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Decreasing Damage

Decreasing Damage

Mar 17, 2020, 15:3103/17/20

Decreasing Damage

Hi all,

I am now playing since about 13 months. Since I am running nightmare demon lord I have noticed the following: after changing my team to a stronger one I always (!) notice a dmg increase during or rather after the fight. So the first fight after changing the team leads always to the best result. I never ever do the same or even better damage during all following fights. Why is that? Does the game has a special AI which allows the demon lord to adapt to my team? By the way the demon lord does not attack the opponent with the least lp but often attacks Martyr. 

Any ideas?

Mar 17, 2020, 16:2403/17/20
Mar 17, 2020, 16:43(edited)

About your observation of your damage getting lower with every run its most likely rng related, I myself didn't notice anything like that. What I observe is more of an range in which my damage varies. Run some more fights and you will probably will find it's just rng - sometimes better, sometimes worst. 

As for boss priority I wrote somewhere around about that. Its a info I found on Internet. 

 The boss priorities during battle is something like this:

1. Can he oneshot someone with his current ability

2. Is champion defence based

3. Those with lowest amount of active buffs at the moment

4. Those with weak affinity

5. Those with lowest max hp owerall

6. Those with lowest hp at the moment