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Switched from Galek to kael, who else to beat campaign?

Switched from Galek to kael, who else to beat campaign?

Mar 10, 2021, 04:3003/10/21

Switched from Galek to kael, who else to beat campaign?


I’m  on  normal  11/7  and  cant  beat  boss  yet  In  campaign  mode.    Was  using  galek  ,  warmaiden,  sporithost  ,  and  skullcrusher until  now   When  i  bought  a  few  blue  shards  on   the  Recent  double  rate.    I  got  a  kael  and  some  other  champs  to  use.  Currently  leveling  up  kael  in  galeks  old  vamp  gear .    Been  running  the  attk  up  and defense  down  champs  with  speed  gear  For  arenas.    Still  in  bronze  1.   Speed  avgs  from  155  on  sprithost  to  galek  at  130.     I  play  super  casual.    Will  be  two  more  days  before  i  get  the  30  day  reward  hero,  high  khatun.      got  15  more  days  of  completing  dailies  to  get  the  monthly  leg  shard.      So  i’m  not  Sure  how  commited  i  am  on pushing  My  current  aoe  attack  unit  to  5/6  Star  And  using  the  same  tactic  of  attk  up  defense  down  and  another  unit.    Been  alternting  4th  spot  with  skullcrusher,  Galek,  amd  painkeeper  who  has  a  shield  set  on.    On  11/7  i  feel  pretty  squishy.    May  need  to  drop  speed  sets  and  use  the  recommended  stuff  like  hp  substats,  defense  %  gear  but  ita  low  rank  gear,  may  be  wasyed  Time  trying  to  farm  good  gear  at  such  a n  early  start.  

looks  like  now  is  the  time  to  spend    on  leveling  up  normal  fodder  to  get  my  kael  to  5  star  but  who  else  do  i   use  with  kael  to  get  to  harder  campaign  modes?    What  team  from  the  roster  can  help  me  beat  campaign  mode  the  fastest?    Jareg  looks  cool  wirh  his  pasive  heal,  then  there’s  shaman  with  the rez  or  do  i  forgo  arena  and  put  my  buffer/debuffers  in  less  speed  and  use  tankier  gear?  Im  in  mostly  2-4  star  gear  from  campaigns  to  stage  5  avg  of  the  dungeon s  that  drop  gear.    

What  is  the  max  speed  i  need  to  beat  campaign  to  go  before  the  trash  or  bosses?  Would  CC  units  or  gear  be  something  i  should  consider  for  the  higher  difficulties?    Looking  for  advice  to  plan  ahead  With  my  roster.   

Mar 10, 2021, 10:0403/10/21

You can check the early game guide in teh discord ( if you're on there) it'll give you a comprehensive guide to building Kael to help you clear campaign. 

Mar 10, 2021, 11:5803/10/21
  • you should go to the potion keeps more often. Warmaiden is ascended, but most of your heros are not
  • I see a second Spirithost with lvl 1 in your account. Unless your main Spirithost (lvl 30) got all skillbooks so far, you can use the copy instead of a skillbook to increase her skills
  • you have two more really great champions that didn't get any attention so far: Sinesha and Jareg. They are definetly candiadtes to go to lvl 60. Jareg is a great champ to fight vs Clanboss and Sinesha combines a hard hitting AoE attack on her A1 with a very nice healing skill on her A3
  • your focus should be to lvl up Kael to lvl 60 first. At this level he should be able to do the campaign stage 12-3 alone, so you can put 3 trash champions in the team that get leveled up as food for your main champs. Skullcrusher, Jareg and Sinesha could be the next champs to reach lvl 60. Don't make the same mistake a lot of players (including me) made: don't lvl up a lot of champs to lvl 50 before you make your first lvl 60. A lvl 60 champ can lvl up three others easily, so in the long run your progress will be much faster
Mar 11, 2021, 16:5503/11/21

Thanks  for  the  feedback  ,gonna  check  out  disc  to  see  how  to  build  kael  for  campaign.    

its  only  been  2  years  with  the  raid  anni,  but  historically  have  they  revamped  any  rares  where  i  should  hold  on  to  dupes  of  the  less  common  used  ones.  Looks  like  there’s  4  3  star  dupes  i  can  start  to  level  up  to  help  speed  up  ranking  kael  up.

and  noted,  will  run  the  pots  more  to  ascend.  I  had  my  def  down  and  attk  up  as  main  priority  to  ascend  first  but  will  get  others  up  as  well.  Kael  is  fully  booked.  Havent  done  his  masteries  yet.  Working  on  getting  more  gems  to  get  his  full  mastery  set.