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Hidden Ability Multipliers: any spreadsheet on this?

Hidden Ability Multipliers: any spreadsheet on this?

Mar 30, 2020, 16:1403/30/20

Hidden Ability Multipliers: any spreadsheet on this?

We all know 2 identical abilities on 2 different heroes with same gear do not hit the same. Even A1 and A2 of same hero do not hit even close to the same (same description in attack). Not even close.

For example, Skullcrown's A2, Martyr's A3 hits bloody hard. Their own A1 abilities do not.

We all know there is maybe up to a x3/x4 hidden multiplier, that we just call "hits hard".

It is by FAR the most useful knowledge in game, because a x3 multiplier is more than anything your gear can give.

Love to know if someone has a spreadsheet on this.

Mar 30, 2020, 17:5503/30/20
Mar 30, 2020, 18:13(edited)

There is no complete spreadsheet of every multiplier for every champion. Since there is no official numbers, all we have is based on users tests and just for some champions, not all of them. 

I am not on my PC at the moment, so can't search my browser history for links, give me hour ot two and I will share want I dig from Internet. 

*edit - What I remember from that reading was that there are way higher multiplier than x3, x4, some champs have something like x7 or even x9. Just had to find that link. it has some really interesting math and numbers involved.

*edit2 - lol, I have phone, i don't need my PC, silly me :)

Here's the link. This one is more of a explanation and some good insight about some game mechanics overall:

Game mechanics summary. Gearing calculator by Beerwalker

This one is the actual data he collected about certain champions. It's pretty empty and there is not that many champions you can find here, also it seems not updated from nearly an year, so that's all we have.

Skill Modifiers

All credits go to Beerwalker for his hard work, collecting this.

Mar 30, 2020, 20:2303/30/20

Good stuff. Wee really need a sticky at top of this forum with useful links.

Mar 31, 2020, 05:3503/31/20

Hi, Guys!

I'm sorry, but I know nothing about this... I'll ask.
Mar 31, 2020, 06:4603/31/20
Mar 31, 2020, 06:47(edited)

Two Things which would make a MASSIVE difference regarding hero usage / QoL in this game regarding Team builds and Experiments with heroes:

- have more Details of the Chars ingame. Why can't I see the dmg-numbers for a skill? I can't see the base-dmg nor the dmg he does "now" (dmg scaled on atk/def/hp/whatever --- equip that gear, see what the dmg per hit is now including the Bonus from the stats). I don't Need all numbers but at least Show us how a hero hits. It's nice to get a new one with "hits one enemy increased by att" and try him out only to see that even with max gear he hits like a wet noodle while another hero with crap gear on the same lvl and the same rarity hits with his single hit like a truck. I'd at least like to know if he does 1k base dmg or 5k base dmg (instead  of "hits one/all/three times rnd based on def/att/whatever" something like "hits one enemy for 5k / all enemies for 2.5k each / all enemies for a total of 10k / etc etc" -- it's not game changing, but changing how we see/build/interact with our Champs). The scaling is being figgured out by the community anyway so it doesn't make a big difference if you give us some more numbers we can Play around with and at least make a Little bit more informed decision. 

- implement a "comparison"-tool for the hero-screen. Not with 3d-model or skills, just where I can compare the stats and the gear I have on my heroes (similar to the gear-equip-screen just with 2 Heroe overviews versus one hero and his 3d-model and everything I can equip -- 2 hero overviews with gear and stats and on the left the space where the item I selected is shown and if I select both helmets I see them just like as if I would have selected one helmet on the hero and one from my inventory - while I also have both hero stat&gear-overview on screen). Most games have that, but Right now the only way I can compare two heroes is if I take a screenshot --- or look close enough to see which numbers turn red/green when I switch between two heroes


sorry. Good morning Valdys ^^ (still Always nice to see you around here ;) )

Mar 31, 2020, 08:0203/31/20

i totally get why they hide things - mystery = addiction. It's how major brands go from zero to billion dollar empires. It makes sense.

However, it is also up to us to test and create the data bases to help our play. 

1. What I meant earlier was that some abilities are x3-x4 over the other abilities, which is x10 over attack stats.  (e.g. A1 is x3, and A2 is x3 of A1 = A2 is x9)

2. The spreadsheet is mostly empty (less than 5% of abilities tested). I bet top clans have their own spreadsheet!

Mar 31, 2020, 11:4503/31/20
Mar 31, 2020, 12:58(edited)

Like I said, they don't have to reveal all informations, but the base statistics of a hero should be known.

It's not so much About "mistery creates addiction" as About "pulling heroes you'd want to build and not wasting all your resources". More People might be tempted to build heroes (fully including masteries) if it's more obvoius what they are About than just "does X with Y". Some rare ones hit harder on single Targets than some Epic/legendaries do, as their Focus is on something else. 

We've got the healing numbers, how much they boost def/Speed/etc --- so why not how much they "naturally" hit. I don't even mind if it's a "live number" updating when I Change gear or just a static "base dmg on lvl x" number (or even just the info for how much it hits on lvl 60 without gear/masteries/etc ---- we get the lvl 60 base stats and like I said so much more Infos, except the base / raw numbers for dmg).


also, stating that "it's up to us" is correct About most of the stuff, but not About Basic Information the game should give you About heroes/abilities/etc.

just like a Health-bar for a boss or a turn-counter & dmg-meter for the clanboss. Yes, technically you can do that on your own, too. But that would be slightly stupid as the numbers are there and just Need to be displayed, Right? We're not Talking About "secret souce behind the szenes" --- we're Talking About a number Plarium definitely has for every hero as this is the base for how he does dmg. It's just not shown in the Tooltip and can be easily implemented ((O.K. Nothing is easy with plarium, not even making the clanboss unkillable at 1hp and still let everyone Keep Bashing him to see who can set up a new dmg record while everyone gets their chests, but I'm getting past the Point ^^))