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Let's Improve The Raid Card

Let's Improve The Raid Card

Nov 19, 2020, 18:3111/19/20

Let's Improve The Raid Card

Hello Everyone,

This message is mostly for Plarium but if anyone reading this agrees with me and would like to see the Raid Card improved, please comment below! 

I would like to start by saying I think the Raid Card is situationally, a good deal for many players. The problem I have with it is that is designed to be a long-term investment (discount offered for buying 6 months at a time) but doesn't pay in-game dividends over a long term. From an investment perspective, this is peculiar at best. 

What do I mean? Dungeons! The Raid Card only applies to campaign farming. Once you get enough champions to rank 6 from farming campaign, you'll want to hit dungeons instead to unlock masteries, ascend champions and farm gear. The Raid Card will not offer silver/XP bonuses in those areas and be functionally useless during that time.  Which is why that I personally, will not renew my Raid Card for at least a month, if ever again. 

My suggestion; The Raid Card is a premium subscription in the game and should be treated as such. Apply it to every facet of the game possible. There's very little to lose on Plarium's end but a whole lot to gain in terms of continuous renewal. Crunch the numbers Plarium, you're missing out. 

TL,DR; Apply XP/silver boost from Raid Card to dungeons.

Nov 19, 2020, 18:4311/19/20

I wont get a raid card because of this issue actually. I Hope it can be improved..  

Nov 19, 2020, 22:5811/19/20

@Tas Tsementzis

Thanks for replying. I don't blame you at all for refusing the Raid Card. 

Nov 19, 2020, 23:2011/19/20
Nov 19, 2020, 23:22(edited)

If you'd do only dungeons for weeks on end, sure, but who does that? Most people still keep leveling new champs, even when they're endgame. Personally I've just let my raid card expire for the first time in months - because indeed I'm just doing mino runs right now for some days. But soon I'll get back to leveling and then I guess I'll get another one - the xp and silver are nice, but having 100 autoruns instead of 30 makes such a huge difference. 

That being said, it definitely feels like you should get a bit more for your monthly subscription - not sure in what form. 20 percent extra silver and xp in dungeons isn't worth much considering how limited those are in the first place, so maybe something else. 

Nov 20, 2020, 04:1211/20/20

I cant get a Raid Card because I play on my PC.  Their tech to support the Raid Card is all build into cell phone programming.  

Nov 21, 2020, 00:0311/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 00:28(edited)

I do think the Raid Card is Bad.

I never buy it.

I read your suggestion on having the game apply XP/Silver to all Area's of the game.

I think even if the game was to listen to you.

I still wouldn't buy the Raid Card.

Players run Raid on Bluestacks.

Bluestacks has built in mouse clickers.

You can load 10k energy on your account.

Than go to sleep and have it do dungeon runs all night long.

The Raid Cards 100 Limited Runs + Extra XP/Silver is a Joke in comparision.

It will always be a Joke & Waste of money.

Players have already told the game to improve the Raid Card.

The game doesn't listen so there is no point.

The only way I might consider buying the Raid Card is if they did the following:

- Made Auto Runs Unlimited

- Gave out XP/Silver to all Area's of the game

- Gave out Daily Gifts like Brews - Potions - Token Refills

- Gave out One - 3 star, 4 star, & 5 Star Chicken Each Week.

Yeah - Giving the Card value like so many other games do.

It isn't original idea.

Monday - You get 1 free 3 star chicken.

Tuesday - You get Random XP Brew

Wensday - You get 1 free 4 star chicken.

Thursday - You get Random Superior Potion

Friday - You get 1 free 5 star chicken.

Saturday - You get Arcane Superior Potion

Sunday - You get Void Superior Potion

Than the week starts over till your Raid Card expires.

Yeah, I am just wasting my breathe.

The game already thinks the Raid Card is running perfectly.

The game improved the Raid Card a while back from 75 limited runs to 100.

This is what the game calls an improvement to the Raid Card. lol

People buy it right & left.

My advice to you is to forget about the Raid Card.

I wouldn't buy it.

I don't recommend for anyone to buy it.

Nov 21, 2020, 08:1211/21/20

Great feedback in here peeps. It seems like while not everyone agrees with me 100%, what we do agree on is that the Raid Card should be improved. Call me an optimist but I think if we can urge Plarium to do so.