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Platinum Arena Stats - very few champions dominate

Platinum Arena Stats - very few champions dominate

Apr 1, 2020, 11:2604/01/20

Platinum Arena Stats - very few champions dominate

So everyone knows this. Only a small handful (actually just 2-3) dominates top arena. In fact, if you didn't have at least 1 of these non-mission champions, you basically can't stay in platinum. You can zerg in after reset, but will get pushed out eventually.

So I collected stats for 1 month (4 rounds) of arena for the top teams. Here are the stats:

98% have Rotos (lol)

67% have Arbiter [Void] (speed lead)

58% have Siphi [Void] (should be higher, just hard to get)

30% have Hegemon [Void]

22% have Krisk [Void]

15% have Valkyrie

13% have Duchess 

13% have Warlord [Void]

35% have either: Madame Serris, Longbeard, Lyssandra, Trunda, Angar or Tormin

*Percentages should add up to near 400% for 4 team members per team

As you can see, a decent team is basically:  Arbiter, Rotos, Siphi, + Hegemon or something else

Would love to see a bit more diversity!

Apr 1, 2020, 11:3404/01/20
To achieve diversity in this game, Plarium should add/change units to have rng skills like rotos and tormin. Probably 100 more of them. 
Apr 1, 2020, 12:0804/01/20
Apr 1, 2020, 12:09(edited)

Rotos is the new Tormin, just because is the last (good) fusion.

There will be other more op champions, for sure and Rotos will lose his podium, but you'll always see those 10 heroes repeated multiple times.

Apr 1, 2020, 13:3404/01/20

Hi Valdys,

I totally appreciate that 10-12 heroes will always dominate, I certainly don't want equality between 350+ heroes (that would devalue the system and be impossible). But if we look at WoW, the arena at top and bottom have very similar and diverse combos. It is about skill (and a little about gear). 

If Raid can slowly shift towards choice of abilities, novel combos, and maintain equality between 10-15 heroes --- that would be amazing. 

Apr 1, 2020, 16:0604/01/20

How about an arena division with no legendary heroes? I ask because I have none (don't count Wurlim, though I guess this is the only place he would be useful. But in all seriousness, would the same thing occur. Would all teams have the same 6-10, or would you see much more diversity?  This would make for a cool 2-week tournament with everyone starting at the bottom. It would be interesting if they could do divisions based on great hall progress. The assumption being that gear/GH progress are highly correlated, this would lead to a true test of strategy.  

I'm interested in opinions of what would be your best non-legendary arena team. I'm asking you experts (Ethan, J, Valdys, Daering), apologies if I omitted anyone. All opinions welcome.

Thoughts on my non legendary arena idea tournament are welcome. Yes, I know it will never happen for a few obvious reasons.
Apr 2, 2020, 07:3104/02/20
Trips said:

How about an arena division with no legendary heroes? I ask because I have none (don't count Wurlim, though I guess this is the only place he would be useful. But in all seriousness, would the same thing occur. Would all teams have the same 6-10, or would you see much more diversity?  This would make for a cool 2-week tournament with everyone starting at the bottom. It would be interesting if they could do divisions based on great hall progress. The assumption being that gear/GH progress are highly correlated, this would lead to a true test of strategy.  

I'm interested in opinions of what would be your best non-legendary arena team. I'm asking you experts (Ethan, J, Valdys, Daering), apologies if I omitted anyone. All opinions welcome.

Thoughts on my non legendary arena idea tournament are welcome. Yes, I know it will never happen for a few obvious reasons.
I've seen a letal combo, which I can't face: double Skullcrown, Longbeard/Lanakis and Sinesha. You could replace Longbeard/Lanakis with Catacomg Councilor.
Apr 2, 2020, 08:5504/02/20
I imagine the non legendary arena will be like full of gorgorab, seeker, serris, skullcrown. 

Trips said:

How about an arena division with no legendary heroes? I ask because I have none (don't count Wurlim, though I guess this is the only place he would be useful. But in all seriousness, would the same thing occur. Would all teams have the same 6-10, or would you see much more diversity?  This would make for a cool 2-week tournament with everyone starting at the bottom. It would be interesting if they could do divisions based on great hall progress. The assumption being that gear/GH progress are highly correlated, this would lead to a true test of strategy.  

I'm interested in opinions of what would be your best non-legendary arena team. I'm asking you experts (Ethan, J, Valdys, Daering), apologies if I omitted anyone. All opinions welcome.

Thoughts on my non legendary arena idea tournament are welcome. Yes, I know it will never happen for a few obvious reasons.

Apr 2, 2020, 09:1804/02/20

For top 50 arena players

100% whale players (lol)

98% have Rotos 

67% have Arbiter [Void] (speed lead)

58% have Siphi [Void] (should be higher, just hard to get)


Apr 2, 2020, 12:3604/02/20
MaxBT said:

For top 50 arena players

100% whale players (lol)

98% have Rotos 

67% have Arbiter [Void] (speed lead)

58% have Siphi [Void] (should be higher, just hard to get)


I'm not a whale at all.
Apr 3, 2020, 07:1504/03/20
Arena or pvp wise all gacha games have their metas I guess. Here we have Arbiter, Tormin and Rotos right now, in 7DS you have nearly always blue king in the group and red gowther, the meta shifter... At least Plarium gave us the chance to recieve this champs (Arbiter by missions, Tormin and Rotos by fusion) but Hegemon...