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Arena team Upgrade Advice to exceed

Arena team Upgrade Advice to exceed

Feb 27, 2021, 03:1302/27/21

Arena team Upgrade Advice to exceed

My current Arena team setup is:

High Khatun - Valkyrie - Warmaiden - Elhain and I'm currently in between Bronze 5 - Silver 1.

Below is my current roster up for re-alignment of my arena team so I can progress further. What is a good speed nuker team with Valkyrie with the champs below? I recently got some good pulls.



Feb 27, 2021, 04:4702/27/21
Feb 27, 2021, 04:48(edited)

i would replace elhain with big'un. if your going to try and go a little bit more defensive, which valkyrie leans toward, you could look at gorgorab instead of high khatun.

Feb 27, 2021, 05:4202/27/21

Speed Nuking teams don't run Valkyrie in them.

Valkyrie is used more for Defensive teams or Disruption teams.

The Speed Nuking team I would run with your set of champions is the following:

Leader: Gorgorab - Speed Aura 23%

1st move: Golden Reaper -------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab ------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack Buff

3rd move: Warmaiden ----------> AOE Defense Down

4th move: Big Un ----------------> AOE Nuke

Feb 27, 2021, 05:4702/27/21

Wow you have some absolute *beast* champs. 100% swap out Elhain for Bigun. Beyond that, just max your other three champs and you should be good to go. Warmaiden will be the first one you should replace once you get a better AOE DEF down move.

Feb 27, 2021, 16:0902/27/21

Thank you guys for your input.

Which champ should I go with for the second spot as a speed booster? I do like that Golden Reaper has the turn meter fill. Just want to compare and contrast the 2 and get an opinion.

Gorgorab - Apothicary vs Golden Reaper? - Warmaiden - Big Un

Feb 27, 2021, 17:3102/27/21

Personally I would go with Apothecary just because he's easier to book. 

Feb 27, 2021, 17:3302/27/21
Player J

Speed Nuking teams don't run Valkyrie in them.

Valkyrie is used more for Defensive teams or Disruption teams.

The Speed Nuking team I would run with your set of champions is the following:

Leader: Gorgorab - Speed Aura 23%

1st move: Golden Reaper -------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab ------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack Buff

3rd move: Warmaiden ----------> AOE Defense Down

4th move: Big Un ----------------> AOE Nuke

I  sometimes  run  with  valk  in  a  speed  nuking  team...  shes  really  good  actually  if  you  dont  think  you  can  win  the  speed  race.  As  they  buff  ger  passive  procs  stand  firm,  you  survive  becuase  of  the  shield  and  then  i  go  speed,  drop  defense  and  nuke.  Totally  viable  in  a  speed  team.

Feb 27, 2021, 18:3402/27/21

Golden reaper is definitely the better option. Her kit is better overall and she has a higher base speed than apothecary. It's true that she'll be harder to book, but with the build you're going for a match shouldn't last long enough for that to really matter.

Feb 27, 2021, 23:5602/27/21

Thank you guys for your input.

Which champ should I go with for the second spot as a speed booster? I do like that Golden Reaper has the turn meter fill. Just want to compare and contrast the 2 and get an opinion.

Gorgorab - Apothicary vs Golden Reaper? - Warmaiden - Big Un

Golden Reaper is the best option in Arena for the specific team I mentioned.

Golden Reaper Turn Meter Fill is 20% vs. Apothecary Turn Meter Fill at 15%.

Golden Reaper has higher base speed 111 vs. Apothecary base speed of 106

Books don't matter on Golden Reaper.

It doesn't matter because Golden Reaper is only going to do 1 move in the fight.

I already showed you how the fight will play out.

Your striving to make your team go before enemy team. 

Your heroes will do the following moves:

1st move: Golden Reaper -------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab ------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack Buff

3rd move: Warmaiden ----------> AOE Defense Down

4th move: Big Un ----------------> AOE Nuke 

If the enemy team moves before you, You automatically lose.

If the enemy team doesn't get 1 shot by your Big Un, You automatically lose.

There is no recovery in this set up.

The set up you have is a Kill or Be Killed set up.

Feb 28, 2021, 00:3902/28/21

I  sometimes  run  with  valk  in  a  speed  nuking  team...  shes  really  good  actually  if  you  dont  think  you  can  win  the  speed  race.  As  they  buff  ger  passive  procs  stand  firm,  you  survive  becuase  of  the  shield  and  then  i  go  speed,  drop  defense  and  nuke.  Totally  viable  in  a  speed  team.

No - you are confused.

I just said Speed nuking teams are not designed to run Valkyrie.

Speed Nuking teams are designed to always win the Speed Race.

The team you are talking about is a Disruption team. 

Disruption teams can be used to counter Speed Nuking teams.

Speed Nuking teams don't use passive abilities.

Siphi ---> Arbiter ---> Madam Serris ---> Trunda

or Lyssandra --> Arbiter ---> Venus ---> Foli

or Golden Reaper --> Arbiter ---> Dracomorph ---> Big Un

You are using Valkyrie passive to disrupt & manipulate the enemy turn meter.

Valkyrie passive gains meter + reduces enemy meter per buff on the enemy.

This means you are using Valkyrie against specific teams which do a lot of buffs.

A team which can do a lot of Buffs is a Speed Nuking team.

To help you understand Disruption teams better, I will give you an example.

The below is a Disruption team:

- Valkyrie

- Seeker

- Tayrel

- Skullcrown

This set up has similar traits to a Speed Nuking team.

- Seeker can do Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack

- Tayrel can do AOE Def Down

- Skullcrown can do AOE Nuke

However, the set up has a whole isn't a Speed Nuking team.

It is a Disruption team which has built in Defensive measures

- Valkyrie passive can disruption turn meter allowing herself the ability to put up Shields.

- Seeker passive can place Increase Defense for extra survival.

- Tayrel is a defense base champion which is more capable of surviving enemy nuke.

- Skullcrown passive can place unkillable allowing her extra survival.

Do you see the difference?

Feb 28, 2021, 11:2602/28/21

I  do  but  i  consider  it  to  be  both,  i  have  valk  set  to  go  last,  stand  firm  hits  pretty  hard  and  can  be  considered  a  nuke.  My  speed  lead  is  pretty  fast  so  i  go  Speed,  def  down,  nuke,  nuke.  Which  in  my  case  is

Apoth,  Tayrel,  Skull  crown,  Valk.  

so  i  go,  Speed,  def  down,  nuke/weaken,  nuke.  

it  works  pretty  well  and  gives  me  the  chance  to  survive  if  i  dont  win  the  speed  race  which  is  something  you  can  never  be  sure  of.  

it  is  a  speed  team.  

Feb 28, 2021, 14:0902/28/21


I wish your set up was a Speed team, but I know from experience it isn't.

If your set up was a Speed team, I wouldn't be agruing with you. 

The Arena set up you have is a Disruption team.

The problem is your Disruption team isn't Ideal.

You don't want to use Apothecary in that position.

Disruption teams don't run Speed Buffs.

The ideal hero for your set up would be a Seeker.

Seeker would be best because he does Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack Buff which will help your Damage Dealer do bigger nuke.

If you want your team to truly be a Speed team, You should swap out Tayrel + Valkyrie

You would swap out Valkyrie for a Secondary Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack hero.

You would swap out Tayrel for an AOE Def Down hero which scales damage from Attack.

For Example:

Leader: Gorgorab - Speed Aura 23%

1st move: Apothecary ----------------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab -----------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack

3rd move: Warmaiden or Zargala ----> AOE Def Down

4th move: Skullcrown -----------------> AOE Nuke

Feb 28, 2021, 18:4002/28/21
Feb 28, 2021, 18:42(edited)

I  dont  thnk  you  can  say  it  isnt  without  seeing  the  stats.  Why  would  i  need  another  speed  booster??

Apoth  299

Tayrel  284

Skullcrown  277

Valk  270

no  team  ever  cuts  in.  You  only  need  a  secondary  speed  booster  if   your  gear  isnt  up  to  it.

Feb 28, 2021, 18:4102/28/21

Most  of  the  time,  the  team  in  down  after  skullcrown  goes,  if  theres  a  straggler  then  valk  clears  up.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:0802/28/21

Awesome convo guys - thanks for all the insight. If I eventually get a Skullcrown and Tayrel - Would it be a better option to sub in the above team? I'm building up Gorgorab and Golden Reaper as we speak. Gorgorab is my first target to get to 6*. I have a 6* Valk and Apoth. Hoping to eventually get Skullcrown and Tayrel down the road if luck have it so. lol.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:1302/28/21

Also a side note - by pure luck - I just pulled 2 more legendaries - Sarktorsis and Richtoff the Bold.

Mar 1, 2021, 09:0203/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 09:04(edited)

In practice, even if you are faster, opponents in the arena will be mostly so strong, and unbeatable, that speed no longer matters. There is a lot more to it than just speed. The balance in the arena is wrong.

 If the opponents in bronze arena are all 60, it is already seen that way, with a level 50 team.

Mar 1, 2021, 09:1803/01/21

Don't you realize - You already have 2 boosters on your team?

Apothecary is a Speed Booster

He increases your teams Speed.

Valkyrie is a Reverse Booster

She decreases the enemy team Speed.


Lets say you swapped out Apothecary for Psylar.

Lets say your team was the below team:

- Psylar

- Valkyrie

- Tayrel

- Skullcrown

What is your team actually doing in the above set up?

Psylar & Valkyrie are trying to decrease the Enemy Team Turn Meter.

Why? So your team goes before Enemy Team.


Lets say you swapped out Valkyrie for Gorgorab.

Lets say your team was the below team:

- Apothecary

- Gorgorab

- Tayrel

- Skullcrown

What is your team actually doing in the above set up?

Apothecary & Gorgorab are trying to increase your Team Turn Meter.

Why? So your team goes before Enemy Team.


Don't you see a difference in the 2 examples I showed you above?

They both are manipulating turn meter, but in different ways.

The difference is the key element which seperates them.

The Apothecary + Gorgorab way is considered a Speed Set up.

The Psylar + Valkyrie way is considered a Disruption Set up.

Why? Because Disruption set ups take on more Risk!

Think about it!

Apothecary + Gorgorab will increase the whole team speed - 100% Gauranteed

There is no Risk in this set up 

Psylar + Valkyrie will decrause the enemy whole team speed - It's not Gauranteed!

There is a Risk Factor here because you are attempting to do something against the Enemy.

Accuracy vs. Resistance play key roles here.

Players who use Speed Teams are trying to run a Risk Free - Consistant Set up.

This is more or less the Signature Mark of a Speed Team.

This is the APPEAL Speed Teams offer to players.

It is very unmistakeable.

Does this mean Disruption teams are bad?


They are amazing.

They are fun to play.

I have a Disruption Team.

I have a Speed Team.

There is nothing wrong with having these different teams.

They all offer different play styles.

It's fun to try different play styles in Arena.

However, The key thing is to know the difference.

What is a Speed Team? What isn't a Speed Team?

What is a Disruption Team? What isn't a Disruption Team?

Knowing the differnce helps you figure out the Pro's & Con's of the set up.

Every set up has its own Strength + Weakness.

There is no such thing as a Perfect Set up.

Mar 1, 2021, 18:4003/01/21

if  I  were  to  take  away  valks  passive  or  swap  her  for  big  un  then  i'd  have  what  you  call  a  speed  team?  You  have  two  speed  boosters  in  1st  and  2nd  place  because  you  arent  speed  tuned  properly  or  you  simply  dont  have  decent  enough  gear  to  be  able  to  have  2  nukers.  i  will  often  swap  out  Valk  if  the  affinty  is  bad  but  i  will  never  put  in  another  dedicated  speed  booster  because  i  dont  need  to ,  unless  i  push  plat,  which  i  will  never  do.

im  not  going  to  hijack  this  thread  anymore  to  argue  semantics  with  you.  I  have  my  speed  team,  you  have  yours.

Mar 1, 2021, 19:0403/01/21

if  I  were  to  take  away  valks  passive  or  swap  her  for  big  un  then  i'd  have  what  you  call  a  speed  team?  You  have  two  speed  boosters  in  1st  and  2nd  place  because  you  arent  speed  tuned  properly  or  you  simply  dont  have  decent  enough  gear  to  be  able  to  have  2  nukers.  i  will  often  swap  out  Valk  if  the  affinty  is  bad  but  i  will  never  put  in  another  dedicated  speed  booster  because  i  dont  need  to ,  unless  i  push  plat,  which  i  will  never  do.

im  not  going  to  hijack  this  thread  anymore  to  argue  semantics  with  you.  I  have  my  speed  team,  you  have  yours.

Semantics about what to call your team aside, you have the unusual problem of having too high speed on some of your arena champs... not only do you not need a second speed booster, you're even under-using the one you have by having the rest of your team so close to his speed. 

The question is of course what other stats you sacrificed to get there, how much better could your Tayrel, Skullcrown and Valk be if you had them at the 'right' speed? Though it sounds like there's no need for you to change anything - I guess many of us are just farming medals in gold IV and not having to bother tinkering with our arena teams. 

Mar 2, 2021, 15:1403/02/21

if  I  were  to  take  away  valks  passive  or  swap  her  for  big  un  then  i'd  have  what  you  call  a  speed  team?  You  have  two  speed  boosters  in  1st  and  2nd  place  because  you  arent  speed  tuned  properly  or  you  simply  dont  have  decent  enough  gear  to  be  able  to  have  2  nukers.  i  will  often  swap  out  Valk  if  the  affinty  is  bad  but  i  will  never  put  in  another  dedicated  speed  booster  because  i  dont  need  to ,  unless  i  push  plat,  which  i  will  never  do.

im  not  going  to  hijack  this  thread  anymore  to  argue  semantics  with  you.  I  have  my  speed  team,  you  have  yours.

If you was to swap out Valkyrie for Big Un, Your team would be the following:

- Apothecary

- Tayrel

- Skullcrown

- Big Un

The above team would be considered a Speed Team - Double Nuke Variation.

However, It wouldn't be considered Properly built.

The reason this set up wouldn't be considered Properly built is because you are using a Defensive AOE Def Down hero + You have no Increase Attack Buffer.

A Properly Built Speed Team - Double Nuke Variation would be the following team:

- Arbiter

- Stag Knight

- Skullcrown

- Big Un 

The Increase Attack Buff will enchance the Damage of your Debuffers+ Nukers. 

This is why you wouldn't want to use Tayrel or Apothecary.


You seem to be running under wrong assumptions.

Do you realize, over the course of 2 years, I have recorded over 38 Speed Nuking Set ups.

The 2 Speed Boost set up you are talking about is just 1 out of 38 different set ups.

The 2 Speed Boost set up is considered the Classical Set up.

It is the purest form of Speed Nuking because it maximizes your Speed to its fulliest potiental.

For Example:

- Lyssandra --------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

- Arbiter -----------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack Buff

- Venus ------------> AOE Def Down + Weaken

- Ithos --------------> AOE Nuke

This is what a Classical Speed Nuking Arena Set up looks like.

1 - Hero Speed & Speed Aura influence how fast your Turn Meter Bar fills up.

The Turn Meter Bar fills up in sections called ticks.

2 - The Speed Buff increases the ticking amount so your Turn Meter Bar fills up faster.

3 - Turn Meter Filling adds a portion of Meter to your Turn Meter Bar.

These 3 things working in harmony are the best way to enchance your Turn Meter Bars Filling.

Why do we call it "Speed Nuking"?

"Speed Nuking" The Label itself is derived from this composition.

We are enchancing our Speed to its full Potiental.

Than we Nuke the enemy.

This is why we call it "Speed Nuking".

This set up has been the Classical set up for over 2 years, until last month.

The game has done something completely idiotic.

They have broken the game!

Why? Because last month they released champion called Deacon Armstrong!

Deacon Armstrong is the first hero in the history of the game to do Turn Meter Filling + AOE Def Break.

The most broken addition to the game in history.

What is the new Classical Set up?

- Lyssandra ------------> Turn Meter FIlling + Speed Bufff

- Arbiter ---------------> Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack Buff

- Deacon Armstrong --> Turn Meter Filling + AOE Def Down

- Ithos -----------------> AOE Nuke

Moving 3 turns to your enemy 1 turn is what this set up is trying to do.

The game has buffed the Classical Set up with a new champion!

It is a work of art, but it will be absolutely terrifying to play against.

Speed Aura - Hero Speed - Speed Buff - 3x Turn Meter Fills

There are over 37 other Speed Nuking set ups which I have recorded, but none of them will ever be like this set up.

This set up is about increasing your maximum speed per turn per champion.

They are trying to run the enemy team over with pure speed & aggression.

Here are a few examples of other Speed Teams:

This set up is called Speed Nuking - Block Damage Variation:

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack

2nd move: Decrease Enemy Defense

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

4th move: Block Damage Buff

It was a pretty popular set up back in the day.

You could use Roschard the Tower or Warcaster to do the Block Damage Buff.

If you didn't nuke the enemy in 1 shot, The Block Damage Buff would protect you during the enemy turn.

This set up is called Speed Nuking - Crowd Control Variation: 

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack

2nd move: Decrease Enemy Defense

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

4th move: AOE Freeze/Stun/Provoke/True Fears


Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack

2nd move: AOE Freeze/Stun/Provoke/True Fears  

3rd move: Decrease Enemy Defense

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

Both of the above set ups are the same, They can just flip flop the move order.

You can have the AOE Crowd Control hero go Last or 2nd after Turn Meter Filler.

It comes down to how you want to play it.

Flipping the move order has it Pro's & Con's.

I will not get into the specific details as to why they would do this just to save time.

This set up is called Speed Nuking - Blender/Food Processor/Bull Rush Variation:

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack

2nd move: Rally with Allies 

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

The name of this set up has changed over the years.

People call it various things, but the core set up is still the same.

The most common heroes used for this set up is Skullcrown & Sinesha.

The 2 Knight Revenant Sisters are the most popular due to only being Epics!

It is easier to get them vs. the Legendaries.

This set up is called Speed Nuking - Roll Back/Take 2/Reset Variation: 

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attack

2nd move: Decrease Enemy Defense

3rd move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

4th move: Reset Skills

This set up is funny one.

I like calling it the Roll Back set up.

Some people call it the Take 2 Set up or Reset Set up.

You can call it what ever you want, but the signature move is unmistakeable.

You go in there with Arbiter into your Zargala into your Nuking Skullcrown.

You try to kill the enemy in 1 fatal blow if they don't die.

You use Prince Kymar to reset all your moves and you do the exact same thing again.

It reminds me of a Quote I once read.

If first you don't succeed you try, try again!

It's a funny little set up.

I haven't seen this set up in arena in over 8 months.

We need to bring it back.

The Arena World is missing out on this set up.


Obviously, There is a wide range of Speed Nuking set ups.

I have tons more which I could share, but I don't want to be here writing all day.

I think I have made my point.

It has nothing to do with not having good enough gear.

Players have spent thousands of dollars buying the best gear money can buy. 

Even after spending thousands of dollars, people in Platinum Arena still use 2 turn meter boosters.

Some people in Platinum Arena have used only 1 turn meter booster.

Some people in Platinum Arena have no turn meter booster.

There are Pro's & Con's with all of these things.

Look at this picture which I just took from Platinum Arena!

Everything I just said above shown to you right in your face.


I spent over 2 hours writing this message and all of it is justified by 1 picture.

It is almost like a planned it all along. - What a coincedence!

- SFINKC is ranked number 4 in the World in Platinum Arena

He is using 2 Turn Meter Boosters look at that!

Siphi & Arbiter

- BAIR2802 is ranked number 5 in the World in Platinum Arena.

He is using No Turn Meter Booster look at that!

- Tswift is ranked number 6 in the World in Platinum Arena.

He is using 1 Turn Meter Boost look at that!


That picture right there is worth a thousands words & 2 hours of typing.
