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Need help making a good clan boss team and arena team

Need help making a good clan boss team and arena team

Mar 9, 2021, 00:5103/09/21

Need help making a good clan boss team and arena team



Mar 9, 2021, 08:5603/09/21
Mar 9, 2021, 08:59(edited)

Arena Team

High Khatun (teamleader, speedaura): speedbuff

Seeker: speedbuff and atkbuff

Warmaiden: AoE def debuff

Elhain: AoE damage

They have to act in mentioned order, you want the def debuff on your enemies and the atk buff on your damage dealer before you attack, so give them gear with speed substats to bring them in this order. High Khatun and Seeker need as much speed as they can get, I would recommend at least +100 in bronze and +150 in silver. Warmaiden needs so much accuracy as you can get to land her debuff.

Elhain is only your best damage dealer for now because she is lvl 60. Replace her with Astralon when he reaches that level.

Clanboss Team

Coffin Smasher: atk debuff and hp burn

Yaga: poison (not a really good champ, but you made him lvl 50 allready, so you can use him for now)

Kael: additional poison (is the best damage source vs. CB)

Athel: weaken

Hope: shield

None of them is top tier vs. cb. It's really hard to build a decent team out of your actual champs.

In general: You have to many champs at lvl 50, to less at lvl 60. You levelled to much trash champs like Wretch.

Mar 9, 2021, 13:1703/09/21

Thanks  for  the  advice ive  been  playing for  a  few  months  and  cant  seem  to  get  the  good  players  everyone always  talks  about.  any  other  recommendations on  what  to  do  would  be  appreciated as  in  who  to  take  to  6  stars  and  who  i  should  use  as  food?

Mar 10, 2021, 20:2103/10/21

Are  any  of  the  champs  i  have  considered awesome  for  any  particular part  of  the  game?  

Mar 10, 2021, 20:2803/10/21

Of the champs you have, the one with the longest life is likely Khatun. She doesn't really get replaced until you get Arbiter, so I would probably max her first.

All of the rest of your champs are largely replaceable. Cupidus works okay for arena, but doesn't really fit in great anywhere else - and even in arena he's just okay (the A3 is a good single-target nuke, but the other abilities are somewhat meh for arena).

I wouldn't bother leveling any of your other champs. They're situational at best. If you've spare energy, just spend it on farming food for when you get better champs.

Mar 10, 2021, 21:3203/10/21

Make sure to get the warmaster mastery and nearly any team will become a pretty good clan boss team. Not great but you will at least do some serious damage. 

Mar 10, 2021, 21:4803/10/21

Indeed. Warmaster / Giantslayer + Lifesteal or Leech = full heals every turn. Basically, you should never run a healer on CB.

Mar 18, 2021, 19:0203/18/21

Out  of  my  clan  boss  team  who  should  i  worry  about  filling  all  the  masteries first?  Or  should  i  change  someone on  this  team?  Im  only  doing  around  2  million in  damage  on  normal  

coffin  smasher  





Mar 18, 2021, 19:2803/18/21

Are  any  of  the  champs  i  have  considered awesome  for  any  particular part  of  the  game?  

For  arena  you  could  consider  the  little  used

Catacomb  Councillor.

Also  Fenax  is  a  good  arena  nuker.  

Mar 18, 2021, 19:4103/18/21

Did you allready fill all the masteries of your team? I'm not sure if I would do that for everybody. Most of them are just placeholders until you get better champs. I would not invest in a champ like Yaga, because he will leave your clanboss team when you pull Occult Brawler, or Frozen Banshee, or Gravechill Killer, or Fayne or any other better poisoner. 

I recommended that team because they were the best champs you had when you posted your champion roster. Are there any new champs since then?

Mar 18, 2021, 21:1803/18/21

No  i  have  not  filled the  masteries.  the  only  new  ones  are  

dark  elhian  


Sanctum  protector 


Mar 19, 2021, 21:2203/19/21

Any  recommendations on  who  i  should  6  star  next  if  any?

Mar 19, 2021, 22:5203/19/21

Any  recommendations on  who  i  should  6  star  next  if  any?

High Khatun and Seeker. They will stay in your arena team for a long time.

Mar 20, 2021, 00:3703/20/21

I came to your post very late.

It is a real shame because I feel some of the advice you have been giving isn't ideal.

I gave Skadi post a like because I thought her Arena Advice was very Rock Solid.

I would of probably recommended the same team to you in all honestly.

The part of Skadi post I didn't like was the Clan Boss Advice.

I don't like the Clan Boss team Skadi came up with.

I think it is bad.

However, I still gave Skadi a like because I think she tried her best.

The Clan Boss team you should be running isn't very easy to spot.

It isn't very easy to spot because It isn't widely used.

It's an Old School set up which only works if you have specific heroes.

You are lucky enough to have those heroes.

The Clan Boss Team you should be running is a Rally Composition:

Leader: Yaga: ACC Aura

- Coffin Smasher ------> Atk Down + HP Burn

- Warmaiden ----------> Def Down + Poison

- Yaga ------------------> Poison

- Avir the Alchemage --> Turn Meter Fill + Healing + Poison

- Catacomb Councilor -> Rally Attack

They should all be in Lifesteal Gear.


In response to Kramaswamy, I gave him no likes at all.

Kramaswamy statement which says only High Khatun is long term is garbage.

You have a lot very good long term prospects on your account.


In response to midgarheretic, I gave him no likes at all.

Midgarheretic statement which says any team can be good with Warmaster is garbage.

Horrible Advice he is giving you.

Team Composition is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

In addition, some heroes don't even use Warmaster.

They use Giant Slayer such as your Coffin Smasher.


In response to Kramaswamy second comment, I gave him no likes again!

Kramaswamy statement which says you should never run healer in CB is so outrageous.

There are people in the game which run healers in CB.

They don't use Lifesteal Gear.

They don't use Leech.

It all depends on the Team Composition.

Every team is different.

Here is a Screenshot of my Clan Boss Team:


None of the heroes on my team do Leech.

Only 1 hero on my team is in Lifesteal gear (Frozen Banshee)

However, I don't need lifesteal gear on my Frozne Banshee.

I could remove Lifesteal gear from my F.B and I would do perfectly fine.

Want to know why my Frozen Banshee is in Lifesteal Gear?

It is because I use her against the Nether Spider & Magma Dragon.

Frozen Banshee is on my Clan Boss Team + Nether Spider Team + Magma Dragon Team

Guess what hero I am using on my Clan Boss Team?

A Healer - Doompriest!


In response to Tsdpool statement, I gave him a like!

Everything he said was Rock Solid!

Catacomb C. is not only good in a Rally Clan Boss Team.

Catacomb C. is very good on an Arena Blender Team.

Fenax is a crazy damage dealer.

Fenax can do tons of damage + Block Revive.

Some people use him for Arena + Ice Golem Stage 20 + Faction Wars

What ever you do, Don't get rid of Fenax!

Fenax is a Life Savor!

It took me 2 years to discover how truly amazing Fenax is.

Fenax was in my vault level 1 for over 2 years.

I thought Fenax wasn't very special.

I was tempted to use Fenax as a chicken multiple times.

I have over 50+ Legendaries on my Account.

I have multiple Dupe Legendies on my Account.

Why on earth does a person with 50 Legendaries need a Little Epic Champion named Fenax?

Do I really need him? Surely, he isn't End Game

He is just useless hero in my vault waiting to be used in a fusion.

This is what I told myself - True Story!

Than 2 weeks ago, Fenax changed my Mind! 

I under valued Fenax.

I spoke bad about Fenax.

I had no respect for Fenax.

And despite all the negative things I said Fenax saved my Account!

2 weeks ago, I reached Stage 21 in Sacred Order Faction.

The Boss on Stage 21 is a Nightmare!

Image the most annoying champion ever

Have you ever gone to arena and had someone put a bunch of annoying debuffs on you?

Provokes - Fears - True Fears - All these annoying little troll debuffs. 

That is the Boss on Stage 21 - A Very Annoying -  Very Tanky

The Boss does no damage - He is just super annoying.

Than Image 2 Little Side Minion's standing next to the Boss.

These 2 Little Side Minions can hit like a Freight Train.

So guess what most people do?

They go into the fight and try to kill the Side Minions, but guess what happens?

The Boss can revive them!

It becomes an Endless Battle - Over & Over Again.

And this is when Fenax became a LIFE SAVOR

Fenax does BLOCK REVIVE!

I maxed out my level 1 Fenax which was in my vault for 2 years.

I put the gear which was on my Legendary hero on Fenax.

Fenax was the one who won it for me!

Again, you might not need Fenax right now.

You are working on Clan Boss.

The main point I want you to understand is don't use Fenax as a chicken.

The day will come when Fenax can help you the same way he helped me.

Mar 21, 2021, 13:5203/21/21

should  I  spend  gems  on  ancient shards?  I  have  1200  saved  up.  ive  already maxed  my  gem  mine.

Mar 21, 2021, 14:0103/21/21

Noooooo,  please  don't.  You  have  a  0.5%  chance  of  getting  a  legendary  outside  of  a  2x.  If  you  had  10'000  gems  then  yea  sure  treat  yourself  to  a  shard  pack  or  two.  Save  them  for  energy  refills  or  just save  them,  do  not  use  them  for  masteries.  

You  will  get  shards  naturally  over  time  for  free,  do  clan  boss,  do  dungeons  at  the  highest  level  you  can,  do  potion  keeps.....  plus  the  free  ones  from  weekly  and  monthly  quests.  If  you  are  f2p  do  not  waste  gems  on  shards  unless  it  will  get  you  a  fragment  or  fusion  champ.  Otherwise  you  will  just  be  likely  in  for  disappointment.  

Mar 21, 2021, 14:5503/21/21

Thanks  everyone for  your  help  so  far.

Mar 21, 2021, 23:3103/21/21

I  would  use  gems  for  champion  masteries  or  for  buying  energy  or  XP  boosts,  but  only  when  trying  to  go  for  a  fusion.  You  could  also  purchase  sparring  pit  slots,  but  i  wouldnt  upgrade  them.  Lastly  if  you  fall  short  of  a  chest  you  could  buy  an  extra  clan  boss  key.

Mar 22, 2021, 12:1103/22/21

I  just  pulled  ultimate galek should  i  replace  someone on  my  clan  boss  or  arena  team  with  him?

Apr 5, 2021, 20:0504/05/21

I  just  got  fanatic  and  sachi would  either  of  these  replace  anyone  on  my  cur clanboss  team?

current  list  is   

coffin  smasher



