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Absolute garbage fusion

Absolute garbage fusion

Mar 5, 2021, 22:2303/05/21

Absolute garbage fusion

Sorry but this fusion is absolute garbage.

Please rework him or buff him significantly before even releasing 


This is not a legendary champion, no.

This is an epic champ or even a rare that's posing as Legendary.

Sucks because Iron Brago and Astralon were both pretty good legendaries. Were they top tier? No, neither should fusion be top tier - but this champ is straight up an insult. 

He is worse than Shamrock AND Cillian. This is the contender for one of the most useless leggos in the game. How are we getting champs like these in 2021? Shouldn't the balance team have figured out their own game by now? Please go back to him and make him useful. Total overhaul is needed. 

Mar 5, 2021, 23:3103/05/21

Lol. Little early to ask for a buff.

I think solid arena champ, if inc atk was replaced by a tm boost for team i think would be perfect for arena. 

Arbiter drunkard serris astralon


Your favorite troll

Mar 5, 2021, 23:5003/05/21
Mar 5, 2021, 23:50(edited)

Lol. Little early to ask for a buff.

I think solid arena champ, if inc atk was replaced by a tm boost for team i think would be perfect for arena. 

Arbiter drunkard serris astralon


Your favorite troll

You do realize a champ like that already exists and he is called Klodd Beastfeeder? And he's an epic? 

...And noone uses him?

Mar 5, 2021, 23:5103/05/21

Hey there

I do think it's a bit early to say if this upcoming fragment summon will be good or not since every review up to now is just based on how he looks on paper.

It'll need testing and tweaking once he is released and people could play around with him, maybe he will unleash his full potential even more once certain champs are released or more content will want you to use him.


Mar 5, 2021, 23:5403/05/21
Mar 5, 2021, 23:54(edited)

Hey there

I do think it's a bit early to say if this upcoming fragment summon will be good or not since every review up to now is just based on how he looks on paper.

It'll need testing and tweaking once he is released and people could play around with him, maybe he will unleash his full potential even more once certain champs are released or more content will want you to use him.


I'm sorry but I disagree.

While it's possible we can only truly discover his potential in game it's safe to say we've been playing this game long enough and have attained enough knowledge to know what mechanics work and what mechanics don't. 

Already there are way better champions than this one in the EPIC division (Klodd, Pestilus) who serve the same purpose.

Unfortunately this champion is 99% gonna be a joke and it's saddening considering recently the fusions have gotten better. 

This champ has nothing going for him, we expected more from new faction and are severely disappointed. 

Mar 6, 2021, 00:0303/06/21
Mar 6, 2021, 00:06(edited)

If Decrease ACC on the A2 move was replaced by Poison, The hero might have more Clan Boss viablitiy.

Players could use him as a Side Poison hero who does HP Burn.

I also agree with Trips.

I'm not a huge fan of the Increase ATK on the A3 move.

I would prefer it be changed.

Mar 6, 2021, 00:1903/06/21

I  guess  it  depends  on  what  champs  you  have    i  have  zero  use  for  this  guy    Farming  G4  arena  my  trunda  one  shot s  most  champs  unless  her  60  accuracy  stuns      Hard  doom  tower  is  a  pain     im  happy  worh  normal    my  dungeon  teams  are  already  set     this  fusion  is  garbage  imo    

Mar 6, 2021, 00:2303/06/21
Mar 6, 2021, 00:26(edited)
Player J

If Decrease ACC on the A2 move was replaced by Poison, The hero might have more Clan Boss viablitiy.

Players could use him as a Side Poison hero who does HP Burn.

I also agree with Trips.

I'm not a huge fan of the Increase ATK on the A3 move.

I would prefer it be changed.

But there already exists a champion called Farakhan the Fat who brings the things you mentioned PLUS def down on his A1 PLUS ally attack skill that also gives 30% crit rate and crit dmg buff on his A3. And that's an epic! 

I think this champ would still be garbage tier even with poison + hp burn considering there's an epic who would be SO much superior to him. 

I think he needs a complete overhaul of all his skills and perhaps something that would make him stand out to introduce us to the new faction. 

Mar 6, 2021, 13:2603/06/21

Shamrock  is  straight  up  a  solid support  champ!  Bit  rng  on  some  of  his  kit  but  you'd  expect  that  from  a  champ  that  can  put  put  that  many  buffs.  Lucky  charms  should  not  be  dismissed  as  a  poor  ability.  in  fact  it  is  one  of  the  strongest  buffing  abilities  in  the  game.  if  you  got  a  shamrock  and  you're  not  using  him  then  thats  a  bit  of  a  waste.  He  doesnt  even  need  books  to  be  half  decent.  

Mar 6, 2021, 13:2803/06/21

Astralon  on  the  other  hand....  i'm  glad  i  didnt  bother  to  fuse  him.

Mar 6, 2021, 13:2803/06/21

If the game was to listen + make the changes Me & Trips are saying, The hero would be a lot better.

Farakhan The Fat would be a bad comparison to the New Hero.

The reason the New hero should have Poison + HP Burn is to give the hero Boss Utility.

The main move the new hero will have is the A3 move.

Mar 6, 2021, 13:4303/06/21

Just  either  make  the  A2  a  single  target  doubke  or  triple  hitter  with  poison  as  Player  J  said,  add  turn  meter  fill  on  the  A3,  or  add  that  the  75%  chance  to  land  True  Fear  applies  to  everyone  with  buffs  and  this  would  be  a  solid  fusion.  Ma-Shalled  has  that  ability  on   a  100%  chance  on  a  two  tun  cool down.

Mar 6, 2021, 13:4303/06/21
Player J

If the game was to listen + make the changes Me & Trips are saying, The hero would be a lot better.

Farakhan The Fat would be a bad comparison to the New Hero.

The reason the New hero should have Poison + HP Burn is to give the hero Boss Utility.

The main move the new hero will have is the A3 move.

Your & trips suggestions do not make sense.

He wants TM boost on his A3 which would make him unusable in CB, and you want HP + Poison on his A2 to make him good in CB. 

What? Can you explain this part to me? 

This champ is straight up TRASH even with both of your suggestions.

His A3 is the main move, but there's epics out there with better move. 

Mar 6, 2021, 16:4203/06/21

Its  pretty  clear  this  new  guy  is  an  ok  arena  champ,  given  the  acc  requirements  in  plat  this  guy  might  have  a  place  but  who  he  would  replace  would  be  difficult.  Increase/decrease  acc  is  one  of  the  games  most  powerful  buffs/debuffs.  

Mar 6, 2021, 16:4603/06/21

Very  similar  to  decrease  speed.  Everyobe  wants  more  speed,  more  speed  but  if  you  decrease  the  speed  of  the  enemy  then  your  own  speed  requirements  drop  allowing  you  to  focus  on  other  stats.  Always  think  buffs/debuffs  first  then  go  for  stats  to  make  up  the  numbers,  unless  you  meet  a  serris  and  then  you're  boned.  

Mar 6, 2021, 16:4703/06/21
Mar 6, 2021, 16:48(edited)

Its  pretty  clear  this  new  guy  is  an  ok  arena  champ,  given  the  acc  requirements  in  plat  this  guy  might  have  a  place  but  who  he  would  replace  would  be  difficult.  Increase/decrease  acc  is  one  of  the  games  most  powerful  buffs/debuffs.  

He is not an ok arena champ.

Klodd and Pestilus are both better than him and HAVE EXACT same purpose as him while having better A2's. And these are epics! Already fulfilling a niche role better than him!

Sorry but attack up is not that good, especially when Arbiter who 99% of the players already run, and those who don't don't even run ATK nukers in their teams and have defensive teams. 

Champ is trash. 

Mar 6, 2021, 16:5203/06/21

Ok,  he  is  a  sub  par  legendary  but  an  okish  arena  champ.  

Mar 6, 2021, 16:5503/06/21

If  you  look  at  his  design  he  is  leaning  toward  a  counter  for  speed  teams,  turn  meter  boost  on  buffs.  So  i  guess  the  idea  is  he  cuts  in,  reduces  the  acc  of  the  opposing  team  or  fears  them  before  they  get  their  debuffs  off.  I  can  see  it  but  he  would  take  some  work  to make  him  work.

Mar 6, 2021, 16:5803/06/21

To  make  him  legendary  they  should  make  the  increase  atk  and  increase  acc  buffs  so  that  they  cannot  be  removed,  maybe  also  include  an  increase  def  buff  too.  

then  make  it  so  the  true  fear  cannot  be  resisted  and  you  have  a  very  interesting  arena  champ.

Mar 6, 2021, 16:5903/06/21

If  you  look  at  his  design  he  is  leaning  toward  a  counter  for  speed  teams,  turn  meter  boost  on  buffs.  So  i  guess  the  idea  is  he  cuts  in,  reduces  the  acc  of  the  opposing  team  or  fears  them  before  they  get  their  debuffs  off.  I  can  see  it  but  he  would  take  some  work  to make  him  work.

Yeah good luck doing that to teams with immunity sets and high resistance... Massive gamble for a subpar champ, you are gambling on so many things it's simply not worth to take him instead of someone else. 

He is meant to counter speed teams but his whole kit is based around going first and making use of increasing accuracy to strip buffs / immunity sets ... 

The way to fix him is to make him increase TM instead of Attack and make him a viable speed buffer for arena instead of this joke which he is now, and give him an actual non-laughable A2 (make it aoe instead of 2 hits with TM decrease instead of the garbage he has right now) 

Mar 6, 2021, 17:0203/06/21

To  make  him  legendary  they  should  make  the  increase  atk  and  increase  acc  buffs  so  that  they  cannot  be  removed,  maybe  also  include  an  increase  def  buff  too.  

then  make  it  so  the  true  fear  cannot  be  resisted  and  you  have  a  very  interesting  arena  champ.

Just  reposting  this  in  case  you  missed  it  in  the  crossfire.