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Best for 12.6 Brutal - Elhain or Kael?

Best for 12.6 Brutal - Elhain or Kael?

Dec 12, 2020, 10:4812/12/20

Best for 12.6 Brutal - Elhain or Kael?

So I have both Elhain and Kael at lvl 50 with food enough to upgrade one of them to lvl 60.

I'm aware that for late game Kael is the better choice. But Elhain seems better for farming. I'm currently only at Hard and havent progressed due to farming for lvl 60.

But which champion is better for farming 12.6 on Brutal? A lvl 60 Elhain or lvl 60 Kael? They are equal in Ascend (lvl 4) - but Elhain a little better in upgraded skills (fully upgraded A2 and A3) as she was my starter champ. Kael is fully upgraded A2 but only lvl 2 in A3.

So far I have done my own experiences in progressing in the game, but I feel like upgrading the wrong champ will suck so bad having to farm up food for the other champ immidiately. I want to progress in the campaign after this upgrade - not doing more farming. :)

Also I'm playing F2P, so there is not going to be any easy way through the shop. :)

Dec 12, 2020, 11:0012/12/20

Kael in my opinion.

I run with a relentless set, high speed and attack. I usually clear the stage in 10-15seconds without the enemy ever getting a chance to move. 

Dec 12, 2020, 12:0312/12/20

Actually, for late game, you probably won't be using either one anymore - they are rares after all, so at some point you'd probably replace them with epics or legendaries, the only rare who will probably never be replaced on your teams is Coldheart. The real difference between Kael and Elhain is that in the early and mid game, Kael is good everywhere and at least decent on Clan Boss because of his poisons (though the weak poisons on his A1 make him merely decent - sooner or later you'll still want to replace him by a poisoner who doesn't put any weak poisons, like Frozen Banshee). Elhain doesn't have poison or any other utility other than doing solid damage, so she's fairly useless on Clan Boss and also less good on some dungeons like Dragon. 

I'm not sure what the answer to your actual question is, whether Kael or Elhain is the most efficient at farming brutal 12.6, but for sure both are able to do it relatively smoothly. So I'd recommend you to pick Kael because he will offer more in other parts of the game. Not all the way through endgame, but still for quite a long time. 

Dec 14, 2020, 15:5812/14/20

Kael until I got Skullcrown