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Aim of the Game / Approach of the game

Aim of the Game / Approach of the game

Nov 20, 2020, 14:1911/20/20

Aim of the Game / Approach of the game

What is the goal of this game according to you?

What is your approach towards this game that you follow?

Do you like to follow the missions, challenges?

Do you prefer to focus on build lvl 60, 6* heroes in every faction?

Do you like to follow tournaments and go dungeon hunting for artifacts and fight in Arena?

Have you figured out any trick? for example the artifacts that give regeneration  or champions who bring back 2 chamions back to life with 50% HP?

Nov 20, 2020, 15:5011/20/20

What is the goal of this game according to you?

To have fun, relieve some stress from work, and train my brain by coming up with builds and synergy in my teams.

What is your approach towards this game that you follow?

Poke 'em with a pointy stick till they stop wiggling?😁

Do you like to follow the missions, challenges?

Yes, although some were a pain in the rear end. The rewards were worth it. Especially Arbiter.

Do you prefer to focus on build lvl 60, 6* heroes in every faction?

Since I already have an Arbiter, yes, because I want to beat Faction Wars now. Maybe also be ready for some special rules events and tournaments. And the Doom Tower, maybe?

Do you like to follow tournaments and go dungeon hunting for artifacts and fight in Arena?

Yes, if it is doable. The rewards are often very nice. As far as Arena is concerned, your Great Hall is extremely important for progress.

Have you figured out any trick? for example the artifacts that give regeneration  or champions who bring back 2 chamions back to life with 50% HP?

Ayumilove's website and Youtube guides by some good players specializing in them help a lot here. I think Hell Hades is working on a website with a lot of useful information too. It is really about doing some research and comparing stats to create a good team with working synergy.

One "trick" - to see the final stats of a champion, open the champion in the Index, because that shows the champion at *6 / level 60 and fully ascended. Clicking on a Fusion, Fragments, etc. icon shows a *1 / level 1 unascended champion.

Nov 20, 2020, 19:3611/20/20

What is the goal of this game according to you?

My goal is to end their entire Raiding Career.

My Arena team is going to crush them all.

I'm Ring them out like a Wet Sponge.

What is your approach towards this game that you follow?

Do or Die

Do you like to follow the missions, challenges?

A True Warrior must accept & defeat every challenge.

Do you prefer to focus on build lvl 60, 6* heroes in every faction?

No, I prefer to have the whole faction level 60.

A True Warrior never limits themselves.

Do you like to follow tournaments and go dungeon hunting for artifacts and fight in Arena?

I beat everything in the game except Faction Wars & Arena.

Farming Dungeons is a necessity to gearing up Faction War teams & Arena teams.

Have you figured out any trick? for example the artifacts that give regeneration  or champions who bring back 2 chamions back to life with 50% HP? 

I have plenty of tricks, but who says I'm telling you my tricks?

You are my mortal enemy.

You are trying to trick me into telling you my tricks so you can use them against me.

A True Warrior is never fooled by the enemies deception.

Nov 20, 2020, 19:5411/20/20
Nov 20, 2020, 20:03(edited)

There is no final goal. There are a lot of goals along the way. The game offers goals, I choose which to pursue. Some of the goal I had: 3-star brutal campain; beat stage 13 in dungeons for 6-star gear; beat stage 13 in faction wars for legendary materials, 3-key nightmare clan boss. There are also timed goals like "complete Elegaius fusion". I choose if I make it my goal or not.

My approach to the game is "make the best of every situation" and "take the most out of every penny". The game is about resource management. Energy, silver, real time. Gems as more universal resource. Real money if you use them. So I read, think and calculate. I like to learn and use what I've learned. I'm trying to use my resources as effectively as I can.  I farm campain when I have x2 exp. If there is event or tournament, I'm likely to do what it asks for. If there is no good event, I farm minotaur  or potions. Current "challenge rules" events mean that there is no event, because it's ineffective to farm lower stages of dungeons, and I can't farm stage 20 within the restrictions. I try to do all daily quests I can and spend all energy and keys every day. 

This one approach covers everything. Sometimes it's more effective to level champions. Sometimes to farm dungeons. Sometimes to work on a mission. If something achieves 2 or more goals at the same time, it's the most effective thing to do.

I like learning and calculating stuff. Yesterday I calculated that Nightmare clan boss has 847 Defense (it's so low and not round, did I make a mistake?). And tested that Bulwark passive involves Accuracy check because people were saying different answers.

I finished missions and challenges. I did it for their rewards and a sense of progression. Missions also serve as a guide when you are beginner and don't know what to do. I did complete all the "farm atk% gloves on normal" tasks when I was on normal, and I'm glad that I did because it's more effective to do it when you are on normal.

There are many "tricks" in the game, this is why it's so entertaining. The one I learned when I was trying to beat Fire Knight 20 is that you can target Errol in waves, and it will make your team focus and kill him, what changes otherwise impossible fight into an easy one not breaking "beat on auto" requirement.