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F2p feedback

F2p feedback

Dec 1, 2019, 22:1212/01/19

F2p feedback

First of all ill say im F2P and I play this game 9+ month

when u are so long in some game u can see which path that game going, for example-i hope now everyone sees this company who don't care what ppl say and what ppl asking they care just for $$$MONEY$$$

most people have reached some peak in-game and don't have what to do  FW is  ridiculously difficult-nightmare campaign also for 80% ppl-someone stuck on missions someone on CB and what now,u need to spend 1-2k $$$ to finish that part of game so u can again be stuck on some part and again $$$ lol this is just a game so u can relax and play not to be frustrated all the time and think about game all day like how to improve what to do how this how that how how...

they show us roadmap and they said we will go this to end of this year ( who want to see pic) and ofc they don't have any chance to finish this to the end of this year,they said they will fix champ AI how I see for now a lot of champs are even more broken than before patch,they don't want to improve legendary champs (like bad legendary camps)  I have seen many people ask for specific legos to be fixed but nothing from Plarium they say yes we are on that or yes we will do that but nothing.....

so when you see it all as an experienced player(almost 30 years in games) you start to wonder where this will end up, people need to understand this is just a game and someone needs to inform them to stop spending money on a company that doesn't care about their players, when no one wants to start this rebellion against Plarium ill start here even if they ban me I really don't care,but how I love games I also love ppl who play games and don't want to give some company deceive ppl with false promises...

Dec 2, 2019, 03:5212/02/19
If no one bought from the game, there would BE NO GAME!
Dec 2, 2019, 05:2612/02/19
Not true. They would not want to lose customers. Not buying would mean they need to reevaluate their model. 
Dec 2, 2019, 06:5912/02/19

angelknight127 said:

Not true. They would not want to lose customers. Not buying would mean they need to reevaluate their model. 

that's  what I meant

I don't say ppl need to stop buying for permanently, but Plarium needs to be aware that they have to improve the game quality and that they fulfill their promises...

Dec 2, 2019, 07:5512/02/19

I'm not exactly sure what your trying to prove.

The game did a Black Friday deal just a few days ago.

I think most players consider it a very good deal.

Dec 2, 2019, 08:3112/02/19

Player J said:

I'm not exactly sure what your trying to prove.

The game did a Black Friday deal just a few days ago.

I think most players consider it a very good deal.

wait you honestly don't see the Plarium F with us treating us like a waste ? ? ? 

look this amazing arena plat reward now even more people have to be angry!!!

some ppl spend 500-1k gems on arena and for what? they aim to make you angry as much as they can

Dec 2, 2019, 08:5812/02/19

Hey numenor,

I can see your reason to say that at least they could have added some gems 150+ to the plat chest, but the rest doesn't look as bad.

But I also need to say if you "waste" gems on a rerolle in arena to get better enemies don't expect the game to give you the "wasted" gems back as reward, since you could also wait 15 minutes for a maybe better group of teams. It is a comfort function that you can use if you really want to push yourself to the top of the list quickly or not if you want to save your gems.

Best Regards


P.S: Buying things from Plarium is fine if the deal is right & not a total rip off speaking for the EU Costumers mostly.

Dec 2, 2019, 12:1812/02/19

crackdotz said:

Hey numenor,

I can see your reason to say that at least they could have added some gems 150+ to the plat chest, but the rest doesn't look as bad.

But I also need to say if you "waste" gems on a rerolle in arena to get better enemies don't expect the game to give you the "wasted" gems back as reward.

+ 150 gems hmm not bad i think need to be more

what rest? nightmare with 16 energy? invincible FW? or CB where u can cry if u don't have CA 

as I said I'm f2p so I never spend gems on any refresh I speak for rest ppl who try to push arena and on end they got nothing from rewards

Dec 2, 2019, 12:2512/02/19

Hey Numenor,

With the rest I ment the rewards out of the platinum chest.

I didn't say anything about FW, Nightmare Campaign or even CB.

The Rewards of the CB on Nightmare are ok for me with a none CA team and NO legendary.

The Nightmare Campaign is something I don't wana talk about since it is a insane energy sink that is not well overthought nor implemented feels more like Ultra Nightmare with awful rewards if you ask me.

Faction War is something I haven't even really looked at yet since it is nothing for me atm.

Best Regards


Dec 2, 2019, 20:4312/02/19
Dec 2, 2019, 20:53(edited)

numenor said:

First of all ill say im F2P and I play this game 9+ month

when u are so long in some game u can see which path that game going, for example-i hope now everyone sees this is a company who don't care what ppl say and what ppl asking they care just for $$$MONEY$$$

most people have reached some peak in-game and don't have what to do  FW is  ridiculously difficult-nightmare campaign also for 80% ppl-someone stuck on missions someone on CB and what now,u need to spend 1-2k $$$ to finish that part of game so u can again be stuck on some part and again $$$ lol this is just a game so u can relax and play not to be frustrated all the time and think about game all day like how to improve what to do how this how that how how...

they show us roadmap and they said we will go this to end of this year ( who want to see pic) and ofc they don't have any chance to finish this to the end of this year,they said they will fix champ AI how I see for now a lot of champs are even more broken than before patch,they don't want to improve legendary champs (like bad legendary camps)  I have seen many people ask for specific legos to be fixed but nothing from Plarium they say yes we are on that or yes we will do that but nothing.....

so when you see it all as an experienced player(almost 30 years in games) you start to wonder where this will end up, people need to understand this is just a game and someone needs to inform them to stop spending money on a company that doesn't care about their players, when no one wants to start this rebellion against Plarium ill start here even if they ban me I really don't care,but how I love games I also love ppl who play games and don't want to give some company deceive ppl with false promises...

(for mods)u can delete this but I already take a snap)


First off, I need to remind you of the forum rules in which you agreed to when joining the forums, I have already take a "snap" shot for you to review.

3.11. Share with the aim of inciting users, appealing to users to leave the game, encouraging them to abstain from buying in-game virtual currency,

So please heed this as a warning, furthermore, As I believe that everyone has a right to an opinion, I will be removing anything that breaches the forum rules and the provide it as direct feedback to the CM's and Dev's.

Also, this post will be closed due to this direct breach.

many thanks and good luck.

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