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Sacrifice to build question

Sacrifice to build question

Nov 12, 2020, 20:1111/12/20

Sacrifice to build question

I need some 5* to sacrifice and don't know which to dump or if I should build some of the 4*  Any and all suggestions considered. Thanks!


Nov 12, 2020, 20:1711/12/20

Farm Brutal 12/3 or 12/6 on XP buff, with some uncommon food champions.

Do not sacrifice any of the champions you now have. Lock that Frozen Banshee. Like, right now. Just lock her. You do not want to accidentally sacrifice one of the best poisoners for the Clan Boss.

Nov 12, 2020, 20:5611/12/20

Sounds like you just do not want to go through the time and resources to farm chickens, like Watchdog is suggesting, and want to quickly rank up someone.

The two I would say you can easily eat are Executioner and Sorceress, as you can farm them if needed for a fusion.

There are three others that I have had multiple of, and have eaten the extras as I had no use for them. Runic, Crimson Slayer, and Arcanist. Looking at your roster you probably have better champs that do what they do.

Nov 12, 2020, 21:2411/12/20
Nov 12, 2020, 21:25(edited)

Make uncomons till 3s 3s till 4s then 5s why would you waste your champs ?? Are u just lazy lol ??

Nov 12, 2020, 22:1111/12/20

The golden rule I suppose is to keep the Legendary followed by Epic and dump Rare if you want to. but then again some Rare one's are for keepers.

Nov 13, 2020, 01:4711/13/20

Ok I am not being lazy. I just didn’t know which ones, if any can be dumped. I will keep them all and build the trash.  I need to max Ghrush and Kael.

And why can’t I respond to individual posts?

Nov 13, 2020, 04:2711/13/20

ok well just take your time i seen like 3 u can get off with but thats it man u need to think on cyrpits and the doom tower u need all them lol :)

Nov 13, 2020, 07:1011/13/20

 Just do what I do farm diabolist while leveling up 2 stars to make in to 5 star food 

Nov 13, 2020, 11:0311/13/20

Ok I am not being lazy. I just didn’t know which ones, if any can be dumped. I will keep them all and build the trash.  I need to max Ghrush and Kael.

And why can’t I respond to individual posts?

Why do you need to max Kael?

Nov 16, 2020, 14:3311/16/20

I was told kael for one of my team for nightmare boss In another topic I created. Do you see a better option?

Nov 16, 2020, 15:3111/16/20
Nov 16, 2020, 15:51(edited)

I was told kael for one of my team for nightmare boss In another topic I created. Do you see a better option?

Occult Brawler is much better poisoner than Kael. With enough speed he will fill all debuff slots with 5% poisons.

Kael may fill debuff slots with weak 2.5% poisons blocking OB's strong poisons. This is why I advice against using Kael in a team that already has Occult Brawler.

Trips suggested Maus Mage over Kael. Lyssandra is an option too for more speed, she'll be a leader then. Or Black Knight. I don't know what team is the best, you may run some and compare numbers. But I don't believe Kael is good in any of them. OB will do most of your team damage.

Nov 17, 2020, 04:1411/17/20

Occult Brawler is much better poisoner than Kael. With enough speed he will fill all debuff slots with 5% poisons.

Kael may fill debuff slots with weak 2.5% poisons blocking OB's strong poisons. This is why I advice against using Kael in a team that already has Occult Brawler.

Trips suggested Maus Mage over Kael. Lyssandra is an option too for more speed, she'll be a leader then. Or Black Knight. I don't know what team is the best, you may run some and compare numbers. But I don't believe Kael is good in any of them. OB will do most of your team damage.   

  Ok Lysandra is my lead and OB, black knight, tayrel, and the one to the left of tayrel in my photo so I was right in not maxing kael. THANKS!

meanwhile I just pulled Madame Serris and I'm thinking of epic  deflection set on her

Nov 17, 2020, 05:3511/17/20

You have unlocked Max Roster Space.

You have over 11 heroes lvl 60.

I don't consider you a beginner.

Yet, the question you asked is a question a beginner would ask.

The beginner response is level up Uncommon (Green) heroes.

Rank up the Green heroes to 3 star --> 4 star --> 5 star.

Than use them as Food to rank up your other heroes.

This is the Golden Standard in terms of leveling your champion's.

It is the Golden Standard because acquiring specific heroes from shards is very tough.

If you sacrifice a Rare, Epic, & Legendary hero, You may not get them from a shard again.

The reason players keep Rare, Epic, & Legendary heroes is because they value them.

Players think those champions will be beneficial to their account.

Players think those champion will be beneficial either in the Short term or the Long term.

Short term: The heroes could help you progress in missions

Long term: The heroes could be used as Fusion material or get Buffed to be very strong.

This is why players save 1 copy of every Rare, Epic, & Legendary they pull from shard.

They believe all the heroes could be helpful to them.

Thus, we reach the climax of my post.

You either believe the same as other people or you don't.

If you do believe, Save all your heroes.

If you don't believe. Sacrifice all your heroes.

It is your account.

You have the right to play your game any way you want.

You can save or sacrifice anything.

Nov 17, 2020, 14:1411/17/20

Player J do you often waste time to insult, demean, and belittle others?  I've moved beyond my original question days ago. Troll elsewhere

Nov 17, 2020, 15:0511/17/20

Player J do you often waste time to insult, demean, and belittle others?  I've moved beyond my original question days ago. Troll elsewhere

Seriously? Player J has a unique style that takes some getting used to, but he's hardly trolling and he didn't insult, demean or belittle you in his post, as far as I can see. 

Nov 17, 2020, 23:1711/17/20

Then you don't see far. I seldom come to forums and don't know him or his style but it came across as such and if he read all the responses he would have seen I had moved on. He was beating a dead horse

Nov 17, 2020, 23:5911/17/20
Nov 18, 2020, 00:02(edited)

I'm going to he blunt here, did you buy that account Lexiel? Or let me rephrase that, did someone built that account for you before you take control of it?

I have to agree with J here, your question is too basic for someone who already have 11 fully ascended level 60s, and I'm betting even more in the vault.

Be honest so we can actually help you play the game.

Nov 18, 2020, 00:2511/18/20
Nov 18, 2020, 00:31(edited)

Then you don't see far. I seldom come to forums and don't know him or his style but it came across as such and if he read all the responses he would have seen I had moved on. He was beating a dead horse

Well, your questions are beginners questions, and your roster is veterans roster. It's hard to believe that you picked all those champions and leveled them to 50 or 60, and then asked which of them you can sacrifice. It may be your brothers account or whatever, we don't care. Player J is a bit harsh, because he tells what he thinks. If you don't take offense and actually read what he says, you might find valuable information in his posts.

edit: It looks like I had this page open for at least 25 minutes before finally hitting "comment" instead of "delete") And at least 3 persons here find your response to J offensive while his post at worst blunt.

Nov 18, 2020, 15:4311/18/20

No I didn't buy this account and I am the only one building/playing the account. I play on my iPhone and used to play on my ipad but constant crashing during battles forced me to play exclusively on my phone. I have been playing casually and go to AyumiLove to get build and mastery info. I also look at ratings in game to decide if they are worth keeping as well. I have played this game for more time than my level justifies and should be much higher but I am not because I find the number crunching and team matching tedious and confusing. The game is still one of my little guilty pleasures.  The main reason I asked the question is because many of those are seldom used except faction wars and tag team. Right now I am considering Madame a Serris with full epic Deflection or Perception and would like thoughts on that.

   I am 63 with a husband, 24 yr old child, 1 dog, 3 cats, a job with a major bank and 4/10 shifts.  I drive a red Prius I call Wade Wilson, and  hate trump. Anything else you kids want to know???

Nov 18, 2020, 15:5111/18/20

Madame Serris needs Speed, to go before your damage dealers. She also needs a lot of Accuracy.

Nov 18, 2020, 16:1111/18/20
Nov 18, 2020, 16:12(edited)

Thanks watchdog!

Yeah, checking the equipment I have, there is speed and accuracy as sub stats. What is confusing me is her skills are based on attack. So kinda torn between lower lvl speed/acc sets or the epic new equipment. Or 4 of the epic and a speed or acc set.