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Warmaster damage against CB (possible bug)

Warmaster damage against CB (possible bug)

Aug 12, 2020, 12:3308/12/20

Warmaster damage against CB (possible bug)

I may be misunderstanding how the damage cap for the clan bosses work, but it is definitely occurring that Warmaster deals less damage as you use it against more difficult clan bosses.

For instance, against Normal Clan Boss, Warmaster will proc for about 61K damage, whereas against Hard Clan Boss, it will only proc for about 58K damage, even though Hard Clan Boss has far more HP, I don't know if this is by design or if it is a bug.

If it's by design, then why?
Aug 12, 2020, 15:0508/12/20

If I'm not mistaken, it is by design, the CB has an ability (forgot the name of it) in which the higher the difficulty level the less effective the attacks that is based of its max HP (like poison, HP burn, and anything that is based on it's max HP)

You could check it at the top right corner of the screen everytime you fight it.

Why? To make it harder of course! Because without the ability, players will get "free" damage just because it's HP is significantly higher. Basically you need to land more of such kind of attacks and survive longer.

That is my understanding anyway.

Aug 12, 2020, 20:5808/12/20
HP burn is the same on all difficulties, I think? And poison does increase up to a point and then remains stable. WM/GS do less damage on UNM than on NM, but NM is higher than some lower difficulties iirc... that one's pretty confusing. 
Aug 17, 2020, 13:1508/17/20

I know that HP burn does the same damage for all difficulties and poison does increasing damage until a point, but then why couldn't they have at least made WM/GS deal the same amount of damage to all difficulties like HP burn or slightly increase their damage per difficulty like poison.

Simply to make it more difficult?