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Who should I focus on Next?

Who should I focus on Next?

Aug 5, 2020, 10:5808/05/20

Who should I focus on Next?

I currently have Elhain and Miscreated Monster at 6 Star.

I have Brakus, Stag Knight and Gorgorab at 5 star.

Just got Apothecary just now as well.

I'm trying to beat Dragons Dungeon, but I'm stuck at 13.

Who should I focus on making Stronger?
Aug 5, 2020, 11:0508/05/20
They should be enough, Dragon is one of easiest dungeons, you only need strong attack champs and you already have them, I suggest you upgrade all equipped artifacts or use better ones like 6 stars, also add more rings, necklaces, etc. 
Aug 5, 2020, 11:2408/05/20
That's the problem. I'm not getting 6 star Artifacts. Getting on the next dungeon for Dragon will enable me to get it, but I'm not sure who to get to 6 star next to guarantee beating dragon stage 13 and 14.
Aug 5, 2020, 12:1908/05/20

Ident20 said:

They should be enough, Dragon is one of easiest dungeons, you only need strong attack champs and you already have them, I suggest you upgrade all equipped artifacts or use better ones like 6 stars, also add more rings, necklaces, etc. 

Ignore this.

Attack is the least important for long term progress.  You need to stay alive! You have great heroes, you are stuck because you only have 2 6star heroes.  Farm food.  6 Star Gorgo, Apo, and Stag.  Those 5 will at 60 will take you far in all dungeons.  Though you need a poisoner.  Elhain is your weak link unfortunately.
Aug 5, 2020, 13:0508/05/20

Trips said:

Ident20 said:

They should be enough, Dragon is one of easiest dungeons, you only need strong attack champs and you already have them, I suggest you upgrade all equipped artifacts or use better ones like 6 stars, also add more rings, necklaces, etc. 

Ignore this.

Attack is the least important for long term progress.  You need to stay alive! You have great heroes, you are stuck because you only have 2 6star heroes.  Farm food.  6 Star Gorgo, Apo, and Stag.  Those 5 will at 60 will take you far in all dungeons.  Though you need a poisoner.  Elhain is your weak link unfortunately.

Interesting as Elhain does the most damage for me. So Ignore Brakus and replace him with Apo. Gotcha.
Aug 5, 2020, 13:4908/05/20

Ignore this ?

I think both of you are idiots. Can't help.
Aug 5, 2020, 14:0208/05/20

Are you guys retarded ? 

Even a 12 year old understand if don't have 6 stars, use 5 stars, if don't have 5 stars, use 4 stars, use the best you got. such hopeless. 

Aug 5, 2020, 14:2108/05/20
Ain't that obvious. I'm just asking who TO focus on.
Aug 5, 2020, 16:1608/05/20

Sython said:

Interesting as Elhain does the most damage for me. So Ignore Brakus and replace him with Apo. Gotcha.

Elhain does do decent damage - and if she's one of your only two level 60s, of course she'll do the most damage of all your champions. But she doesn't offer anything else than damage and her damage is not so extraordinary that it can compare to top DPS epics or legendaries. 

Champions like Stag Knight, Gorgorab, MM and even Apo will remain usable in at least some content even in the endgame - dungeons stage 20, gold arena, high level clan boss,... while Elhain won't. 

As for Brakus, he's a strong legendary, wouldn't be terrible on dragon but indeed he seems less crucial for your team than the other champions listed. You should still build him up to use him in arena and maybe other dungeons such as Fire Knight, though. Maybe even on dragon when the affinity is wrong for some of your other champions. 
Aug 6, 2020, 13:2908/06/20
Aug 6, 2020, 13:40(edited)

I own all the champions you mentioned.

I have them all maxed leveled + max ascended + max booked + max masteries except for Elhain + Brakus.

My starter was Kael.

My Kael is maxed out.

I didn't need to max out Elhain. 

I recently pulled Brakus from the Brakus event. 

I haven't had a chance to max him out yet 

However, I do plan to max out my Brakus.

What you need to know is all of these heroes are great heroes.

All of these heroes can be maxed out if you wish to do so and I have already finished maxing the majority of them.

I am telling you this before hand so you are not confused.

Why would you be confused? Well I am about to say some pretty harsh things about these champions in a min.

I'm talk so much smack about them - You might get the impression these are bad champions.




So with that being said I am going to start now.

Brakus is a horrible in the Dragon Dungeon.

Stag Knight is joke in the Dragon Dungeon.

Miscreated Monster is pointless in the Dragon Dungeon.

Lets talk about why they are garbage.

You want a specific team composition for the Dragon.

There are several different team compositions which work vs. the Dragon.

The one I am going to talk about today is probably the one which is more relevant to your situation.

Ideally, you want the following things vs. the Dragon

- Block Debuffs Buff/Cleansing

- Neutral or better Affinity -----------------> Resurrection

- Neutral or better Affinity -----------------> Poisoner

- Neutral or better Affinity -----------------> AOE Defense Down

- Neutral or better Affinity -----------------> AOE Nuker

- Neutral or better Affinity -----------------> AOE 100% Chance CC (Provokes, Stuns, Freezes, True Fears, or Fears)

- Weak Affinity -------------------------------> Tank

Brakus is a Single Target Nuker.

You don't need a Single Target Nuker in the dragon.

You need an AOE Nuker ---> You can use Elhain for that role.

Brakus skill set is better suited for Fire Knight

Stag Knight is an AOE Def Down champion.

Stag Knight is tricky - Stag Knight has the moves you want in the Dragon.

What makes him a joke is his Affinity.

Dragon Stage 13 is Magic Affinity

Dragon Stage 20 is Magic Affinity

The end goal is to reach Stage 20.

You have to be aware of the Affinity match up in that Dungeon.

Stag Knight is a Spirit Affinity hero.

Spirit Affinity heroes have a Disadvantage against Magic Affinity Heroes.

You need a hero which is Neutral against Magic Affinity heroes such as Void hero or Magic hero of your own.


You need a hero which is at an Advantage against Magic Affinity heroes such as Force Hero

The reason this matters is because it will cause to much variation in your run!

This is usually what happens when you put a Weak Affinity hero into a Dungeon to do Debuffs.

Fight 1 - Stag Knight will do weak hits on everyone and not put Def Down on any of the heroes.

Fight 2 - Stag Knight will put Def Down on all the heroes.

Fight 3 - Stag Knight will put Def Down on 1 hero.

This is why I say he is a joke - You want the fight to be consistent 

You don't want Stag Knight missing - than applying - than missing again

You want to auto the fight with out it going wrong.

Fight 1 - Def Down on everyone

Fight 2 - Def Down on everyone

Fight 3 - Def Down on everyone

Maybe, 1 time out of 200 runs - The hero might miss 1 debuff due to RNG

The rest of the time the hero is slamming it down.

This is the type of hero you want.

You need to find another AOE Def Down hero for the Magic Affinity Stages in Dragon.

Stag Knight skill set can be helpful in Dragon vs.  Non-Magic Stages.

Stag Knight skill set can be helpful in Fire Knight Stage 20

Stag Knight skill set can be helpful in Ice Golem Stage 20

Miscreated Monster does AOE Stun.

The problem is it isn't 100% chance.

This is why he is pointless.

You need a person who is more consistent.

M.Monster others skills are not really
beneficial in the Dragon.

M.Monster skill set is better suited for Ice Golem Stage 20.

M.Monster skill set is better suited for Spider Stage 20.

M.Monster is actually insane in the Spider Dungeon.

Thus, based on the hero options you gave, The hero you should work on next is Gorgorab.

Gorgorab is the only one which ideally belongs in the Dragon dungeon.

Aug 6, 2020, 16:1608/06/20

I agree that gorgorab should be first 60. But disagree that u shouldn't use monster and stag in dragon20. 

You have very few 6stars. You want maximum versatility sooner rather than later. Dragon20 is easiest of level 20 dungeons by far. 60 gorgorab than stag and apothecary. Probably apothecary next since you probably don't have books for stag and he will help you in every dungeon until u have enough books for stag.

Monster, stag, gorgorab and apothecary will get you past waves 100% to dragon20 boss. Add a poisoner, even kael in lifesteal with high acc and u win 100%. It will be slow, but guaranteed. You do need those all at 60.