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Continued Fragment Duress

Continued Fragment Duress

Nov 14, 2020, 17:1911/14/20

Continued Fragment Duress

Obviously there are some bigger players that can complete all what is needed  in very few times the fragments are offered in contests.  That is not me.  I have several fragment tasks in progress, all have been discontinued.  Either I started late or there was some arbitrary closeout that was not announced.

One Plarium trick is to offer continuation at a cost.

Currently I am trying to do the one that is part of the Tag Team Arena, at least it is a very good champ that is worth trying for.  But I do not trust Plarium to keep it running, it takes 100 days of attempts to see it through.

So how does all this help Plarium keep customers?  More frustration, more ripoffs, seems to be an adverse public interaction.

Nov 14, 2020, 18:1311/14/20

I am also waiting for Plarium to give another opportunity to win the fragments!!!!

Nov 14, 2020, 18:1711/14/20

The events for the fragment summons are given out even before the whole thing starts and there are more than enough shards to finish the summon. This way you can plan out your schedule and resources beforehand- which events to skip, which ones to go hard at, etc. 

Regarding the fragments for Drexthar Bloodtwin from the Bazaar, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't think those will be pulled out. I have even stopped buying the Drexthar fragments for a while myself to save up bars for the avatar, and I trust that I can still continue buying fragments after I'm done with that.

Nov 14, 2020, 20:3611/14/20

I planned out and went hard at every single event, and I have not gotten a single fragment champion. As a matter of fact, 75 was the closest I got on any of them. It's not fair to those of us that don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on shards and gems to reach the upper levels of these events. It wouldn't be too hard to bring sporadic events back for those of us who spent what we could afford and still came up short. But go ahead and continue to cater to the whales and content providers and leave the rest of us in the lurches.

Nov 14, 2020, 21:0511/14/20
Syn Galahad

I planned out and went hard at every single event, and I have not gotten a single fragment champion. As a matter of fact, 75 was the closest I got on any of them. It's not fair to those of us that don't have hundreds of dollars to spend on shards and gems to reach the upper levels of these events. It wouldn't be too hard to bring sporadic events back for those of us who spent what we could afford and still came up short. But go ahead and continue to cater to the whales and content providers and leave the rest of us in the lurches.

If you've participated in several fragment events already, then by now you should have a realistic view of what's achievable and what not, right? So then why even go for it if you can see in advance you will fall short? 

It's doable to get the fragment champions as F2P, but only if you're already fairly advanced in the game - able to do the higher stages in dungeons, farming efficiently, getting some shards from CB, with a few hundred gems at your disposal for energy refills if you're not getting there otherwise. And with some way to get enough points in the champion chase and summon rush, even if it's just a thousand or so mystery shards. If you don't meet that description, then indeed you're not going to get there unless you start spending cash. 

Nov 14, 2020, 21:1811/14/20

Sounds to me like you are just being elitist with that, "if you can't make it don't try" attitude. Why do you feel that there shouldn't be an event in the future that has rewards for these fragments? I never stated that there should be another 100 fragment event. But a simple tourny or event with a 5 fragemnt reward once in a while is really not going to break the game. It gives other players a chance to grab a few more shards here and there, albeit not many. If it takes a year to get 25 more shards, then at least people's time money and effort weren't wasted. If you're going to make the events available to all, including new players, then it should be attainable for new players, if not at the same place for established players. Especially when people are spending money in an attempt to snatch up these champions. 

Nov 14, 2020, 23:0811/14/20

I have to say, events are not for everyone, and most of the tine it's not for new players.

But having said that, the fragment events almost entirely don't give new players any incentive to participate. Because it's near next to impossible to win all 100 fragments needed.

My suggestion is, have something else to be traded for those fragments, maybe some epic champs, a void shard, some books, something for the new players or low level players to participate, that way even though they can't get the lego, at the very least they can walk away with something rather than a bunch of frags that cannot be used for anything

Nov 14, 2020, 23:5611/14/20
Nov 15, 2020, 00:02(edited)

Well, I agree there should be some way to get missing fragments and that they should hurry up with that already - they promised that there would be at some point, but nothing so far. Perhaps through the bazaar. Ozz Lee is right, that would give people a reason to still participate even if they know in advance they won't get close to 100. 

I don't think there's anything 'elitist' about getting people to manage their expectations and not waste valuable resources if it's clear from the start that they won't get the fragments in a particular event/tournament. I didn't mean they shouldn't participate at all - just that they shouldn't overextend. If you're going to pull shards in a 10x for a champion chase which you could've saved for a 2x, just because of the fragments, that's maybe not a great idea if it won't be enough to get you to 100 fragments anyway. Not as things stand now - but if you'd know you can quickly get any missing fragments not too long afterwards and pull the lego anyway, it could be another story. 

Nov 15, 2020, 07:1211/15/20

I'm not sure if the OP was referring to the Elegaius event but I was able to complete it without speeding much in the way of money. I used some gems to get the energy needed, but I was also lucky that I happened to have a 500 energy day login reward at the right time.

I think it mostly came down to winning one tournement and coming in second twice. I wouldn't have been able to complete him without those extra 15 fragments. You have to look at the tournements and see how hard people are pushing to get to the top. If there three or four other people really going for it, you'll burn a ton of energy trying to finish in the top two, so I wouldn't even try in that case. I was able to win the Arena tournement as I had arena refills saved up. I was also able to do very well with the spider tourney. I guess my group didn't have a lot of people with decent spider teams, or they didn't want to spend their energy there.

As mentioned earlier by others, you have to plan the whole thing out to get it done. I looked at the schedule palarium provided and mapped out which events and tourneys I thought I could do well at. I typically save my resources like energy and arena refills for when I really need them, and I used alot of them for this. You also need a little luck to get the right tourney groups.

Nov 15, 2020, 14:5311/15/20

VHF, great points all.  I'm in the same boat except my groups must have had a few more serious grinders and I finished no higher that 5th in any tourney and finished 5 fragments short.  Now, that's my responsibility.  But it would be nice to have an offer after the fact to pick up 5-10 fragments for those people that got close.  Heck, I'd be willing to real money buy a pack that contained fragments.  Maybe they could develop "chicken fragements."  Wild fragments that you could use for any summon, just like using chickens to upgrade champions.  Just a thought.

Nov 15, 2020, 15:2811/15/20

VHF, great points all.  I'm in the same boat except my groups must have had a few more serious grinders and I finished no higher that 5th in any tourney and finished 5 fragments short.  Now, that's my responsibility.  But it would be nice to have an offer after the fact to pick up 5-10 fragments for those people that got close.  Heck, I'd be willing to real money buy a pack that contained fragments.  Maybe they could develop "chicken fragements."  Wild fragments that you could use for any summon, just like using chickens to upgrade champions.  Just a thought.

I didn't check now after the Elegaius fusion, but for earlier fragment fusions, they did offer 5-10 fragments for sale afterwards. I don't recall the exact price, but something like 10-15 EUR/USD for 5 fragments? Most people were upset about that, because it's a lot of money for what you get, but it's strange that you didn't get that opportunity with Elegaius, then... 

Also, I'm guessing VHF is relatively early game if he managed to get so high in tournaments. Once you've been around a while, ranking that high in tournaments is impossible unless you spend a huge amount of resources (whether it's actual money or just massive amounts of gems/brews/shards depending on the type of tournament). 

Nov 16, 2020, 01:2411/16/20

I didn't check now after the Elegaius fusion, but for earlier fragment fusions, they did offer 5-10 fragments for sale afterwards. I don't recall the exact price, but something like 10-15 EUR/USD for 5 fragments? Most people were upset about that, because it's a lot of money for what you get, but it's strange that you didn't get that opportunity with Elegaius, then... 

Also, I'm guessing VHF is relatively early game if he managed to get so high in tournaments. Once you've been around a while, ranking that high in tournaments is impossible unless you spend a huge amount of resources (whether it's actual money or just massive amounts of gems/brews/shards depending on the type of tournament). 

You're right. I'm day 72 today. It probably helped that I was ripping up arena ranks at just the right time. I really don't know how I did as well as I did in the dragon tourney...

Goes back to luck and timing I suppose, but if you can't rank out in tourneys, perhaps that is something you can plan for to some extent and focus more on events. As far as resources are concerned, I do think that plarium incentivises you to burn resources like refills and shards and then drops events shortly afterwards. You have to really apply some willpower and stick to your plan, using resources when they are truly to your greatest benefit, not when something flashy turns up.

Nov 16, 2020, 17:2511/16/20

Plarium's pricing strategy on champion fragments is puzzling to say the least. Big spenders who want those champions mostly already have them. It's only the F2P crowd that are in need of additional fragments. The chance of them forking over $20(or multiple thereof)  to complete a crap legendary is pretty much ZERO. 

Nov 16, 2020, 17:4011/16/20
Nov 16, 2020, 17:52(edited)

The events for the fragment summons are given out even before the whole thing starts and there are more than enough shards to finish the summon. This way you can plan out your schedule and resources beforehand- which events to skip, which ones to go hard at, etc. 

Regarding the fragments for Drexthar Bloodtwin from the Bazaar, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't think those will be pulled out. I have even stopped buying the Drexthar fragments for a while myself to save up bars for the avatar, and I trust that I can still continue buying fragments after I'm done with that.

This way you can plan out your schedule and resources beforehand- which events to skip, which ones to go hard at, etc.  

You are assuming that players might see all that before the whole thing starts, what if you are late to the party but do not even know it? People are needlessly being duped into attempting something already a losing battle.

How can we POSSIBLY trust that there are enough to start out with?  Plarium would not care in the least about who is disappointed.  It is bad enough that any champ handouts in the game of any level are generally junk to be used as food, often after spending $$$silver to open them up.

I only have ONE PLAN.  Do all I can.  I do the frag tasks to try for what is next. So many times you cannot avoid the frag tasks.

Now I have a bevy of unusable fragment junk as well.

Nov 16, 2020, 17:5811/16/20

If you've participated in several fragment events already, then by now you should have a realistic view of what's achievable and what not, right? So then why even go for it if you can see in advance you will fall short? 

It's doable to get the fragment champions as F2P, but only if you're already fairly advanced in the game - able to do the higher stages in dungeons, farming efficiently, getting some shards from CB, with a few hundred gems at your disposal for energy refills if you're not getting there otherwise. And with some way to get enough points in the champion chase and summon rush, even if it's just a thousand or so mystery shards. If you don't meet that description, then indeed you're not going to get there unless you start spending cash. 

Nobody can know from the outset that the frag events for a certain champ will be discontinued, and if one will fall short. Maybe after you have seen a few go by already.  All that stuff you say is great, in an obnoxious sort of way, but in the eyes of the beholder it is a perfect example of RIPOFF, especially in terms of time.

Nov 16, 2020, 18:0011/16/20

Plarium's pricing strategy on champion fragments is puzzling to say the least. Big spenders who want those champions mostly already have them. It's only the F2P crowd that are in need of additional fragments. The chance of them forking over $20(or multiple thereof)  to complete a crap legendary is pretty much ZERO. 

The advantage of using the fragments is that you are dealing with a known champ, as opposed to Plarium's random number generator which is skewed toward garbage.

Nov 16, 2020, 18:0911/16/20

This way you can plan out your schedule and resources beforehand- which events to skip, which ones to go hard at, etc.  

You are assuming that players might see all that before the whole thing starts, what if you are late to the party but do not even know it? People are needlessly being duped into attempting something already a losing battle.

How can we POSSIBLY trust that there are enough to start out with?  Plarium would not care in the least about who is disappointed.  It is bad enough that any champ handouts in the game of any level are generally junk to be used as food, often after spending $$$silver to open them up.

I only have ONE PLAN.  Do all I can.  I do the frag tasks to try for what is next. So many times you cannot avoid the frag tasks.

Now I have a bevy of unusable fragment junk as well.

 Players can see all that before the whole thing starts.

If you are late, you can open news in game client and read "Elegaius Fragment Event" entry. You can do it even now. It lists all the events and how many fragments are in them. 

I'd like to see point thresholds in news, but that's another story.

Nov 16, 2020, 18:2211/16/20

This way you can plan out your schedule and resources beforehand- which events to skip, which ones to go hard at, etc.  

You are assuming that players might see all that before the whole thing starts, what if you are late to the party but do not even know it? People are needlessly being duped into attempting something already a losing battle.

How can we POSSIBLY trust that there are enough to start out with?  Plarium would not care in the least about who is disappointed.  It is bad enough that any champ handouts in the game of any level are generally junk to be used as food, often after spending $$$silver to open them up.

I only have ONE PLAN.  Do all I can.  I do the frag tasks to try for what is next. So many times you cannot avoid the frag tasks.

Now I have a bevy of unusable fragment junk as well.

Like I said, the events and tournaments for fragment summons are always given out before the summons start in the in-game news tab. The dates and number of fragments for each event are in there so yes, there is a way to know that there are more than enough fragments to start with. That way you can actually plan out a strategy that works for you.

Here's the announcement (with events and fragment numbers) for the last one in case you forgot- 


Nov 17, 2020, 20:0711/17/20

VHF, great points all.  I'm in the same boat except my groups must have had a few more serious grinders and I finished no higher that 5th in any tourney and finished 5 fragments short.  Now, that's my responsibility.  But it would be nice to have an offer after the fact to pick up 5-10 fragments for those people that got close.  Heck, I'd be willing to real money buy a pack that contained fragments.  Maybe they could develop "chicken fragements."  Wild fragments that you could use for any summon, just like using chickens to upgrade champions.  Just a thought.

"Maybe they could develop "chicken fragements."  Wild fragments that you could use for any summon, just like using chickens to upgrade champions.  Just a thought. "

I was hoping we might get something like this from the Doom Tower as a way to complete summons that people either missed or weren't able to finish.

Nov 17, 2020, 20:1811/17/20

being absolutely right offers you a great character that you can only achieve by taking missions, but the time is too short

Nov 17, 2020, 20:2211/17/20

He is right with the gems to the middle class as I can never eat those jemas