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Free Artifact removal day

Free Artifact removal day

Mar 11, 2020, 11:2003/11/20

Free Artifact removal day

Can we please have 1 day a month to switch around artifacts between monsters.  This will still prevent people from switch artifacts inbetween fights and give the rest of us non-whales and opportunity to try out different strategies.  Otherwise, the inability to try different strategies is really causing me to lose interest.
Mar 11, 2020, 15:5603/11/20
This is a great idea. We understand the policy behind the cost of removing artifact but this is a great solution to new players (like me) who are trying new things. I find my self in a position that if I want to re-gear one of my champions, first I have to remove the gear it has and then I have to upgrade the equipment I want to put in. As a non-whale I have a lot of silver limitations.
Mar 11, 2020, 17:3003/11/20

The cost to change is high, but nowhere near the cost to upgrade. I wasted so much silver upgrading crap gear in the beginning and average gear even up until now.

Three most important things to learn fast, imho:

1) How to farm food efficiently. 

2) 6 star one hero that can do #1 first and foremost. Don't worry about challenges (do daily and weekly of course) and missions, they aren't going anywhere. 

3) Equipment understanding and management.  Don't over invest in shit. In the beginning focus on the primary stats of each artifact and how the align with your champ. Later on, substats are crucial and you may upgrade something to 8 and get 2 bad rolls. Stop and move on to the next piece.

I think there are 3 levels of this next phase. I'm at the beginner. I basically have all my primary in 5* 16+ gear with good primary stats with good set bonuses. This gets me to where I can do golem and dragon up to 17/18. 

I'm moving into the intermediate phase, where I can incorporate 1 new piece that gives me really good improvement or a 2/3 piece swap that jumps me significantly. I figure 1 to 2 million to get a new piece to 16?

I also wait to make big changes for artifact enhancement event. Amy opportunity to get books must be seized. Would suck to run out of silver because I upgraded and then event popped up. I've done this. Or to have silver but waste it upgrading something you can't use right away. I've done this too.

All that said, I'll take a free equip swap day!

Apr 17, 2020, 14:0404/17/20

I would also suggest for this, 1 day a month to remove artifacts with no costs. To see if you can run different sets on champs. If you do it now you lose like 600K for 1 champ... (up to 900K with acc)

This would really be helpful to a lot of players.
Apr 17, 2020, 18:3204/17/20
Apr 17, 2020, 18:48(edited)
You should look up my Tinker Shop idea.  Investing gems in it would reduce the cost of removing Artifacts.  Just go to my profile and browse through the threads I started.
Apr 13, 2021, 15:4104/13/21
Apr 13, 2021, 15:42(edited)

The costs really are ridiculous. But then maybe they should be. It adds way more value to having a solid team, once you actually get there.

EDIT: I would also like the one free day though. It's a good idea.

Apr 13, 2021, 16:1404/13/21

No mbpoling1126 it is not good idea, we need more events where we can collect shards to make shards to fuse shards, not some QOL improvements. :D :D

Apr 13, 2021, 16:4404/13/21

I never stop thinking it's too greedy when charging removing equipments.