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Requesting Feedback: Post-match Inspect Option

Requesting Feedback: Post-match Inspect Option

Mar 28, 2021, 05:3503/28/21

Requesting Feedback: Post-match Inspect Option

Alright, so I'm looking for general player feedback on a suggestion/request before I take it to the Discord. What do you guys think of giving people the ability to inspect the gear of enemy arena teams after a match, not before. Fully acknowledging, it would be cheese/broken to allow inspection of teams before you fight them, not asking for that, at all.

To give a very general example of why this idea is attractive to me;

In arena, I run High Khatun (50, ascended, 175sp) lead, Seeker (50, ascended, 168sp), Warmaiden (60, ascended, 160sp), Kael (60, ascended, 157sp). All of these champs are wearing between +12 and +16 gear, all blue, all 4star or better, with a focus on (based on my forum/youtube reasearch) the correct stats (i.e. speed boots, c/cdmg for nuker, accuracy for debuffers, etc). I am currently in Bronze 1. I refresh regularly, looking for teams I think it is viable to beat.

(Oh and side note, this is my defense team too, I'm trying to climb ranks to get the Silver 1 mission done, so I am not purposefully tanking my defense at this time.)

Here's where I find myself really, really wishing I could inspect an enemy team:

I see an enemy team with 1 level 50 Kael as a defender, no other chamions on defending team. The player has the same account level as me (45). I think "okay, this should be doable!", I initiate the fight. The enemy Keal has substantially less team power than me (I know, team power is a nearly useless stat, I'm just pointing out, this single Kael doesn't have 100K team power and I'm missing that).

The fight starts! The enemy Kael visibly has more HP than anyone on my team (this is a rough estimate based on the appearance of healthbars indicating general HP totals, very unscientific my apologies). The enemy Kael goes first (okay, so 210 or higher speed, since he beats my Khatun with her 19% buff). He one shots my entire team instantly with a 30K damage acid rain (my highest HP is my Kael with 23K HP). The damage usually goes by so quickly I can't tell if it is a crit or not, but I would expect all 4 are crits, indicating a 100% or close to 100% crit rate. My Kael's acid rain crits for 20K at 135% crit damage, so ballparking here, this enemy Kael has ~170% crit damage.

The match ends, I go to my defeat page...and I have learned literally nothing from this defeat. I built my team correctly, I picked a target that should definitely have been doable, I got annihilated instantly. If I could at least inspect this Kael and see his gear, maybe I could understand how someone who has (presumably) been playing the exact same amount of time I have has a level 50 5star champion who is tougher, faster, and has better crit and crit damage than my fully geared 6star champion.

I see (a lot) of back and forth arguments about Arena on the forums, and I see a lot of people saying that research/learning/investigation are key to succeeding, and I like that, I agree with that. But at the moment, all the learning is one-sided because you can't learn anything from your defeats.

The Equipment systems in this game are quite complex (which I love, I love complexity in RPG's), so I'm desperate for any tool that helps me learn. The ability to inspect and understand the buildouts of the people in Bronze 1 who are kicking the absolute shit out of me day in and day out would be an extremely valuable tool in learning and understanding how to succeed.

Do you guys feel the same way? Is there some sort of way this could be abused that I'm not thinking of? (Again, I only want to inspect AFTER the fight is over, I don't want to be able to use it offensively).

Feedback appreciated!!!

Mar 28, 2021, 10:4103/28/21

I think that's a good idea. 

In theory you could get an unfair advantage if you meet the same opponent again in a refreshed list, but in practice you would have to make a list of the gear of every opponent you meet to realize this advantage. And if you meet the same opponent one week later, you can't be sure that he still runs the same defensive team with the exact same equip. So in practice the ways to exploit this feature would be rather small.

And as a little ad, to your team: When I read the speed of your Khatun at the start, I allready knew how the story would end. 175 sp is not enough for the leading speedchamp. I didn't think that it wouldn't be enough in Bronze 1 allready, but if you want to climb up in the arena, you need to change that anyway. My Apo has a speed of 256, and I still want to improve the gear with better glyphs.

Mar 28, 2021, 11:1403/28/21

Sounds good to me, yes. Also, keep in mind that a speed aura applies only to the champions' base speed, not their full speed. So your HK including her aura will have 194 or so speed, not 210 - and indeed, that's definitely too slow for her role. 

Mar 28, 2021, 13:2103/28/21

This kind of setups are new player booby traps, base on single character=easy medal model.

Buff up speed of your KH to min 220 then you should start first and nuke him.

Most of speed teams are one shot once you manage to win speed test

Mar 28, 2021, 14:3103/28/21

I think it might be interesting but cant see it being implemented

Just another one here to say i know how hard it is to improve speed but you are not fast enough.

I am in bronze myself and i am not going to keep clawing my way back up each day, i have had enough

My fastest in my line up is 250 and i get outpaced frequently...

As for hit points, if you are going nuker, go all out nuker, forget about trying to improve your HP. You cant go half measures if that makes sense? focus on attack, crit rate of 100% and as much crit damage as possible

My debuffer is draco, he is all speed and accuracy, since his only job is to land the defence down and weakan

My nuker (zavia) has poor defence and hp, its all speed, attack (4.5k), crit rate (101%) and crit damage (201%)... if you are going for a defense team (based on aura, hp/defence/shields etc) then yes you can survive the nuke

But if your a nuking team against another nuking team? whoever goes first will win.

Sorry for waffling on, i know how frustrating arena is right now

Mar 28, 2021, 14:4103/28/21

Hey all, thank you for the input, its great to see the idea isn't immediately met with "Oh no this is terible because X thing you're not thinking of!", I'll probably take it to their discord in the next few days. I didn't even address the possibility that their honest response will be something like "We literally cannot do that without rewriting the code of the entire game." so it could be moot, but worth a shot.

On the speed feedback, I appreciate it, understand it, and would implement it if I could, but I physically cannot get the speeds you guys are talking about at this point in the game sadly. My Khatun has speed on every piece of gear but 2, and those pieces are all 4* or better, and glyphed. That being said, the glyph part doesn't mean much, I don't have any single faction teams that can beat any of the Faction wars bosses (not even Dark Elves, how rough is that?) so my glyphs are all 1 or 2* maximum. And ironically, building faction wars teams is actually damaging my ability to do Arena more than it could ever help, as Plarium confirmed that my opponents are based on my overall Player Power, so when I build a "1 faction" team for faction wars, it puts me up against harder opponents in pvp, without my Arena team actually getting any better!

That being said, this is another area where the ability to inspect my opponent would help. I cannot get any charcacter anywhere near 250 speed at my current position in the overall game, but my opponent, who is the same account level as me, obviously can. Maybe if I could see on their gear how they can do that, it would give me guidance on what I'm doing wrong. Does this dude, with a level 45 account, clearly have 6* glyphs on all his gear? If so, how was he able to do that by account level 45, when I can't even beat the first boss for any faction? That could point my research towards things I'm doing terribly wrong!

Mar 28, 2021, 14:4203/28/21

I don't like idea of my opponent looking at my gear. If I am the defender I don't like to share my weakness to my opponents, by doing so, they can be more prepared when they attack me again. Remember, you can attack the player again if you are not successful in your attack. And most likely, like what you have said, you already know how you lose. Like if you got outspeed, or his nuker is much stronger, or their acc is much higher than your res. 

A good suggestion, I think, is to have a replay option of your wins/losses of your defense. So you can see how your defense is doing. To see if it is working as what you expect it to be. And more importantly, to see if the attacker does not use cheats, if there is any. 

Mar 28, 2021, 14:4703/28/21

@JoinMe that is a valid concern, I didn't really address that you can indeed attack the same person multiple times. I think the only thing I would say to that is, I find it very unlikely you're going to attack a player, lose, look at their gear, realize you lost because your first champion would need 70 more speed to go first, and then actually have the ability to increase their speed by 71 on the spot and try again. Like, if you had the ability to give them 71 more speed, wouldn't you already be doing it? And conversely, if you're like "okay, I need to farm some speed gear real quick then!", I think the "real quick" portion of that would involve days, if not weeks, of concentrated gear farming and glyph farming trying to squeeze in that 71 more speed right? Are you going to just not refresh your Arena list for weeks while you get the gear necessary to beat this one dude?

I can't imagine that inspecting the team that beat you would really allow for very much "Oh I'll just swap this gear instantly and boom I win!" sort of scenarios. I think the more feasible result would be "Oh man, okay I totally misunderstood how I should be farming gear, now I know what to spend my energy on for the next six weeks!". But I could be wrong, and your reasoning may very well be a reason my suggestion gets shot down in the long run!

Thank you!

Mar 28, 2021, 14:4803/28/21

If you are curious how a low level player can acquire legendaries, fully acended, with good artifacts, gylphs.. Etc.. Answer is $$.. Players can just buy shards to summon, buy chickens to upgrade ranks, buy brews to level up chanpions quickly, buy 6 star gear packs, buy silver, buy glyphs. 

Mar 28, 2021, 14:5103/28/21

If you are curious how a low level player can acquire legendaries, fully acended, with good artifacts, gylphs.. Etc.. Answer is $$.. Players can just buy shards to summon, buy chickens to upgrade ranks, buy brews to level up chanpions quickly, buy 6 star gear packs, buy silver, buy glyphs. 

Also a totally valid possibility, but I'm not going to hide behind losing 90% of battles in Bronze 1 by trying to say that 90% of players in Bronze 1 are megawhales, it seems...very unlikely. I'm more than prepared to rather believe that I'm doing something wrong, and to look for any tool I can to help me understand what I'm doing wrong and improve.

Maybe I'm being optimistic and naive, but I'm not going to hypothesize that every team that beats me in Bronze 1 is doing it because the player spent money on the game, I'm going to hypothesize it is becuase they are just better than me or more knowledgeable than me, and I'm going to look for ways to get better or learn more, and this inspect option would be a great way to learn more!

Thank you!!

Mar 29, 2021, 02:4703/29/21

Arena is all about speed and as everyone knows if you are faster , you have a fihgting chance, but for that you should be around 250 speed. Kael seems to be hot favorite. quite a few players have a maxed out Kael who is well built, I also came across a well built maxed out Valkyrie and boom . same result. but coming to the point. it has very little utility after the fight , instead I would just like the max speed to be highlighted to begin with. so basically all i want is to have a special revela option (limited). when a player uses the reveal option he should be able to find out the speed of a team. that should be more useful. this speed/revealer , i should be able to win in tournaments or events.