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Set: Deflection anyone know how it works?

Set: Deflection anyone know how it works?

Sep 29, 2020, 13:2809/29/20

Set: Deflection anyone know how it works?

So I got 4 piece 5* Deflection set that has good stats, so I just want to ask, how is the ACC / RES works on this?

I see some debuff goes back to attacker, but I don't think I see that the bounced back debuff have ever been resisted.

So if anyone knows, it would be greatly appreciated if you'd share the knowledge
Sep 29, 2020, 13:3809/29/20
OzzLee said:

So I got 4 piece 5* Deflection set that has good stats, so I just want to ask, how is the ACC / RES works on this?

I see some debuff goes back to attacker, but I don't think I see that the bounced back debuff have ever been resisted.

So if anyone knows, it would be greatly appreciated if you'd share the knowledge
I don't think acc/res matters on artifact debuffs, same with frost/taunt/sun/daze sets....
Sep 29, 2020, 20:4209/29/20
Trips said:

OzzLee said:

So I got 4 piece 5* Deflection set that has good stats, so I just want to ask, how is the ACC / RES works on this?

I see some debuff goes back to attacker, but I don't think I see that the bounced back debuff have ever been resisted.

So if anyone knows, it would be greatly appreciated if you'd share the knowledge
I don't think acc/res matters on artifact debuffs, same with frost/taunt/sun/daze sets....
Do sets actually bypass the accuracy requirements and the resistance stats?  I think Deflection and Frost should work no problem as they are defensive sets.  The Taunt/Stun/Daze sets are offensive sets, so maybe those 3 do require accuracy?  Can somebody confirm these?  Would be nice to know for sure.
Sep 29, 2020, 23:4609/29/20
I also thought the same about taunt/stun/daze sets... They don't need acc/res roll?
Sep 30, 2020, 02:3009/30/20

It seems like not many players use them since there isnt much info about them.  I use them for pieces of broken sets when I am trying to build a specialty hero. 

How would these special sets fit into the usual defense down/attack up tactics? 
Sep 30, 2020, 02:4909/30/20
ClosedPoly said:

It seems like not many players use them since there isnt much info about them.  I use them for pieces of broken sets when I am trying to build a specialty hero. 

How would these special sets fit into the usual defense down/attack up tactics? 
I haven't really try the other set, but Deflection set seems to be very good on arena tank teams, high defense high resistance. Where you rely on surviving enemies nuke and then striking back, it's actually very funny when Seris' dec def + dec att bounced back at her, making her even more squishy.
Sep 30, 2020, 05:1609/30/20
Anything that makes life miserable for Seris is fun.  Adding another option to my maybe list.  Thanks for the smile and sharing.