay, so Khatun has to stay. Then Arminia for Warmaiden, Fu-Shan for Kael and Duchess for Septimus?

To be honest, I don't like the Idea of heaving Dutchess as the last hero acting, shouldn't her 50% attack-buff be applied before the nukes?

Or did you meant it that way, that I should go 

1. Khatun

2. Duchess

3. Arminia

5. Fu-Shan?

Mar 29, 2021, 19:1203/29/21

Okay, so Khatun has to stay. Then Arminia for Warmaiden, Fu-Shan for Kael and Duchess for Septimus?

To be honest, I don't like the Idea of heaving Dutchess as the last hero acting, shouldn't her 50% attack-buff be applied before the nukes?

Or did you meant it that way, that I should go 

1. Khatun

2. Duchess

3. Arminia

5. Fu-Shan?

Replacing Septimus with Duchess just meant that Septimus should leave the team and Duchess should join. Of course the turnorder should be the way you described above. Duchess should be fast, so even if the enemy interrupts after her move, you have Block Debuffs active.

Mar 30, 2021, 01:3303/30/21

Your Best Speed Aura is Fu-Shan

Your Best AOE Nukers are Fu-Shan, Sinesha, Dark Elhain, & Pitiless One

Your Best Turn Meter Filling hero is Golden Reaper

4 types of Damage:

- Weak Damage

- Average Damage

- Strong Damage

- Godlike Damage

In Terms of Nukers:

Kael AOE Damage = Strong

Dark Elhain AOE Damage = Strong

Pititless One AOE Damage = Strong

Sinesha AOE Damage = Godlike <-------This is Sinesha A1 move which the AI doesn't do on Auto

Fu-Shan AOE Damage = Godlike

In Terms of AOE Def Down:

Warmaiden AOE Damage = Strong

Armina AOE Damage = Strong

Based on the above information, Your Best Speed Nuking Arena Set up might be:

Leader: Fu-Shan - Speed Aura 24%

1st move: Golden Reaper ------> Turn Meter Fill 20% + Speed Buff

2nd move: Armina -------------> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Dark Elhain ---------> Increase Her Own Attack by 50% 

Than ------ Dark Elhain --------> AOE Nuke

4th move: Fu-Shan -------------> AOE Nuke/Stun

Alternative Best Speed Nuking Arena Set up might be:

Leader: Fu-Shan - Speed Aura 24%

1st move: Golden Reaper ------> Turn Meter Fill 20% + Speed Buff

2nd move: Duchess ------------> Increase Attack 50% + Block Buffs + Veil

3rd move: Armina --------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Fu-Shan -------------> AOE Nuke/Stun 

Which one is better?

I don't know - They both seem very strong.

They both have pro's & con's.

I think the first set up I recommended to you is Ultra-Aggressive.


- The set up has 2 Nukers from different Affinity - It can help kill enemies better.

- Enemy heroes who manage to live will most likely be Stunned due to Fu-Shan.

Con's: You have no protection.

If the enemy manages to Survive + Avoid the Stun - You will be in major trouble.

- You don't have Veil to hide your heroes.

- You don't have any Resurrection to revive your heroes.


I think the second set up I recommended to you is Aggressive with Recovery.


- Duchess Veil will give your team protection to survive longer.

- Duchess Resurrection could bring your team back from the brink of defeat.


- The set up will only rely on Fu-Shan to kill - You will miss out on some extra damage.

- You will have to be more careful picking your Arena Match ups.

(Fu-Shan is Force Affinity - teams with tons of Spirit Affinity heroes will be a No Fight Zone)


I wanted to share this information.

It can give you fruit for thought.

Mar 30, 2021, 10:0703/30/21

Replacing Septimus with Duchess just meant that Septimus should leave the team and Duchess should join. Of course the turnorder should be the way you described above. Duchess should be fast, so even if the enemy interrupts after her move, you have Block Debuffs active.

Yeah, I was a bit confused at that moment @skadi 😁

Mar 30, 2021, 10:4903/30/21

Thank you very much @Player J 🙂 I really appreaciate your effort!

I'm thinking it over and I'm havin a hard time to decide, but I think I will go with the second team. 

I did some math and since Fu-Shan is getting a nice buff here (and so are Arminia/Warmaiden!), the dealt damage should be nearly the same in both teams and thus having a better base for a second round (where Golden reapers A2 will be a nice bonus :) ) is probably the better way to go.

Again, thanks a lot!

Mar 30, 2021, 21:5203/30/21

I would say you need to be faster.  I have 2 speed boosters and that barely got me into silver 2 (yesterday everything went to pieces and I'm down to silver 1 for the first time since I got Jorrg).  The first thing I did when I got high Khatun was ascend her to 6 for the extra speed (leveling to 6 doesn't do it, you have to ascend her apparently).  That'll get you 6 or 7 more speed immediately.  My High Khatun is at 241 although I haven't found any artifacts with a speed substat.  I win about 80% of the speed races of the battles that I select but I avoid the speed auras which are greater than 24% most of the time (I'm willing to go up to that though).  I'd say you have to get up to at least the mid 230s with your faster character to have a chance in Silver 1.  I got into Silver initially when I got my Khatun up to 235.  It seems to be getting harder and harder though as more teams get pushed down.

Mar 31, 2021, 14:4103/31/21

We will see @Quintinar 🤔

I already got Golden Reaper, Fu-Shan and the Duchess on Rank 6, right now I'm bringing them up to LvL 60. Besides that, bringing reaper up to the 230s should be possible, Fu-Shans better Aura could do this even without improved items.

But we will see. I hope that plarium fixes the arena in time, the community prooves that this is necessary.

Mar 31, 2021, 16:5703/31/21

We will see @Quintinar 🤔

I already got Golden Reaper, Fu-Shan and the Duchess on Rank 6, right now I'm bringing them up to LvL 60. Besides that, bringing reaper up to the 230s should be possible, Fu-Shans better Aura could do this even without improved items.

But we will see. I hope that plarium fixes the arena in time, the community prooves that this is necessary.

What I meant was my High Khatun was 235 prior to the speed boost but Fu-Shan does have a better boost than she does!  Best of luck!

Apr 14, 2021, 11:3604/14/21

So guys, it has been a while and I thought maybe you would like to hear how it all went.

The short answer: Pretty well!

The long answer: 

My new Team is

1. Golden Reaper (281 speed), fully booked, masteries up to LvL 4

2. Duchess Lilitu (226 speed), not booked, masteries up to LvL 4 

3. Arminia (196 speed, 239 acc, ca. 3600 attack), fully booked, masteries up to LvL 4 

4. Fu-Shan (186 speed, 5250 attack), fully booked, masteries up to LvL 4 

This team brought me up as high as gold 2 - a great success for me! :) It seems like I hit the end of the road here, stopping to win at middle gold 2, but I can sustain in bottom gold 2 without big problems. At this point, my speed is not enough anymore but this is fine. My goal was to break out of Bronze 3-4 and that obviosly worked brilliant. I even win around half of the defensive battles, which is also great.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 14, 2021, 15:2704/14/21

So guys, it has been a while and I thought maybe you would like to hear how it all went.

The short answer: Pretty well!

The long answer: 

My new Team is

1. Golden Reaper (281 speed), fully booked, masteries up to LvL 4

2. Duchess Lilitu (226 speed), not booked, masteries up to LvL 4 

3. Arminia (196 speed, 239 acc, ca. 3600 attack), fully booked, masteries up to LvL 4 

4. Fu-Shan (186 speed, 5250 attack), fully booked, masteries up to LvL 4 

This team brought me up as high as gold 2 - a great success for me! :) It seems like I hit the end of the road here, stopping to win at middle gold 2, but I can sustain in bottom gold 2 without big problems. At this point, my speed is not enough anymore but this is fine. My goal was to break out of Bronze 3-4 and that obviosly worked brilliant. I even win around half of the defensive battles, which is also great.

Cool! Good to know that there are players ready to help with Arena!