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Feedback from very new player

Feedback from very new player

Nov 6, 2020, 00:0511/06/20

Feedback from very new player

I really like the game so far, I have played for two weeks, and discovered quickly that its costs money to even play due to energy. I do not mind paying for my enjoyment,  but there is a limit to how much.

I played all the big multiplayer games and left them because of the frustration of not being able to progress due to waiting for people etc. Therefore gave up  on them. In this game the frustration changes from waiting for players to waiting for energy. I do love the fact that you can have a team with no other real people behind it and all the drama that produces.

What I dont understand is why games have to have that frustration factor at all in them. Games are for enjoyment, and to get away from all the frustrations in real life. That leads me to another point, there is too much reliance on luck rather than hard work and imput. Some believe that effort should be rewarded on par with the effort and time put in.  I believe we do need rewards to carry on playing otherwise its a sort of self flagilation exercise and the enjoyment quickly vanishes. Hence people leave.  I read many comments about people leaving the game because of energy and luck issues. I have to agree with what is being said. 

I have also read the feedback from you about all those factors that are not going to be changed hmmm oh well thought I'd try.

Nov 6, 2020, 00:4311/06/20
Nov 6, 2020, 00:54(edited)

Hello Engle, and welcome to the Raid family :) .  I understand  where you are coming from however I would like to differ, energy can be acquired daily from multiple sources, and especially when starting out , simply progressing through daily quests, challenges and  missions will provide you with more energy than you can spend in a day.  In addition although energy is arguably the most important resoure for progressing in the game,  other elements allow you to keep playing such as 1v1 and 3v3 arena tokens and clan boss and faction wars keys.  ( And soon Doom tower keys as well ) 

Once you start reaching mid-game the energy becomes more scarce, but even then, level 60 free to play players can in theory get up to 920 energy daily which includes two refills, one from quests and another advanced quests , an additional refill from the playtime rewards, 50 additional energy from advanced quests 20 energy per hour refills ( if you don't let your energy get topped up and leave it always regenraiting naturaly ) . And that's not counting the possibility to get energy refills from the arena 3v3 Bazar or through free gems. 

In conclusion, thank you very much for your feedback, one can easilly enjoy the game for hours every day if they want to without necessarily spending, that said the game is constantly improving and hopefully will provide new ways to acquire energy in the future. 



Nov 6, 2020, 02:2011/06/20
Nov 6, 2020, 02:21(edited)

luck, you mean like me sitting here using 400 energy for a pot that wont drop..mainly so i have to either buy more energy or use gems to open up the keep again because the game refuses to let me complete this mission.  this is actually becoming a total joke at this point, im honestly astounded by this drop rate

Nov 6, 2020, 10:4111/06/20

Thankyou for your reply. I have found that the missions themselves  also require luck to complete. I know that I have spent 400 energy just to get 25 potions. The rng element is something everyone hates, just look at all the forums on any of the big multiplayer games. Wow did make improvements to theirs, making it possible to get gear drops that doesnt rely  totally on luck, but it still exists. While it still exists people will complain alot about it. I played wow when you could complete a raid several times and still get no weapon, for example.  I played at a time when people would fall out forever because some people would get all the gear and others got none. I love the game its a brilliant idea to have your own team and progress it yourself. Games like dragonage  and dragons dogma, kept me entertained because you can complete them with your own team. This game is so unique as a way of stil being able to socialize without relying on others to do things with. It s very enjoyable, so it isnt all negative.

Nov 18, 2020, 19:3111/18/20

Actually im feeling the same about having to wait to collect energy its like being penalized for playing the game

Id expect thia on slot machine games have to go through this on an rpg.. sighs..its just uncouth in my opinion. Id feel better about dropping money into the game if It didnt penalize you .for.playing it

Nov 18, 2020, 20:3911/18/20
Nov 18, 2020, 20:42(edited)

Free to PLAY Game ,,,, Gotta Make Money someplace ,,,,

Enjoy it Enough to PAy for Energy to Play ,,, Oh Well

Other then That , Play with what you can Earn for Free ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anyone play DOFUS ,,,, Free to Play till lvl 50 ,,,,,,,,,,

after they Subscibers only ,,, and I seen lvl 300s so you can pay Lots LOLOLOL !!

I am playing RAID now ,,,,,

Nov 22, 2020, 00:0711/22/20

Well shame guess it makes it so you have to find another game to play for half the leisure time. I cant spend hundreds every month. I would pay for subscription though, as long as you can play as long as you want.  Just wish campaigns were free. Those that would like to level up their teams could potentially carry on doing so . Those that dont wouldnt get the levels. Its boring enough to stop everyone getting too many 60s. One day may find another game while I am waiting for energy that hooks me in.

Nov 22, 2020, 00:3011/22/20

It has been more than 2 months since I started playing and I have to agree energy is not that big of an issue. One can easily get energy refills from Missions/Challenges and also daily logon refils and bazaar. what I really want is for Raid to reduce the luck factor. for example it would be nice that when we use a shard, the game should present 2 or 3 options and let user choose which champion we get. at the moment everytimeI use a shard I keep getting the same champion , there has to be a way out.

by the way I love the game too, I can see lot of effort has gone into creating the characters, graphics and design is awesome, legendary characters are lovely and have a finer finish than the others.

Nov 22, 2020, 07:4911/22/20

It has been more than 2 months since I started playing and I have to agree energy is not that big of an issue. One can easily get energy refills from Missions/Challenges and also daily logon refils and bazaar. what I really want is for Raid to reduce the luck factor. for example it would be nice that when we use a shard, the game should present 2 or 3 options and let user choose which champion we get. at the moment everytimeI use a shard I keep getting the same champion , there has to be a way out.

by the way I love the game too, I can see lot of effort has gone into creating the characters, graphics and design is awesome, legendary characters are lovely and have a finer finish than the others.

Missions and Challenges will eventually run their course and stop being a source of energy.

Daily Quests and Advanced Quests are the best source of free energy for me now. Sometimes events and tournaments too.

Dec 28, 2020, 13:0812/28/20
Dec 28, 2020, 13:13(edited)

I have had energy for the last two weeks as long as I dont play too much. It is like being penalized for playing actually.  As for pvp, I do wish something would be done about going down three ranks over night, because other players team power is several points higher. Could you make it so a bracket of 5 points is what your up against at any one time please? Instead of the huge discrepency between players,  the game is owned by people that have 5 level 60 legendaries. Just thought I would add I dont have a hope in hell of reaching gold in arena , because the platform is dominated by team power of  60+ even at bronze level

Dec 28, 2020, 23:2412/28/20

If you get maxed out gem mine then you can buy lots more energies. There has to have work involved for progression. Its part of the game.

Dec 29, 2020, 10:2612/29/20

If you get maxed out gem mine then you can buy lots more energies. There has to have work involved for progression. Its part of the game.

Do you mean work for real money to buy the gems to upgrade it in the first place? Sorry but being able to click upgrade isnt work.  It takes around about 500k silver to go from 14 to 15 on an artifact - I buy silver with gems.

Dec 29, 2020, 10:5112/29/20

Do you mean work for real money to buy the gems to upgrade it in the first place? Sorry but being able to click upgrade isnt work.  It takes around about 500k silver to go from 14 to 15 on an artifact - I buy silver with gems.

Buying silver with gems is not a good idea. You can get significantly more silver, plus obviously a lot of XP to level up champions, if you buy an energy refill with your gems and use that to farm campaign instead. 

Dec 29, 2020, 11:5612/29/20

I have also recently begun to play and am surprised to find that the progression quests are tied to what seems to be an incredibly broken system in the arena. I have followed the campaign but cannot get out of bronze 2 arena as it is full of teams that have fully ascended 50 and 60s, my quest is to get to Bronze 3 but the opponents just one shot my team. If this is the required standard for competing at the lowest level of arena in the game I would suggest a bit of a rethink is needed.

Dec 29, 2020, 12:1612/29/20

I have also recently begun to play and am surprised to find that the progression quests are tied to what seems to be an incredibly broken system in the arena. I have followed the campaign but cannot get out of bronze 2 arena as it is full of teams that have fully ascended 50 and 60s, my quest is to get to Bronze 3 but the opponents just one shot my team. If this is the required standard for competing at the lowest level of arena in the game I would suggest a bit of a rethink is needed.

Arena is... weird. It's gone from almost impossible to progress to quite easy - but only after you get past the initial hurdle, which is definitely not something you can do in the first few weeks. And if you aren't progressing efficiently, meaning building 6* champions as fast as you can, I suppose that could take months. 

You may be stuck behind that progress mission for a few weeks now while you build a viable arena team - but that's nothing compared to the months that people used to be stuck, despite already having a far stronger team. 

Anyway, don't make the mistake of thinking that the progress missions are for new players - by the time you finish them, you're basically in endgame. It's quite normal to hit roadblocks at some points along the way and to take a good number of months to reach the final reward.