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I have found a FIX for the Arena........but you wont like it.

I have found a FIX for the Arena........but you wont like it.

Mar 27, 2021, 16:2903/27/21

I have found a FIX for the Arena........but you wont like it.

Ok so Plarium has finally disclosed how the match making works.

for those who dont know already, you're matched against player with a simulare

player power as you.

so if you want it short and sweet you have to get you're player power level as low as you can, absolute bare bones.

It works like power to weight ratio in a car, think of your arena team as your engine and the champs and gear you are not using as the weight of the car.

this means no hording champs you have no intention using just for the sake of having them, 

essential champions only that are you're best option in a specific roll in a dungeon, arena, faction wars ect....ect..

this also means doing a serious spring clean of your old gear if its not your best it has to go.

if its not your absolute best it has to go.

this sucks I know but if you want to stand a chance in the arena this is what you have to do.

As you collect champs and gear you're power level goes up and so does the strength of the teams you face, but you're arena team is not getting any stronger.

and this is why it feels like its getting worse.

please dont shoot yourself in the foot, please remeber to hold onto your faction war teams.

This is how I worked this out.

the 2 arena tournaments in this latest fusion event are what gave it away.

in the first tournament I stuggled, grinding it out. I was winning 4/10 matches.

then the second Tournament and I could not even put a dent in it, winning 1/20 matches.

so what had changed between these to events.

well I had filled my champion page and vault to the limit with 1 stars at level 10, 2 star at level 20 and so on.

this was in preparation for the champion event coming up.

also I had had a brutal war with the worlds biggest tryhard for 1st in the Ice Golem Tournament.

this had increase the amount of gear I had in my storge from about 300 to 1000.

then I leveled a bunch of gear up to 16 for that event.

All of these actions had increased player power significantly, to the point where I couldnt win a match in arena.

But after the Champion leveling evnt started and I burned though the bulk of my chickens.

all of a sudden my arena opponents became weaker.

so when Hell Hades put out Pariums resonse and they mentioned player power. 

I put 2 and 2 together.

Sorry this was such a long read.

I know its not ideal but I hope it helps

Mar 28, 2021, 07:1003/28/21

A little update

After droping just 150k on my player power

I have climed about 3 ranks in clasic arena in just over a day

I also dont see walls of lego in my arena list when I refresh now.

so It works

Mar 28, 2021, 07:2203/28/21

My player power is around 5-6M..but I am matched with 18M player power. The last guy. 



Mar 28, 2021, 07:4503/28/21

My player power is around 5-6M..but I am matched with 18M player power. The last guy. 



Are you serious ? You're at 5 points under platinum. Of course you're gonna get top tier teams. 


Are you mad you can't farm bots anymore to achieve platinum? 

Player power shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with gold 4 that high up. You shouldn't be rewarded with easier teams for having low player power.

Mar 28, 2021, 07:5003/28/21

Are you serious ? You're at 5 points under platinum. Of course you're gonna get top tier teams. 


Are you mad you can't farm bots anymore to achieve platinum? 

Player power shouldn't have ANYTHING to do with gold 4 that high up. You shouldn't be rewarded with easier teams for having low player power.

Lol what are you talking about? 

I have no problem with any of my list and I am not complaining so you can stop quoting me when you don't even understand my post. 

To make it clear to you, I am to clear / or debunk the theory of the OP that the match making is about player power. 

Mar 28, 2021, 07:5803/28/21

Lol what are you talking about? 

I have no problem with any of my list and I am not complaining so you can stop quoting me when you don't even understand my post. 

To make it clear to you, I am to clear / or debunk the theory of the OP that the match making is about player power. 

Oh okay well then you should've made it more obvious what you were talking about cause I thought you were complaining lol. 

Anyway you're right, all they go by is some mod on discord or wherever supposedly saying that player power directly affects your arena teams - which can be true but doesn't have to.

I'm at 6m player power myself and face players ranging from 1.5m to 18m.

Mar 28, 2021, 09:4103/28/21

Oh okay well then you should've made it more obvious what you were talking about cause I thought you were complaining lol. 

Anyway you're right, all they go by is some mod on discord or wherever supposedly saying that player power directly affects your arena teams - which can be true but doesn't have to.

I'm at 6m player power myself and face players ranging from 1.5m to 18m.

You need to read what the hell you're commenting on.  You call him a complainer and not a single complaint in his comment.  He pointed out that he faced players with quit different PP than his, that's all he said.  Chill out!

Mar 28, 2021, 10:2003/28/21

Oh okay well then you should've made it more obvious what you were talking about cause I thought you were complaining lol. 

Anyway you're right, all they go by is some mod on discord or wherever supposedly saying that player power directly affects your arena teams - which can be true but doesn't have to.

I'm at 6m player power myself and face players ranging from 1.5m to 18m.

Yeah but Plarium Literally put a statement out as a response to Hell hades 

Saying that it is based on Player power

Mar 28, 2021, 10:2103/28/21

but they might be talking rubbish because they also said they have never put bots into the arena and we know that is total BS

Mar 28, 2021, 10:2803/28/21

but they might be talking rubbish because they also said they have never put bots into the arena and we know that is total BS

I don't think they're actual bots, I only call them that cause everyone else does, I think it's just a glitch in the algorithm that makes those joke teams appear from time to time. I'm pretty sure they're real players since I've seen some of them from those glitched pages talk in in game chat before. 

@Angwil yes it was my bad, I didn't read the OP actually since there's already hundreds of posts on arena, I only read what JoinME said 

Mar 28, 2021, 10:4503/28/21
Mar 28, 2021, 10:46(edited)

My player power is around 5-6M..but I am matched with 18M player power. The last guy. 



Your in gold 4, the skys the limit with player power, also you dont have a problem with competing with other gold 4 teams. you're not the type of player that is dealing with this crap.

the issue is when someone is in gold 1 or mid silver or even high bronze and they are put against high gold level teams. 

I was In gold 1/2 and around the time that Plaruim change the algorithm (as mentioned in their statement)

to now go off player power

I got tanked down to bronze 4, and the teams they were putting me up against were tougher then anything I ever went up against in gold 2.

I was stuck in bronze 4 for about a month until  I dropped my player power from 880k to about 600k now im in silver 2 again.

so can you explain why that is ? thats if its not done off player power. 

Mar 28, 2021, 10:5603/28/21

It is based on player power, I already confirmed that myself and nothing short of Plarium showing me the actual code would've changed my mind on that. They did add one piece of information in their official statement that I didn't have though which does explain some of the comments I got on it; that this only applies to the bronze and silver tiers. In other words, going from S4 to G1 means that the experience can range from either being much easier to being much harder, depending on your arena team vs your player power. Of course, over time that will drift towards ranging from equally hard to much harder, as the gold tiers get saturated with end-game teams, while the lower tiers set up a bunch of separate ecosystems for players of different levels of player power.

Mar 28, 2021, 11:0503/28/21


lol thanks for clearing that up.

Mar 28, 2021, 13:2003/28/21

if it is based on player power and from what you have shown me we can assume that much, then its a very poor implementation.

Player Power does not necessarily indicate that the Player has good champs and good gear but it can be that he keeps copies of all champs and or crappy gear. This is also true the other way around, just because someone has low Player Power does not mean that he cant bring a 300+ speed Arbiter and a Nuclear Warhead Trunda to the match.

Basing a system on this does not really sound well thought out.

To give an example, if you had 100 men with clubs, would you say they are more powerful as 10 Men with automatic weapons and a Tank?

Mar 28, 2021, 17:4703/28/21

They never read what I said, lmao. 

Mar 28, 2021, 21:4603/28/21

Plarium  recently  confirmed  that  player  power  plays  a  part.

I'm  a  fairly  new  player  that  had  a  blue  shard  bonanza  6  weeks  in  an  held  onto  all  the  rares.      I  was  intending  on  keeping  them  (in  case  of  a  fusion  with  old champs  and  having  the  collection  was  cool),  but  believed  the  conclusions  about  player  power  that  I  had  read.    So  I  used  them  all  as  three  star  chickens  and  am  now  comfortably progressing  through  silver  and  the  mission  line.

I'm  patient  and  figured  it  could  take  a  year  to  get  Arbiter,  so  I'm  not  upset  about  the  state  of  arena,  but  it  was  pretty  lame  that  getting  rid  of  my  collection  of  a  hundred  or  so  rares  helped  me  in  arena.    That  new  dwarf  fusion  better  not  be  with  old  champs  though  lol.

Mar 28, 2021, 22:0103/28/21

Lol what are you talking about? 

I have no problem with any of my list and I am not complaining so you can stop quoting me when you don't even understand my post. 

To make it clear to you, I am to clear / or debunk the theory of the OP that the match making is about player power. 

Up to you of course but I'd suggest watching the Hell Hades video.  The Plarium response specifically said that player power was used to determine opponents in Bronze and Silver.  So basically, all of the older accounts where people had limited inventory space for characters and items are viewed as equal powers with new players who came in and made use of the expanded space to create weak rosters of 5 in all of the factions to get a few low level charms each day.  It is a travesty that they think player power has anything at all to do with the power you can leverage in the arena.  Just a complete and utter joke.

Mar 28, 2021, 22:1503/28/21

Considering power is likely the metric used to determine your group in tournaments as well, it's not just the arena you get screwed over in for playing the game in what they've arbitrarily decided is the wrong way. If power was actually in any way accurate it might be slightly less terrible, though still completely nonsensical for a ranking system of course, but it would go a long way towards alleviating the problem. Using it for matchmaking is still at best a stop gap that treats the symptoms rather than the disease though. The arena system will not age well, I can guarantee you that much, and that goes well beyond what they base their matchmaking on. The game just isn't set up in a way that makes PvP viable, not that what we have is really PvP to begin with, so to put so much emphasis on it is quite ridiculous and will come back to bite them.

Apr 3, 2021, 21:0604/03/21

Well plariums answer to all this is "well just git gud" they are saying there is nothing wrong with the arena.

thats it, not a penny more. they are getting no more money from me.

Apr 4, 2021, 12:3304/04/21

This whole thing about "just get good" by Plarium will play out in the wash.  People will stay and play, or not, and pay $$ or not, as time will reveal.  They are taking a big gamble, imo, that things will go their way by knocking many people down to lower arena tiers.    Which affects someones entire game no matter where or how they play.  It is really hard for me to try to beef up my champ stats, for example, by the same amount that my Great Hall bonuses are decreasing.

I am convinced that no matter what level or tier I end up in, I will always face the 4 Yellow Frames with L60 fully ascended champs.