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Question about arena team

Question about arena team

Feb 26, 2021, 14:5902/26/21

Question about arena team

Hi everyone,

I started playing raid about a couple of months ago, but I am still struggling to create a good arena team and would appreciate if you can help me out

This is the champions i have:


- Altan, Rae


- Sinesha, Dhukk the Pierced, Seeker, Stag Knight, High Kathun, Shaman, Jizoh, Thenasil


- Athel, Warmaiden, Spiritohost, Diabolist, Kurzad Deepheart


Feb 26, 2021, 15:4202/26/21

You're lucky! You have a very solid team for arena. One question you'll need to ask yourself is whether you want to gear the champs for arena or for other things, but in terms of the arena team, I'd go with something like:

Khatun, Altan, Rae, Dhukk

You get the DEF down from Dhukk, the speed from Khatun, and the freeze from Rae. If they happen to survive, Altan puts the hammer down, and also DEF up's your team.

That's easily enough to take you into gold 4, with proper gear.

If you want to reserve Altan for a more CB-oriented gearing, you could consider replacing him on your arena team for Sinesha. You'll lose the DEF up for your team and the revive, but you'll gain another AOE champ and a heal.

Feb 26, 2021, 16:0502/26/21

Very lucky! Krama's team makes sense, I would've said Stag Knight but Dhukk has a very similar kit to SK - Dhukk is a bit less tanky and slower than SK, but will do more damage and def-based, so probably the better choice overall. Of course, books will play a big role here - if one of the two is booked and the other isn't, go with the booked one. 

An alternative team you could go with is Altan in lead, Seeker, Dhukk and Rae. That requires even higher speed on Seeker than you'd otherwise need on your HK, since you lose the speed aura, but both Altan and Dhukk will do more damage from the def aura and Rae will do more damage from Seeker's increase attack. 

Feb 28, 2021, 15:2102/28/21

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun -----------------------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

2nd move: Seeker -----------------------------> Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack Buff

3rd move: Warmaiden or Stag Knight --------> AOE Def Down 

4th move: Rae ---------------------------------> AOE Nuke